No featal pole or heartbeat detected at 5.5 weeks??

thread: No featal pole or heartbeat detected at 5.5 weeks??

  1. No featal pole or heartbeat detected at 5.5 weeks??


    No featal pole or heartbeat detected at 5.5 weeks??

    I just had scan a day earlier and wish i didnt have one at all now. Just read the results as i know we are not supposed to but oh well. And that is what it said and recommended a further scan in ten days to check viability. Any one have any ideas if this could be normal or anything??
  2. No featal pole or heartbeat detected at 5.5 weeks??


    Serendipity, I know a heartbeat is normally detected at 6 weeks onwards, even sometimes 6 weeks can be a little early and it's more like 6.5 weeks+. I don't think the foetal pole is normally detected before then either, so please do hang in there! I know it's going to be an awful wait for you, but like I say, it's still early for a heartbeat. I think a few girls here have also experienced scans without heartbeats at 6 weeks. Fingers crossed for you and lots of baby vibes.
    Kelly xx

    Creator of, doula, writer and mother of three amazing children
    Author of Want To Be A Doula? Everything You Need To Know
    In 2015 I went Around The World + Kids!
    Forever grateful to my incredible Mod Team
  3. No featal pole or heartbeat detected at 5.5 weeks??


    Thankyou for your very prompt reply.
    I appreciate your advice and at least it is making me think maybe there is a chance still.
    But still going to be a very long ten days.

  4. No featal pole or heartbeat detected at 5.5 weeks??


    No problems - there most definitely is hope for you, especially being so early and even if your dates are out by a day or two (or more!) then it can make all the difference. I have had a scan at six weeks and they couldn't see the heartbeat yet, they offered me a transvaginal scan in order to help see if there was one already but I didn't end up having one. In fact now I think about it, each early scan I have had, from 5.5 - 6 weeks have all had no heartbeat detected.
    Kelly xx

    Creator of, doula, writer and mother of three amazing children
    Author of Want To Be A Doula? Everything You Need To Know
    In 2015 I went Around The World + Kids!
    Forever grateful to my incredible Mod Team
  5. No featal pole or heartbeat detected at 5.5 weeks??


    5.5 weeks can definitely still be too early! I hope the next 10 days fly by for you and that your scan next week is reassuring. Wishing you lots of luck :luck:

    Take care.
  6. No featal pole or heartbeat detected at 5.5 weeks??


    I actually got offered the transvaginal scan and i said ok, wish she would of said why she was doing though now and i could of had a better idea now of what she thought was happening. Nothing showed up on that either if that makes any difference??
    No idea really
    And what is a fetal pole, does anyone know?
    I have also noticed that my symptoms seemed to have gone, the very few that i had so not looking very promising, but that could be normal. Guess i am thinking the worst so if it turns out bad i wont be as shocked, but doubt it will work at the end of the day.
    Thanks to the advice i am getting and i am leaving a glimmer of hope out there
    Thanks for your kind replies
  7. No featal pole or heartbeat detected at 5.5 weeks??


    Just to say i am thinking of you and hope everything will turn out alright in the end for you both. :hugs:

  8. No featal pole or heartbeat detected at 5.5 weeks??


    Goodluck Serendipity. I was told not to be disenheartened if I could not see a heartbeat when I went in at what I thought was 6wks gestation. Turned out I was 10wks instead. So hang in there. Have everything crossed for you.

    Love :hbeat:
  9. No featal pole or heartbeat detected at 5.5 weeks??


    I would try not to worry about not having many symptoms either cos I didn't have many at all. I worried myself sick - gave myself a headache, stress related eczema & now tonsilits - because I had no major symptoms & found out it was all over nothing & I have a healthy bub wriggling around in there

    Having said that I know it is super hard not to worry, especially when everyone tells you to relax & that everything will be ok.

    :hugs: for you & wishing youa speedy 10 days :tww:
  10. No featal pole or heartbeat detected at 5.5 weeks??


    Hi Serendipity,
    I just wanted to wish you good luck for your scan in 10 days, my *fingers are crossed* for you...

    Just to answer your question a 'fetal pole' is basically comprised of the early fetal tissue, which is housed inside the gestational sac.

    I had my first u/s at 6.5 weeks and my fetal pole was only 3mm and we saw a heartbeat. However the sonographer said if I had come in a couple of days earlier we may not have been able to detect anything at all...
  11. No featal pole or heartbeat detected at 5.5 weeks??


    Have made an appointment with doctor tommorow to give him the results and he was quiet funny the other day when i told him i done two pregnancy tests, he said i will put it on here x 2 for tests and was smirking at me. So i am hoping his attitude to results will relax me more and he may suggest blood tests so will see and will let you all know what happened as soon as i know.
    Really appreciate the support i am recieving.
  12. No featal pole or heartbeat detected at 5.5 weeks??


    I can definately sympathise with you as I had the same thing happen to me.
    How about getting your blood hcg levels monitored while you are waiting to go and get a scan next week?
    If they check them every 2-3 days you should know what is going on before you have the scan. The hcg numbers should double every 48-36 hours in a healthy pregnancy.
    This might put your mind at rest, or it could add to your anxiety if the levels are sub-optimal.
    It's up to you but I found that it helped to feel like I was doing something rather than just waiting.
    I'm sure everything will be fine for you and your baby, so try not to worry. 8-[
  13. No featal pole or heartbeat detected at 5.5 weeks??


    Well i woke up today feeling nauseous and tired so hoping that is a good thing, boobs are sore again and burping a lot like i was the other day. So yeah giving me hope again.
    Hoping doctor today will give me more hope.
  14. No featal pole or heartbeat detected at 5.5 weeks??


    I am [-o< ing for you that everything is alright.

    Good luck at the doctors later today.
  15. No featal pole or heartbeat detected at 5.5 weeks??


    Good luck for today !!! Let us know how you go!
  16. No featal pole or heartbeat detected at 5.5 weeks??


    good luck serendipity, hope everything goes ok
  17. No featal pole or heartbeat detected at 5.5 weeks??


    Hi Serendipity,

    Just letting you know my thoughts are with you and [-o< that everything will turn out okay for you.

    I just want to put in a quote here which I found about developing hearts, etc "During week 6, your baby's heart develops and first begins beating at around 24 days after conception." Thought this may be of interest to you and it may be quite possible it was too early to pick up a beating heart so don`t give up hope just yet.

    Take Care

  18. No featal pole or heartbeat detected at 5.5 weeks??


    Hey again
    Well showed doctor result letter and he said straight away it was nothing to worry about, he said could be five days either way out so could be earlier than 5.5 weeks. So made me feel better, told him i was on the internet getting info and he said dont go on the internet and said he doesnt i said your a DOCTOR!
    But yeah i got what he meant about unreliable information on some sites.
    He gave me blood test form to check levels but i dont know whether to get it done or not, would drive me mad if they were unsure with them results as well!
    So dont know what to do about it really
    But can only hope its all fine and go with that for now.