high risk

thread: high risk

  1. high risk


    high risk

    I'm 19 years and 13 weeks pregnant with my first. I had the nuchal translucency test done and the results came back with the doctor ringing me telling me I have a 1 in 8 chance and that my numbers read very high for someone my age especially. I booked in for the amnio centises test which will be done in 2 weeks im really scared and upset that there's something wrong. My friend is pregnant at the same time as me and her risk is 1 in 50 thousand this really hurts me. I wish there was something I could do

  2. high risk


    This must be such a scary time for you. Im sure you will get some great advice in here from some ladies who have been in your situation. Just take it one day at a time. People born with downs syndrome can lead normal, happy lives. I'll be thinking of you.
  3. high risk


    high risk

    Yeah I'm really upset it was quite a shock that I was pregnant in the first place and I've had a so much stress in my life it's just been one thing after the other but after seeing him bounce around on the ultra sound and then getting told there's something wrong is heart breaking
  4. high risk


    Wait until you have the amnio done. You could be worried over nothing. They will just monitor your pregnancy closely. It will also give you time to decide your options.

  5. high risk


    high risk

    Thank you I don't know if I could keep him if there was something wrong and then I would be forever guilty if I did get rid of him. I don't no if its selfish of me but I'm just not that strong
  6. high risk


    It must be so hard hearing there is a 1 in 8 chance of something being wrong, but to stop yourself going crazy maybe look at it the other way. There's a 7 in 8 chance everything is totally perfect. Try to look after yourself and relax as much as possible over the next couple of weeks.
  7. high risk


    high risk

    I'm really hoping so and that's a good way to look at it. The doctor said my scan was normal and the baby appeared healthy and normal it's just my bloods that are saying different. I've researched and researched to try make myself feel better, down syndrome can be picked up on the scan so im still hopeful it's a false negative xxx
  8. high risk


    At my scan the sonographer told me that they look for the neck thickness and the flattening on the bridge of the nose so if these looked good then thats really positive. Wait until you've had your amino, your bub could be perfectly healthy and if he's not you will have heaps of support whatever you decide.
  9. high risk


    high risk

    I've been looking up on the Internet photos of down syndrome fetuses and there nuchal distant and although mine is deffinately not that thick it is a little bit thicker then what they say "normal" I'm going to get a second opinion
  10. high risk


    I'm sorry you're going through this stress. Unfortunately, screening scans are not 100% accurate, which is why diagnostic tests like amnio are recommended, if you want a definate diagnosis. By definition, the NT scan is just to screen for risk. The risk is based on averages, which may or may not apply to your child. Early scans do not pick up everything. Both my boys were perfectly healthy according to their 12 week scan, yet they both had fatal conditions. Some DS children are not 'detected' through scans at all and it is only discovered after birth.

    You should have been referred to a genetic counsellor to talk this through. Has that been done? They can talk you through the risks involved in an amnio vs waiting longer to find out. Whilst many people will tell you to keep positive, which is great, I understand that is hard to do when faced with the possibility your child can be extremely sick.

    Other people will have their own opinion about what decision they think you should or shouldn't make. It's actually none of their business. We make the best and most loving decision based on what is best for our child and our family. Whilst it's true that some people with Down Syndrome can live relatively 'normal' lives, it's also true that most of them do not and are faced with a number of serious, lifelong health issues. That is what a genetic counsellor should be talking through with you. You can also contact a Down Sydrome association or support organisation to discuss.

    As for the amnio itself, ask that an experienced doctor does it, preferably a Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist. That will reduce the risk of miscarriage. Do you have someone to support you through this? It's a very scary, stressful time so I hope you have someone to talk to.
  11. high risk


    high risk

    My doctor has barely said much he just tells me there's not much I can do just get an amnio if I want not really reassuring or helps me much so I am going to ask him to refer me to an ob because I feel in the dark about the whole situation the only thing that has eased my mind is talking to girls on here they have given me more information then my doctor, I beleive it's great that some people can bring a ds and live happy lives but I'm 19 and having a baby was going to be tough on me as it is due to money etc and I don't think I'd be steph enough and have the mental capacity for that it would be very hard and very upsetting. I've been doing research comparing my scan to that of a ds and I don't see why my chances are so high my nuchal isnt that thick I don't think so I'm just trying to stay positive so I can get through the weeks till the annio. I've done research on the risks and I'm quite nervous about having a big needle in my stomach I don't like needles at all. Thank you for your words !
  12. high risk


    high risk

    Do you have a partner and family to support you thru this worrying time? I have had amino and it's not really that bad hun...don't look at the needle as it is big, I shut my eyes till it was all over! Didn't hurt much and just make sure you can rest up afterwards ok! You will find lots of support here and I hope we hear from you in 7months time with a birth announcement of one healthy and happy bubba!
  13. high risk


    Sorry to hear this. My sister got similar odds & she worried herself & partner suck for weeks. They made a descision that was heartbreaking but my niece is a gorgeous normal health 4 yr old now who drives her mum crazy. I pray you have a similar outcome x
  14. high risk


    high risk

    Thank you so much everyone's words helps me
    So much x
  15. high risk


    high risk

    Thank you leesha I heard that you get cramping after woulds sometimes did you ? Ahhh needles wahhh
  16. high risk


    How did you go?
  17. high risk


    I hope your amnio gave you results that would ease your mind... thinking of you