Your top 5 PAML joys

thread: Your top 5 PAML joys

  1. Your top 5 PAML joys


    Exclamation Your top 5 PAML joys the other end of the scale. What are you enjoying about your pregnancy, following a miscarriage or loss? I think it's important to try and focus on the positives too......

    For me (again, in no particular order):

    1. Feeling such an overwhelming sense of awe every time I see our baby during a scan. It feels like such a miracle that Jacob was in there and doing so well (and that our little princess is currently doing the same). To see them develop and just feel like it's a miracle.

    2. Feeling utter amazement at the kicks and wriggles that you wait so long to feel. It's something that I thought I would never honestly feel, so it still amazes me and brings a smile to my face even on the darkest days.

    3. Feeling good about what my body can achieve - after 3 losses, I thought my body was clapped out! So I feel good in myself that obviously I can do this......

    4. Even though I feel like the innocence of pregnancy has gone for me, I feel as though having been through these losses has made me a better parent.

    5. I also feel good that I can share my experience about PAML with others, so that they feel less alone. It felt really good to be able to share my journey with Jacob, with everybody, and I feel good knowing that I can do it again with our little princess-in-the-making. I'm really looking forward to being able to share a birth story and add my name again to the "PAML Babies - Success Stories" thread!!
  2. Your top 5 PAML joys


    1) seeing the baby move around so much when having scans.
    2) hearing the heartbeat at every appt.
    3) Felling the baby moved and get hiccups Alexander had them all the time.
    4) Knowing i can do this and knowing in my heart that if we go on to have another that i will be able to do it even if i m/c again before it happens.
    5) Sharing the joy with everyone on BB and hopefully helping someone else go through the same sadness and then their pregnancy journey. Reading about others success stories help others know it can happen and not to give up hope.
    6) Seeing and holding my baby for the very first time even with them being prem babies that first hold is the best.

    Sorry i ddi 6
  3. Your top 5 PAML joys


    1) feeling the baby move around in my belly - what a wonderful feeling!
    2) seeing the baby moving and her heartbeat during scans
    3) so proud of fighting against getting G Diabetes as I was told at 7 weeks I would get it due to my insulin issues
    4) sharing this experience with my mum, family and friends and my friends on BB
    5) Excitment of meeting our baby when she is born and caring for her!
  4. Your top 5 PAML joys


    1. Watching your tummy move in bed no matter what time it was
    2. Obst appointments when they tell you everything is perfect
    3. Ultrasounds and the joy of watching the videos over again
    4.The countdown after 30 weeks thinking that there is a baby and its coming out
    5.Decorating the nursery sitting in it waiting and dreaming of the baby that will arrive soon
  5. Your top 5 PAML joys


    1. BFP confirmation
    2. 10w ultrasound
    3. 20w ultrasound
    4. Booking into the hospital
    5. Seeing baby
  6. Your top 5 PAML joys


    Ummm.. the five best things...

    1) Feeling the baby move and kick and know she is doing okay
    2) Hearing my Ob say "You are doing extremely well"
    3) Watching my DH's face everytime he feels the baby move
    4) Reassuring other women who have gone through m/cs that having a baby can be done
    5) Treasuring this baby and pregnancy more than most people who haven't gone through the trials and tribulations we have.
  7. Your top 5 PAML joys


    In no particular order because this entire pregnancy experience, no matter how stressful, has been an absolute miracle

    1. seeing those 2 lines on HPT and then confirming rising HCG levels with the IVF clinic nurses

    2.seeing a healthy HB at 6w2d - the most amazing relief and joy given previous very negative scan experiences

    3. Bubs STILL being alive and well despite several major bleeding episodes when I was sure all was lost - again, sheer relief ( and disbelief) that only other woman like us would truly understand.

    4. The 12 w scan when Bumpy looked like a "real" little baby not just a flicking blob- arms and legs moving, everything "normal" ( not a word I was used to hearing in reference to pregnancy!). The same joy extended to 19w scan although by then I was not so in absolute awe of things being actually ok.

    5. feeling those wonderous kicks and movements - can't wait for them to get stronger every week
  8. Your top 5 PAML joys


    Ok so there are hundreds of great things but I'll try to stick to 5......

    1, Healthy NT scan
    2, feeling Bub move for the first time
    3, Preparing for Bub's arrival (shopping for nursery furniture etc)
    4, Healthy 20 weeks scan
    5, Seeing Bub for the first time & feeling that overwhelming love
    6, Feeding him for the first time was pretty special too
  9. Your top 5 PAML joys


    oh it makes me sad that there aren't more posts here.
    trying to draw the positive from every day right now but can't think of many specific things yet... still early days I'm only 9wks right now.
    Promise to post my whole list as soon as I have one.

    Going to start off with:

    1. Realising that this is a new and fresh start... it doesn't need to be the same as last time and indeed, rationally, there is little reason to believe it will be. I can enjoy this. I'm allowed to!!
  10. Your top 5 PAML joys


    Yes, please add more posts to this thread! There's lots of ladies that need to know there's positives to look forward to...
  11. Your top 5 PAML joys


    oh it makes me sad that there aren't more posts here.
    trying to draw the positive from every day right now but can't think of many specific things yet... still early days I'm only 9wks right now.
    Promise to post my whole list as soon as I have one.

    Going to start off with:

    1. Realising that this is a new and fresh start... it doesn't need to be the same as last time and indeed, rationally, there is little reason to believe it will be. I can enjoy this. I'm allowed to!!
    OK guys,
    Promised I would update this when I had some more "joys" to add...

    Here are numbers 2 and 3:

    2. Trusting in my instinct. This is my second pregnancy. I am allowed to go with what my body is telling me and I am not a hysterical first time mum. If I don't feel right I can call my doctor. It's a reasonable thing to do!

    3. My dating scan... I was so worried that bub would not be moving that I couldn't look at first. My delight at seeing how much bub was wriggling around was compounded by the sonographer. She was absolutely tickled at how wriggly he was. She giggled her way through all the measurements!

    I will update with more when I have them!
  12. Your top 5 PAML joys


    Ooh, I've thought of one already...

    4. My bump!!

    (think this might need to be a longer list than just 5!! I'm only 15 weeks right now!)
  13. Your top 5 PAML joys


    OK, here are my 5:

    1. Reading my pregnancy journal with DS1 and DS2 and realising I was just as paranoid then (ie: before my miscarriage) about whether bubs would be ok

    2. The 6 week and 8 week scans, both after bleeding episodes, and seeing all was well.

    3. The 12 week scan, and feeling safe enough to tell the boys a baby was on the way.

    4. Feeling flutters and kicks at 16-17 weeks.

    5. HOPEFULLY having a thumbs up at next week's 18 week scan
  14. Your top 5 PAML joys


    Ok... time for number 5...

    5. looking forward to delivering this beautiful bub with calm and confidence... things that have taken me a while to find in this pregnancy. I have eventually allowed myself to connect with this precious bub and now I can't wait to see this little wriggly bundle that I already love so much!

    Only 5 weeks to go until we embark on the next step of this amazing journey. I think DH and I have eventually found ourselves on the same page about this pregnancy after many months of panic and worry... he's on board with me now and I'm on board with him. (I even had a dream last night that he was pg too... in a literal having-a-baby-growing-inside-him sense.... too weird, we were comparing stretch marks!!!)