For the first trimester (up to 13 weeks) of pregnancy. If you've just found out you are pregnant or are in the first trimester, this forum is just for you!
Second trimester of pregnancy (14-26 weeks). If you're anywhere along the magical journey of the second trimester, this forum is just for you!
Third trimester of pregnancy (27 weeks+). If you're anywhere along the magical journey of the third trimester, this forum is just for you!
Just found out you are pregnant? Post your pregnancy announcements here.
Gay and lesbian pregnancy and parenting forum for discussion and sharing of experiences. Share with other couples on their journey through pregnancy and parenting.
Have you experienced any medical conditions during pregnancy, for example, Gestational Diabetes, Pre-Eclampsia or Placenta Praevia? So you have any questions about these conditions or any experiences to share? Feel free to post them here.
Arranging parental leave for some is no problem, however others encounter dilemmas at work upon announcing that they are pregnant. Share your experiences here.
Need help with a baby name? Not sure if the name you have chosen sounds right? In this forum only, all members are able to create polls for others to vote on which name they like.
Need help with a planning your nursery or baby equipment? Share your questions and advice here.