Pregnancy After Long Term TTC - September 2005

thread: Pregnancy After Long Term TTC - September 2005

  1. Pregnancy After Long Term TTC - September 2005


    Shazz has been posting in preg after m/c & loss, she's still around

    Oooh Shell, you have your belly =D>
  2. Pregnancy After Long Term TTC - September 2005


    Hi Shell,

    U/S tomorrow at 11am!!!!!

    I will get on as soon as I get home and let you all know what flavour babies!!

    Sushee, LOL @ DH being ecstatic!!! He should try carrying them around for 9 months!!! Seriously, hope the m/s settles soon for you.
  3. Pregnancy After Long Term TTC - September 2005


    Love the Mel bell (had to rhyme it)
    And yours too Shell bell
    And can't wait for yours Sushee bell (doesn't have the same ring, but can't wait anyway!!)

    Glad everythings going well for you all

    Will be checking out your flavours Tiff, I'll guess 1 of each. But I"m sure any flavour will be 'yummy'

    Take care
  4. Pregnancy After Long Term TTC - September 2005



    get used to posting in here, matey. You're due here soon!

  5. Pregnancy After Long Term TTC - September 2005


    Hi girls!

    Mel and Shell, you are both gorgeous preggy gals!

    Tiff, I'm very excited about your scan tomorrow, can't wait to find out what you have in there. Hoping you get a pigeon pair too.

    Sush, IKWYM re bbs, I had to go up yet another size in bra...I am HUGE up top, frightening really!

    OK I have internet-type issues again, this time it's a longer story, am now living back in Ballina with my folks (and DP of course!). Summary: we were terrorised at our house on the weekend and decided we couldn't live there anymore, so upped and moved, just like that! DP is now desperately trying to find work in the area, fingers crossed it will all work out. So I'm not having the baby in Brissy anymore (yay! sorry to offend pro-brisbanians).

    Will try and get online as much as I can.

  6. Pregnancy After Long Term TTC - September 2005


    Yikes at being terrorised Sal, hope you guys are all ok.
  7. Pregnancy After Long Term TTC - September 2005


    HI Girls,

    Wow those Preggy bellys look soooooooo good ( i hope i get there soon ) Sushee thanks for asking after me i have been around just not coping to well that's all talk about being neurotic dam it i am the queen of neurosis i had an early scan on friday all went as well as could be expected i was doing really well after the scan seeing the heart beat can do that to you then i came crashing yet again nearly all of my SX GONE none of the dr's want to investigate not even a BT and i am so over feeling like this i have the horrible feeling that once i stop the progesterone support this Pg will end i have extreme cramping every day no MS NO sore BB NO nothing so if i go missing it is just so i don't bring you all down this is supposed to be a happy time \/ so take care and belly rubs to you all
  8. Pregnancy After Long Term TTC - September 2005


    Thanks girls, Kathryn already had my preggy belly ready even b4 I asked, hehe, she's quick.

    Sal, OMG, scary, hope the move went well.

    Tiff, can't wait to find out.

    Sush, cool, I'll have to remember about the 'ctrl' & 'refresh', never had to before.

    Shazz, keep hounding them, a simple BHCG test should help put your mind at ease. Hope everything goes well for you, scares are not much fun at all.

    More light spotting last night & this morning, but not going to let it worry me now, as it must just be a normal part of my pregnancy, based on what the obgyn said & saw on Monday.
  9. Pregnancy After Long Term TTC - September 2005


    thanks Shell but i am over Doctors and definately over Nurses for now i will try and get over it as they say and see where it does bring me ...
  10. Pregnancy After Long Term TTC - September 2005


    Shazz, it sux that you can't relax and enjoy your pregnancy. I know how you feel. I started to feel quietly confident around week 36!!!! You'll get there honey, just take it one day at a time....

    PS the cramping is a good sign that bubba is sticking. I think I had period pain cramps until week 10.
  11. Pregnancy After Long Term TTC - September 2005



    I know that nothing I will say will make you less worried, but just wanted you to know that my sx disappeared early with my DD, and I felt like a million bucks from about 6 weeks with her. I had the cramping though, which usually means that your uterus is expanding, and I have gotten them this pg too. Some quite sharp and quite extreme sometimes.

    Also, remember that once they detect a heartbeat, the chances of m/c fall dramatically. I can understand being over Drs and nurses and such, so am hoping you find some reasurance somewhere (like the return of some sx)

    Sal, I'm sorry to hear that you were terrorised and have had to move quickly. Though it does sound like you're in a happier place now. Will be [-o< for DP to find a job he loves where you are.

    Btw, I've gone from a D to a DD already. Is a H cup next? Eeek!

  12. Pregnancy After Long Term TTC - September 2005


    Hi guys,
    I just wanted to drop in and say that I think you all look absolutely gorgeous waddling around the Belly Belly pages with your preggie belly avatars!! (Can't wait to see yours Sushee.)
  13. Pregnancy After Long Term TTC - September 2005


    Sushee - I have bb envy!! I started as an A, went to a B whilst breastfeeding and have quickly reverted to a pathetic AA. Seriously!!
  14. Pregnancy After Long Term TTC - September 2005


    Thanks Layla! Am getting excited about the belly now, too!

    humphrey, I went from a B cup to a C cup after breastfeeding my first, which never really went down, then went from a C to a D after breastfeeding my third.

    If I hold true to form, I'll be a DD cup after this baby! I don't know about bb envy, I really wouldn't wish that on anyone!

  15. Pregnancy After Long Term TTC - September 2005


    Hi girls,

    Well, I'm back from the scan and everything went really well!

    I'm proud and excited to announce that we are having a boy :boy:

    a girl!!!! I'll put some piccies up later tonight!!!
  16. Pregnancy After Long Term TTC - September 2005


    Yaaaaayyyyy Tiff, you trickster. Wow, Tam & I guessed right, hehe.
  17. Pregnancy After Long Term TTC - September 2005


    YAY Tiff, that is awesome news
  18. Pregnancy After Long Term TTC - September 2005


    Tiff, :happy4u: that is fantastic news!! Yay for your pigeon pair, too! As I said to Tam, IMHO there is nothing cuter than a boy-girl pair of twins, and you get to shop for different clothes too! Oh that is wonderful news.

    :gossip: Sush I'm an F cup (from a D pre-pg), I'm going to chop them off if they get any bigger... The only bb envy I've ever had is for women who have a nice tidy B-C cup bust!

    Shazz, hang in there, you'll be staying here for the long haul!

    BTW DP has a job interview tomorrow - it's at Tweed Heads, so a bit of a commute (50mins each way) but he's thrilled!!!