Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3

thread: Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3

  1. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    Yay for 23w joeve! Sorry you are still feeling off
  2. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    Great to hear Rach! Congrats on 29 wks
    Joeve- I hope that means the sickness is slowly disappearing. You've really been hit hard? Are you still working?

    I'm doing ok, on leave now but it's not as relaxing as I thought it would be! I'm 36 weeks tomorrow and have been scheduled for a c section on 6th nov due to baby being huge and breech. She was estimated at 3.5 kg two days ago! (Genetics + gestational diabetes = hugeness!). So I'm having ctg's twice a week, seeing the ob once a week and having 3d fetal wellbeing and growth scans every couple of weeks. Oh and blood tests for pre eclampsia which are looking ok at the moment At least I feel like everything possible is being done to make sure bubs is safe and happy. Otherwise, nursery is pretty much done, car seat is fitted and I'm counting down the days. Very exciting!

    Hope everyone else is doing well, no news is good news I assume!
  3. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    Dipping my toes in here because I can't stand the thought of joining my belly group.

    5wks today, so far no bleeding, HCG blood test this morning wont get results until Monday and then another test Monday and Thursday next week. I've had to stop buying HPT's, DH almost died when he saw the 18 I had done in less than 2wks.

    I don't know why but I feel semi relaxed/confident about this one, maybe because either way its it for me. I had given up on this cycle and that was it after getting a BFN, no more trying. I had gotten myself a job and moving on with life and being happy I was blessed we 2 beautiful children. Cleaning up in the bathroom and getting rid of anything TTC related I came across my last HPT, thought "why not" and tested. Put it on the bench and forgot about it. Later on went back in the bathroom and there was a line...

    Over the next couple of weeks I obsessed over HPT's making sure the lines got darker and darker, once I got a FR "pregnancy" line to come up faster and darker than the control I relaxed a little more and the digital tests going from 1-2, 2-3, 3+ very quickly helped as well.

    There's a long road ahead and this pregnancy will be completely different because we now live remotely with a small public hospital and it will be shared care with the GP/hospital or I can just go through the hospital. No private options out here! I'll also be working for the first time during a pregnancy, will be interesting to see how I cope. I'm due June 21 my 30th is June 18... looks like next year will be a big one!

    Joeve and Saffy, it's so wonderful to see how far you are along now!
  4. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    Toomany I saw your thread about rural hospy and was excited for you but didn't want to make a fuss until you officially outted yourself! Lots of sticky vibes!
    Mich wow it seems like your pregnancy has gone so fast ... For me anyway! Yes I am still working full time and wishing the days away!
  5. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    At this stage I'm hoping I can do the pregnancy and birth announcement in one
  6. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    Hi mich congrats on 36w! Bet you can't wait to get that bub out on the 6th. I am having a cs between Xmas and New Years so I've got about 10w to go.

    Congrats on your bfp toomanyshoes. Same thing happened to me, had one test in the cupboard and had ruled myself out for the month as I had no symptoms and never a bfp that many dpo so took that last test and bam!

    Hope your stay in here is long and boring
  7. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    TMS- quietly excited for you I hope this one is the one! I actually found working to be a welcome distraction early on and that it made time go a little faster! Just make sure you take 'mental health days' when you need them. Good luck for results on mon, waiting sucks!

    Joeve- I feel like I've been pregnant for ever! Ha ha. How many weeks will you finish work?

    Thanks Rach- ooh 10 wks. It's kind of nice having a set date isn't it? Mines Melbourne cup day. The staff had better not be distracted, ha ha.
  8. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    Mines gone fast too (but feel like I've been pregnant forever too) cos I buried my head in the sand for the first 12ish weeks. More like 20 probably...
    I didn't relax until I saw my baby's face on the ultrasound. Don't know why that was the trigger but that's what did it.
    I'm so glad I haven't had to work this time. It's let me relax a lot. Although chasing after a 2 year old every day with no break is probably harder for me anyway. She hasn't slept during the day for nearly well over a year now.

    Do you have any names to share mich?
  9. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    HI everyone... I am not ready to come out in belly buddies yet, but wanting to chat and have support around. I am just over 8 weeks now. I had an ultrasound on Tuesday and we saw a tiny baby and a flickering heart busy beating. It was such a relief, as from test results we found that the last MC the baby stopped growing about 5 weeks but the placenta grew normally until MC at 13 weeks.

    Pregnancy after MC is so different, I laugh at how innocent I was floating through my first three children and then bang bang two MC's in a row, plus the complications after the second one.

    I feel incredibly blessed to be here and I hope I get to stay, just taking it one tiny step of a day at a time!!!

    Going to catch up on the thread now!
  10. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    Wonderful news ladybirdflies. I hope you sail thru from now on. When's your next scan? Taking it one day at a time is wise, I just worked on getting through each day until the next scan/ test/appointment and didn't think too far ahead.

    Rach- names have been tough! DP and I hate each others top 10! We have 2 possible names now but don't want to choose til we see her. I haven't shared them with anyone because I know I'll be swayed by opinions even if I try not to be, ha ha. I can tell you the middle name though. It's Violet after DP's mum who died very young. How about you? Any names?
  11. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    Ladybird lots of sticky vibes yes preg after mc is scary stuff.
    Mich we can't agree on any names either! Violet is lovely as a name so yay on at least having that sorted!
  12. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    Ladybird - wishing you all the best hun, its always scary!

    Can't believe i am 31 weeks already, but also feel with bubs being all but fully engaged since 28 weeks and a possible diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis pending and my BP creeping up that making it to term may not happen!! Ah the joys
  13. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    Violet is very sweet! I understand about people swaying with names!
    Boy will be ned. Girl not set on yet but tossing a couple around Kate and cara but they don't feel right.
    Welcome ladybird flies and congrats.

    Wow I breathed some life back into this thread huh!!
  14. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3

    Just a quick hi,
    Ladybirdflies - massive congratulations and lots of sticky vibes coming your way.

    I'm currently 11w3d, have had some bleeding and spotting from week 8. Have seen bubs twice now with nice strong heartbeat. I'm still in shock and both DH and I are waiting out for our 12 week scan which is tomorrow. I have been taking it a day at a time, with lots of prayers.
    Joeve, I'm sooo sooo happy that you more than half way now!
    All the best for the rest or your pregnancies and births ladies!
  15. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    Hi girls,
    my good news for the week is that I passed my GCT so no gestational diabetes for me which is a relief. Also, after a hell few weeks at work I only have 2 more shifts to go so as of next Thursday I am a lady of leisure ( although am a bit worried about the mat leave not being as relaxing as thought Mich) I will only be just over 29weeks though so hopefully be able to finsh nursery ( or start it lol) and do some xmas shopping and cooking.
    MLR1901- good luck for 12wk scan!
    Sparkles- hope your bp behaves itself and you can grow your baby a bit longer, rest up now x
    Rach-you sure did! You'll probably have a girl if you can't htink of a girls name lol
    Joeve- can't believe you are still feeling sick, nice to see you at 23 weeks, you must be loving it now ( except the sick bit)
    Mich- sounds like u r on the home stretch!! Lots of appts keeping you busy by the sounds, enjoy your last weeks- can't believe you are nearly a mum- woohoo!
    Ladybirdflies- what arelief to see a HB, best of luck for he rest of your pregnancy
    TMS-I did see a hilarious photo of yours on facebook with a multitude of poas's- so YAY for you and congratulations, hang in here for your pregnancy, the best people are in here. I have a good feeling about this one for you babe x

    hi everyone else!
  16. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    Mich78, Saffy, Joeve and all you lovely ladies

    Sorry I have been m.i.a for awhile, just been SO busy at work and now that I have started my mat leave I have busily trying to get the place sorted before baby comes!
    Mich - so you're going to have your little girl a little earlier now, how cool! I know its not what you would have hoped but like you said atleast they're doing everything necessary to make sure your little one is safe and healthy
    AFM - just plodding along 36 wks and 2 days atm, babies head is down (for the moment) but not engaged (as of 2wks ago). Seeing the OB next Tues for another update. Looks like we'll be waiting it out until my due date 15th of Nov but you never know. I'm VERY nervous about having this baby. Not so much about bringing her home just the whole birth experience. I guess its natural since its my first and I have NO idea what to expect or how I'll cope. Would much rather know when I'm having her and perhaps have a caesar but I know if its not necessary its better to try natural just scared really.

    Anyways glad to see many of you lovely ladies are still here and going well
  17. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    Good work Rach on reviving the thread! Lovely name selection too I kept trying to add to our name list of 2 but every suggestion got knocked back! Sounds like it's the same for you too Joeve!

    Sparkles - yay for 31 weeks. Not yay for possible complications though. I hope you get good news and things stay nice and stable for several more weeks for you.

    MLR1901 - I read your great scan news and then the scary bleeding news on the other thread! I'm so pleased about the scan and hope the bleeding was just the SCH sorting itself out once and for all! We have very similar histories. We're both on our "third time lucky" pregs after 2 blighted ovums and I also had a SCH this time. I bled at 10 weeks and the hematoma was still visible but small at 16 weeks. No-one's ever mentioned it since and it hasn't caused any problems. I really hope you get to relax (as much as possible anyway) soon!

    Saffy - lovely to hear from you So glad you passed the diabetes test. Eating 6 times a day is a pain in the butt! I felt silly organising the nursery too early but now I'm so glad I only left a few things for my huge useless self to do at this later stage... so get onto it

    Mia - Hi! Isn't leave great? I understand your birth fear - I had fear of both vaginal birth and c-section! Who knows- Your little girl might want to come early too! Glad to hear you're doing so well anyway.

    Tick tock - time is going so slowly!!
  18. Pregnancy after Miscarriage or Loss #3


    Well if this pregnancy wasn't already hard enough I'm just been told I probably wont be able to birth at the local hospital, I will have to travel 6hrs to Brisbane!

    Got my HCG results 3,650 at 5 weeks, had another test this morning should get the numbers over the phone tomorrow.

    Can nothing about my pregnancies just be normal!!!!