Rash on belly...

thread: Rash on belly...

  1. Rash on belly...


    Rash on belly...

    Today there has been a rash appear on my belly. Hot to touch; white when I press on it, otherwise red in appearance.

    Annoying :-/

    What is it?!

  2. Rash on belly...


    Re: Rash on belly...

    It could be anything, Cat. You should probably see a dr or if you can't get in, ask a chemist what they think.
  3. Rash on belly...


    Re: Rash on belly...

    Noooo tinks - I wanted my knowledgable BBers just to tell me it's nothing and not to worry about it!

    I will ask my midwife when she rings me back
  4. Rash on belly...


    Re: Rash on belly...

    I'm sure it's nothing to worry about
  5. Rash on belly...


    Re: Rash on belly...

  6. Rash on belly...


    Re: Rash on belly...

    I spoke to my midwife, she said usually nothing to worry about, my blood test were normal yesterday... Most probably PUPPs I think she said. And just to keep belly moisturiesed...
  7. Rash on belly...


    Re: Rash on belly...

  8. Rash on belly...


    Re: Rash on belly...

    yeah, its probably nothing to worry about...
  9. Rash on belly...


    Re: Rash on belly...

    If it persists it could be a sign your liver isnt working properly.
  10. Rash on belly...


    Re: Rash on belly...

    I had it too use calamine if it gets too bad