Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3

thread: Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3

  1. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3

    just sneaking in to let joeve know that my FS said I could inject clexane in to love handles too... hurts less as well. best wishes. xx
  2. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    Thanks Andie x good to know because I am running out of space!
  3. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    I tried that and got massive bruises so stopped again.

    I do an inventory everyday to see potential injecting spots for the next few days, its ridiculous! Got a few biggies that are taking ages to clear at the moment so heading further up and out, at least our tummies are getting bigger so theoretically there is more area to inject lol

    yeah my baby is moving every day now which is good, it likes when i eat, moves a lot then so thats a good excuse
  4. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    Oh Saffy I am so excited to hear that makes me wanna have a cry lol bloody hormones. Are love handles the chunky bits above the hip bones??
  5. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    I had an OB appt today and got a pic of babys face.
    This is real now! Its got a face! A gorgeously cute face!
    Im so in love
  6. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    well done Rach, thats great news, does its face look like a girl or boy?
  7. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    I think it's a boy saffy. Guess we will have to wait and see what it is when it pops out
  8. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    Rach how exciting!!! very real when there is a face involved.
  9. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    Sounds so dumb but that's what it's come down to I guess!
  10. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    I know exactly what you mean
  11. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    Hey Joeve..just wanted to pop in and say hi and congratulations!!!!!
  12. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    I still stop and think sometimes, I can't believe in less than 15 weeks, after 2 miscarriages I will finally be welcoming our second child to the world. I am so fortunate.
  13. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    Hi Rach, congrats on 24 weeks
    I completely agree. It's been a bumpy road getting to this stage for me too. In this pregnancy I've had lots of complications and now gestational diabetes. My mother and DP think I'm having the worst pregnancy ever but I don't care at all. All my issues are relatively minor and baby has been healthy through it all. I just feel so lucky every day!
    Love to everyone else. It's been quiet here, but I assume that means everyone is doing great!
  14. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    Yay rach!
    Mich yes totally worth it even though sometimes it's been rubbish
    I have had some good days with no ms, chewing gum is my new best friend! Starting to feel movements which is freaky and my boobs look like weird blue striped zebras hanging off me! Eeekkk.
    Hope everyone is well and happy baby baking all
  15. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    still baking here too- 24 weeks now- woohoo!
    Doing a bathroom reno which is doing my head in, then onto the nursery makeover.
    Exciting about movements Joeve!
    Mich- I am dreading getting GD, have been forcing myself to the gym to try and avoid it, glad your baby is healthy!
    Rach-I feel the same, I look at my belly and can't believe it! Yikes when you said 15 weeks I thought you must be way ahead of me then I realised there is only 15 weeks to go- SCARY!!
  16. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    Glad to hear you're both doing well Joeve and Saffy
    Can't believe you're still having morning sickness though Joeve - unbelievable! So exciting feeling movements isn't it?
    Saffy - get that bathroom reno finished and move onto the nursery - it's much more fun! Ha ha. I hope you don't get GD but I'm sure you'll manage it great if you do! I can't say I'm surprised I have it but it's not the end of the world. Just a pain in the bum eating so frequently and the right type of food in the right combination. I don't think I'll need insulin, it appears I can control it with diet at the moment. Baby was measuring 2 weeks ahead in size at the last visit so I'm hoping she just stays that way and doesn't get any further ahead now I'm on the eating plan - eeeek!
  17. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    Still peachy - 29 weeks today xx
  18. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    Yay Rach!
    No so peachy here still feeling sick but no where near as bad! 23 weeks here!