Pregnancy Symptoms in the Second Trimester

thread: Pregnancy Symptoms in the Second Trimester

  1. Pregnancy Symptoms in the Second Trimester


    Pregnancy Symptoms in the Second Trimester

    This thread is for members to discuss what symptoms of pregnancy they experienced during the second trimester. Pregnancy symptoms can vary greatly, from having almost no symptoms at all to the worse end of the scale, being hospitalised for severe morning sickness.

    For information regarding common pregnancy ailments and how you can help reduce the symptoms, check out BellyBelly' pregnancy section.

    What symptoms did you experience? If you have any different then those listed please post about them. For more information on Pregnancy, don't forget to check out the great articles on the main website here:

    Second Trimester Pregnancy Symptoms

    Morning Sickness
    Hair Growth - specially on the belly
    Swollen Ankles
    Swollen Hands
    Vivid Dreams
    Iron Deficiency
    Stabbing pains across belly
    Lower back pain
    Calf Cramps
    Itchy Skin
    Incredibly Emotional
    Not walking as fast
    Puffed while walking up stairs
    Waking at weird times
    Peeing more at night
    Feeling baby move
    Increased Hunger
    Gums sore and swollen
    Crusty Nipples
    Sore Hips
    Light Headed
    Heart Palpatations
    Fast Heartbeat
    Memory Loss
    Nose Bleeds
    Stuffy Nose
    Sharp Pain in lower abdomen when sneezing
    Leaking Nipples
    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
    Bad Headaches
    Sore ribs on the right hand side
    Trouble Sleeping
    Heavy Breasts
    Heightened sense of smell
    Funny Taste Buds
    Oily Skin
    Belly Button Discomfort
    Sciatic nerve pain
    Sweat alot under boobs
    Kelly xx

    Creator of, doula, writer and mother of three amazing children
    Author of Want To Be A Doula? Everything You Need To Know
    In 2015 I went Around The World + Kids!
    Forever grateful to my incredible Mod Team
  2. Pregnancy Symptoms in the Second Trimester


    Swollen Ankles
    Swollen Hands
    Vivid Dreams
    Calf Cramps
    Incredibly Emotional
    Not walking as fast
    Waking at weird times
    Peeing more at night
    Feeling baby move
    Increased Hunger
    Light Headed
    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
    Bad Headaches
    Trouble Sleeping
    Heightened sense of smell
    Sweat alot under boobs
  3. Pregnancy Symptoms in the Second Trimester


    I had calf cramps with all three pregnancies. I tried everything, including Slow-Mag (slow release magnesium), calcium, I even ate bananas.

    Now I am pregnant with my 4th, and I have finally found something that works. Biochemic Tissue Salts, Mag Phos (No 8). It is fantastic, and the cramps are a lot less severe. I wish I had known about it sooner!
  4. Pregnancy Symptoms in the Second Trimester


    Morning Sickness
    Hair Growth - specially on the belly
    Swollen Ankles
    Swollen Hands
    Lower back pain
    Calf Cramps
    Itchy Skin
    Not walking as fast
    Puffed while walking up stairs
    Waking at weird times
    Feeling baby move
    Increased Hunger
    Crusty Nipples
    Light Headed
    Memory Loss
    Stuffy Nose
    Leaking Nipples
    Bad Headaches
    Trouble Sleeping
    Heavy Breasts
    Oily Skin
    Sweat alot under boobs
  5. Pregnancy Symptoms in the Second Trimester


    Looking at that list of symptoms was like a revelation that these things have an explanation! Such as seeing "calf cramps" on the list. I jolted awake only a few nights ago with one. So now I learn it could be put down to pregnancy.

    Other things I've had are:

    Morning Sickness
    Tiredness -oh, yes!
    Lower back pain
    Calf Cramps
    Itchy Skin
    Not walking as fast - very frustrating, since I am used to going a million miles an hour.
    Puffed while walking up stairs - see above.
    Increased Hunger
    Crusty Nipples
    Light Headed
    Memory Loss
    Stuffy Nose
    Heavy Breasts
    Oily Skin
    Sweat alot under boobs

    What a delightful lot!
  6. Pregnancy Symptoms in the Second Trimester


    Morning sickness (ie almost constant nausea) easing at 16 weeks, but still occasional nausea
    Getting puffed more easily
    Heart palpitations occasionally
    Stuffy nose
    Increased desire for fruit & desserts, sweet things
    Cannot stand tomatoes or balsamic vinegar & smell of curry or pappadams makes me wanna puke (all things I normally like)
    Fatigue, relieved by iron supplement
    Headaches (don’t have when not pregnant)
    Ligament pain in the groin, both sides, resulting in walking slow & funny with varying limp (where's the limpy preggy waddle emoticon?)
    Less oily scalp
    Dryer skin generally
    Increased thirst & hunger :eat:
    Increased libido at times :smt057
    Increased vaginal acidity & wetness
    Feeling babies move
    Feel uncomfortable lying on back sometimes, but lying on either side makes that hip ache after a while
    Feel hormonally fragile, ie cry easily at sad music etc :-({|=
    Falling asleep easily sometimes :sleeping:
  7. Pregnancy Symptoms in the Second Trimester


    Indigestion & heartburn
    Decreased appetite (probably due to the above)
    Pain around ribs
    Back ache
    Odd-ball dreams
    Frustration & irritability
    Unable to sleep on my back, yet cramp up when I lie on my side
    Feeling dizzy & faint
    Stitch-like pain in sides of belly
    Thinking I have Damien Omen in utero; he's kicking me so hard! :badgrin: :shock:
    Feeling fat & unattractive
    Excitement, anxiety, fear & warm fuzzy feelings (all at once!) at the thought of becoming a mummy
  8. Pregnancy Symptoms in the Second Trimester



    Just going into second trimester now and very interesting to read all the symptoms. :-k

  9. Pregnancy Symptoms in the Second Trimester


    I have some new ones.

    Heart palpitations have eased a bit after cutting out caffeine (but not, I repeat not chocolate).
    Have been having some bastard headaches, but not seemingly related to anything, and not at consistent times or intervals, although I do often wake up with one.
    Thrush. I only seem to get it when I’m pregnant!
    Belly button has a ‘bump’ just to the side of it, which can be pushed back in and then it will soon pop back out again, as if it’s a tiny little hernia. I remember this last time I was pg too.
    Pains in the tummy which seem to relate to what position the babies are in.
    Worse than usual restless legs syndrome, worse if I’m hot, and extending to hands and arms. Not every night thank goodness.

    Bumpymum, fully sympathise with the pain when lying on your side. It gets worse as you get bigger (sorry). Hope your sleeping gets better for you. Don’t feel fat & unattractive, enjoy your lovely preggy curves. Get some nice photos of yourself with your bump, b&w works really well. Frustration & irritability could be partly frustrated nesting, if there’s some project hanging around that you can get done it will feel good. Try to do some nice things for yourself. I love to go to bed really early with a glass of milk or sometimes hot milo & watch telly and read. How many weeks are you?
  10. Pregnancy Symptoms in the Second Trimester


    Hi..I'm 29 weeks along. I'm fairly short and have always been lean, so I think I'm feeling fat because there's nowhere for the baby to grow but out!

    Sleeping has become almost impossible - it feels as though a nerve is being pinched around my right rib area. I hate complaining all the time, but it's so hard to get comfortable! I have my warm bath with lavender oil every evening to try and relax, which seems to help somewhat.
  11. Pregnancy Symptoms in the Second Trimester


    The lavender bath sounds gorgeous!

    I'm doing so much whinging on here that hopefully DH will be spared some of it.
  12. Pregnancy Symptoms in the Second Trimester


    just into my second trimester as well.. it was a bit of a jump cause i thought i was 11 wks when i was already actually 13 wks...

    and boy does that list explain a lot of things! just wondering about the hives though.. i'm getting this rash-like thing across my chest and it looks like i've been attacked by ants or mozzies.. does anyone know what causes this and what could i do to ease it? it itches like anything and it looks awful when i'm wearing a singlet... but definitely getting the rest of this:

    Hair Growth - specially on the belly, Rash, Hives, Tiredness, Lower back pain, Itchy Skin, Incredibly Emotional, Not walking as fast, Peeing more at night, Cravings, Increased Hunger, Light Headed, Clumsiness, Memory Loss, Stuffy Nose, Sharp Pain in lower abdomen when sneezing, Leaking Nipples, Trouble Sleeping, Heavy Breasts, Belly Button Discomfort !

    extras are: craving for coca cola and coffee!, always feeling like crying, moody with everyone! even poor DH, always feeling hungry but can never eat much at all.. does anybody have remedies to any/all of these? [-o<
  13. Pregnancy Symptoms in the Second Trimester


    hives can be caused by lots of things. A friend of mine gets them from too much vitamin C. However I read one artile that listed pregnancy itself as a cuase of hives.

    I've been getting headaches, pretty much since the start of week thirteen. So far they have not been too bad.

    Tiredness & emotional outbursts, crying etc

    calf cramps, difficulty sleeping (getting to sleep is easy, staying asleep is harder). I usually sleep on my back as I suffer back pain & this is ordinarily the most comfortable sleeping position. Have been trying to sleep on my left side, using pillow between/below my knees. this is OK for 3-4 hours, then I wake up.
  14. Pregnancy Symptoms in the Second Trimester


    Hi Dana. I don't even really know what hives are, but I think it must be a preggy thing to get dry itchy skin. I'm always having to put cream on something at the moment. I get the pain when sneezing/coughing thing too. Remedies? Drink a lot of water, watch the cola & coffee (it makes my heart thing worse), wait 174 days & have your baby, lol.

    Hi Rachael. I do the pillow between the knees thing too, & sometimes I'm ok on my back for a bit with a pillow under both knees, or legs turned to one side a bit. Try magnesium for the cramps (I have a Blackmores one, should try it again for the restless legs).
  15. Pregnancy Symptoms in the Second Trimester


    Hi Dana,
    The rash could be anything from *****ly heat to an allergic reaction. Just try putting something like calomine lotion on it, or if it really bugs you go to the chemist and ask what they can recommend.

    My first pregnancy my skin chemistry changed so much that when I sweated, it burned my skin like acid and I ended up with big welts of blisters everywhere my clothing rubbed my skin. The only thing I could do to be able to sleep was apply cortisone cream - nbt really recommended, but I was desperate.

    Good luck, and remember that it's only for another few months!

  16. Pregnancy Symptoms in the Second Trimester


    My latest (and, at the moment, only) symptom seems to be pimples!!! Ugh - I'm getting yukky white-head spots everywhere... I've got a ginormous one just to the left of my mouth, and even a couple of little ones on my arms and legs!!! Yuuuuuuukkkkkk!!!

    I read that acne is fairly common in the first trimester, but I seem to only just be getting it now early in my 2nd trimester... hope I don't get m/s now, as I didn't have that in my first tri either, but everything seems to be backwards with me!

  17. Pregnancy Symptoms in the Second Trimester


    My hips are so sore I think I may need a hip replacement after this pregnancy!I can't lay on my back anymore as my back kills!If I lay on my side to long my hips throb and my shoulder has started to hurt as well, maybe I'm just getting to fat and my body is buckling under the pressure!Oh and DH has said for the last month or so I ahve started to snore like a trucker, though I'm happily oblivious to this!
  18. Pregnancy Symptoms in the Second Trimester


    Oh and my m/s has come back now and then as I did a huge power vomit the other morning..........hmmmm isn't pregnancy glamourous!