Baby heart rate low, 6 weeks in 2 days n avg heart beat 82bmp

thread: Baby heart rate low, 6 weeks in 2 days n avg heart beat 82bmp

  1. Baby heart rate low, 6 weeks in 2 days n avg heart beat 82bmp


    Baby heart rate low, 6 weeks in 2 days n avg heart beat 82bmp

    I just went to my first ultrasound that could visible see something . It was exciting and nerve racking at the same time worrying if all is well and happy to see what is happening inside milestone which explains all your symptoms happening in your tummy.
    I was thankful that they did find a heart beat and I am grateful for this however I am concerned as the ultrasound tech said my average heart beat for the baby was 82beats per minute and it is suppose to be between 90-190 bpm and I have heard there are some lucky cases and they have healthy beautiful babies and there are many who have miscarriages shortly after.
    Please I need everyones support right now, is there any people who have gone through similar or know of anyone who has had this happen to them. I'm trying to be extremely positive and hope over the next week the heart rate starts to go up but I feel really weighted with this knowledge.

    Thanks again for reading.
  2. Baby heart rate low, 6 weeks in 2 days n avg heart beat 82bmp


    It's only 7 bpm off what the tech said is normal hun, I'm sure it is all fine. The heart may have only started beating not too long ago. Try not to worry
  3. Baby heart rate low, 6 weeks in 2 days n avg heart beat 82bmp


    It's only 7 bpm off what the tech said is normal hun, I'm sure it is all fine. The heart may have only started beating not too long ago. Try not to worry
    This coxo take it easy and try not to worry.

    Cat xox
  4. Baby heart rate low, 6 weeks in 2 days n avg heart beat 82bmp


    I just wanted to say congratulations on your pregnancy! Did they reschedule another appointment for a follow up ultrasound to check the baby's heartrate?
  5. Baby heart rate low, 6 weeks in 2 days n avg heart beat 82bmp


    I just wanted to say congratulations on your pregnancy! Did they reschedule another appointment for a follow up ultrasound to check the baby's heartrate?
    Thank you and thank you to everyone for their responses. I do have PCOS and Chromosone No.9 and the chances for me to even get pregnant without help was a miracle in itself. The doctor asked to do a follow up on a seperate occasion for the 8 week which I have booked in 2 weeks.
    Only thing is that 82 was the average there were heart beats at lower rates. Thats why I was and am concerned.
  6. Baby heart rate low, 6 weeks in 2 days n avg heart beat 82bmp


    I would hesitate that the heart may only have just started going, it's hard not to worry now that you have the information in your mind however

    I wish you a speedy 2 weeks for the next scan xx
  7. Baby heart rate low, 6 weeks in 2 days n avg heart beat 82bmp


    Were you sure of your dates? If you were just 3 days out, it would explain the slightly slower heart beat.
  8. Baby heart rate low, 6 weeks in 2 days n avg heart beat 82bmp


    Were you sure of your dates? If you were just 3 days out, it would explain the slightly slower heart beat.
    I wasn't sure until yesterday when the sonographer did say 6 week n 2 days. So i'm going off what days they have told me.??
  9. Baby heart rate low, 6 weeks in 2 days n avg heart beat 82bmp


    I wasn't sure until yesterday when the sonographer did say 6 week n 2 days. So i'm going off what days they have told me.??
    I mean... are you sure of when you ovulated? Down to the day? Because at this stage bub is so small that just 2 or 3 days makes a huge difference.

    Hang in there
  10. Baby heart rate low, 6 weeks in 2 days n avg heart beat 82bmp


    I hope everything goes well. I know it will be a very nerve wracking wait.
  11. Baby heart rate low, 6 weeks in 2 days n avg heart beat 82bmp


    My DS heartrate was only 80 at 6 weeks and I was bleeding. We did lose his twin but DS is now a gorgeous ratbag. Even if some women do lose a baby there are others who get to take their bubba's home and you never know which group you'll be in. Plus, ultrasounds aren't totally accurate!

    Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2
  12. Baby heart rate low, 6 weeks in 2 days n avg heart beat 82bmp


    as the other girls have said it could just be that the heart has just started beating, i hope it is all fine at your next scan, having said that it has never gone well for me when the heartbeat is low but i hope goes better for you
  13. Baby heart rate low, 6 weeks in 2 days n avg heart beat 82bmp


    Agreed the heart has only just started beating I think mine was 77 this pg at the same gestation.

    Many congratulations!
  14. Baby heart rate low, 6 weeks in 2 days n avg heart beat 82bmp


    First of all, a big for getting pregnant naturally second of all, don't stress, as all the other ladies have said the heart may have just started beating, and my dates were 3 days off my scan, putting me 3 days off my dates. And the numbers weren't far off the average - I just hope the next 2 weeks goes fast for you
  15. Baby heart rate low, 6 weeks in 2 days n avg heart beat 82bmp


    Congrats on pregnancy, bubs heart may have only started beating and that is why it was low. At 7 weeks my babies HR was only 89 and OB said to me come back in a week and we will check again will either pick up as just started or will be lost, DS1 is now 4 years old! So try and relax and hopefully all will be ok xoxo