Need some advice!!!

thread: Need some advice!!!

  1. Need some advice!!!


    Need some advice!!!

    I am almost 6 weeks pregnant, late last night as i went to the toilet when i wiped i noticed a very very slight brownish tinge in my CM. What is this, I am very very worried as i never had this before with my 2 pregnancies. I am extremly lethargic, legs are weak and tired. I don't have any cramps just a fuzzy feeling in my tummy ( if that makes sense). Also feel there is pressure on my bowels and bladder. Really worried! Thanks

  2. Need some advice!!!


    Roslyn, if you are really worried, go and see your GP, if it is brown, it means it's old blood so it's usually nothing to worry about, but your Gp will be able to put your mind at ease.
  3. Need some advice!!!


    I absolutely agree with Naomi go to your gp and get it checked out it will put your mind at ease good luck thinking of you :flower:
  4. Need some advice!!!


    I would go and get it checked out to save you worrying anymore.

    It's properly just old blood.
  5. Need some advice!!!


    Providing thst you do not have any pain/cramps this is common in early pregnancy. As others have said this is old blood, and if it only continues for a couple of days or so and it does not get to be more than just spotting there is nothing to worry about.
  6. Need some advice!!!


    Thanx guys- today nothing just creamy cm. It was the tiniest bit of brownish discharge but i am sooo paranoid due to a chemical pregnancy last cycle. I think i just need some reassurance. Isn't it weird, when you are trying to get pregnant you are worried if you conceived or not, when you are pregnant you keep on worrying; am i going to miscarry?, is the baby healthy?, should i be doing this or that etc.....

    thanx guys 8-[
  7. Need some advice!!!


    I also had a lump of CM this morning that had streak of brown in it. When I looked at the toilet paper I just though "What the hell?" But I didn't let the worry get in my mind. It was the smallest amount & I have also been straining a little for number 2's (TMI ) so I figure I probably just strained something.
    But get it checked if you are concerned. As it was said anxiety is no good for you or bub.
  8. Need some advice!!!


    sorry if sounds dumb - i am new to this

    does CM refer to cervical mucus?
  9. Need some advice!!!


    i had the same thing at the same doctor said it was nothing to worry about and just further implantation.....

    Now I am two weeks further on and no further bleeding and all symptoms getting stronger so everything seems to be fine!!!