Following my thread last week about their being a thicker nuchal fold, we had our first appointment with the maternal fetal medicine ob today. And I was pleasantly surprised! I was expecting to go in and be belittled for not having the 12 week testing, being pushed towards the amnio and booked in for a c-section today. But she was really nice, even recommended that we don't have the amnio if we're not going to terminate and was all pro natural birth, and I may still be in with a chance of birth centre.
The dr is leaning towards a diagnosis of down syndrom or turners syndrome as the two main ones, just because they are the most common. Our risk for Down syndrome is 1 in 57, didn't get a figure for Turners. She took some bloods to rule out an infection and we are having a repeat scan next week to have another look at the nuchal fold. There is apparently something called a cystic hydromey (sp?) or something in the fold, which is some pouches of fluid. She doesn't seem too concerned about these causing issues other than being a marker for a possible chromosomal issue. If the level of fluid has increased then it could be something else, although they are extremely rare. She said the fact that we have no other markers and the rest of bub's development looks good is good, although it doesn't rule out a diagnosis, it means that at the moment there isn't other health issues to be concerned with, although they can't rule out heart problems.
So at the moment, we've decided to wait it out. We'll have the repeat scan next week and then we'll wait until birth to test. At that point, they will use the cord blood so no risk to baby. Whilst its not my ideal situation to be discussing the chance that our child will have DS or something, it is what it is and at the moment I'm feeling ok with it. I'm sure there will be tears at times, and we'll deal with them when they come. And whilst our risk is quite high, it can go either way...we could be the 1 or we could be the other 56. Who knows.
Not really sure about the reason for this whole post except to get it all out!