Blood Pressure Rising not sure what to do

thread: Blood Pressure Rising not sure what to do

  1. Blood Pressure Rising not sure what to do


    Blood Pressure Rising not sure what to do

    Hi All,

    At the en of my last pregnancy with DD my blood pressure started to go haywire in a big way. My BP is 120/80 or lower normally so it was very strange for me. It never turned into preeclampsia but I was heavily monitored as it just wouldn't stop increasing. I seem to carry ALOT of fluid when pregnant and this doesn't help. Like the majority of my weight is fluid I look like a balloon no matter what I do.

    Well looks like this time, the BP has started fluctuating very early. I am out of breath and tired most of the time, if I bend over, carry DD or walk up the stairs I start puffing and its freaking me out a bit. At my first OB check up it was 135/85 so already starting to creep up. I dont have dizzy spells or stars or lights in my eyes at this stage so its not peaking which is good, but even exercise isnt helping this time.

    I was really looking forwrds to the energy that your supposed to get about now but it isn't coming this time. Should I just talk to my OB about it next visit? I will call the hospital if I get dizzy spells or lights/stars but not sure what to do about it till my next appt in 2 weeks.

    I've been resting a fair bit to try and minimise the fluctuations as I know they arent good for bubs and I'm also concerned with high BP they will want to do C/S again Not what I wanted after last time.
  2. Blood Pressure Rising not sure what to do


    Do you know what your iron levels are like? I ask because with my last pregnancy and this one too, I get similar symptoms; heart will start racing, I'll feel weak, out of breath (like my chest is being squashed) and dizzy. My blood pressure has always been pretty normal, so my midwife thinks its because of my low iron levels. When I take my supplement I'm much, much better. Not sure if that could be related or not for you though.
  3. Blood Pressure Rising not sure what to do


    If your BP is rising you should try and head in for a check up. Blood pressure and pre-eclampsia are so quick to move - one day it's fine and the next it's not. I was on BP medication for most of my second pregnancy so they might want to start you on that to keep it under control. The BP medication helped me keep things normalish.
  4. Blood Pressure Rising not sure what to do


    Most chemists will do a BP check for you, but in my experience if you ring antenatal they are usually only too happy to check also, especially if you have a history.

    I totally agree with Fiona though. It can be so quick. Mine was fine one day with DS and a couple of days later I felt 'funny' so I called and they checked. I had a pressure of 180/110. I went straight onto meds, and was fine to try for my VBAC.

    Make sure you are drinking plenty too. I know it's hard and it feels counter productive, but sluggish kidneys only make it worse. And make sure you get some rest.
  5. Blood Pressure Rising not sure what to do


    Ok thanks guys, I'll keep an eye on it over the weekend and see if I can get a check on Monday.
  6. Blood Pressure Rising not sure what to do


    actually feeling better, hooray. and baby did a dance earlier and vibrated my belly. just leting me know its in there :-)