Should I go to the doctor or normal pregnancy symptoms?

thread: Should I go to the doctor or normal pregnancy symptoms?

  1. Should I go to the doctor or normal pregnancy symptoms?


    Should I go to the doctor or normal pregnancy symptoms?

    I haven't been having a great time lately. The last week has been shocking. I know it has been hot but I have felt like crap today as well and it isn't hot today.

    Sometimes I feel light headed other times I feel out of breath. I feel headache-y most days and have had sickness again. Vomiting at least once or twice each day the last week. Morning sickness disappeared about 16weeks and I am now almost 26weeks. I should mention the headaches aren't heaps bad just feels that hangover feeling most days.

    I can't eat lots but feel the need to eat as otherwise I get light headed. Then I eat and I feel sick. I can't win.

    It is really depressing me.

    I don't have the second trimester glow because I feel like crap.

    Should I go to the doctor? I don't want to get therefor him to say your pregnant these are normal symptoms.

    I just wish I was better. I can't even lie down without feeling like rubbish.
  2. Should I go to the doctor or normal pregnancy symptoms?


    Should I go to the doctor or normal pregnancy symptoms?

    Sounds like you're having a horrible time Everyone goes on about the second tri being great and makes it out to be symptom free, but I guess it must be individual... My MS finished early in 2nd tri and was replaced by daily headaches, which I found a small amount of caffeine (like 1 glass of coke or some tea) got rid of. Dr told me that minimal caffeine was ok, but different drs have different opinions! Panafon rapid also helped, but I found it made me burpy too, it must fizz in your stomach? Some people find fizzy/burpy things help with nausea though. I drank berocca in icy cold water to help with ms, check with a dr for that too, while berocca packets tell you it is safe, it may interact with other things that you take. Dizziness and feeling faint started around 28 weeks for me, and since then my blood pressure has been pretty low. A pharmacy should be able to check that for you. I found that I can't do the groceries on my own and things like the because I feel like I'll just pass out. I haven't yet though... Just sit when you need to and keep hydrated, dehydration causes all sorts of nasty symptoms. By this stage in pregnancy your blood volume has increased heaps, which can make you feel out of breath. Some sitting positions are more comfy than others for relieving that.

    You sound pretty worried, and like its getting you down a bit, I'd see the dr anyway, it might just be normal pregnancy stuff but sometimes the reassurance is helpful, and if it is something more then you're onto it nice and early. I wondered why I seemed to be having such a yucky time of it when others glowed and felt great. Maybe we will be rewarded with babies that sleep well or something lol!

    I hope you're feeling better soon so that you can enjoy your pregnancy, you're almost 2/3 of the way there now!
  3. Should I go to the doctor or normal pregnancy symptoms?


    Could be your BP playing games - mine did with both pgs.
    As mentioned, I found a small fizzy drinked helped. I had a pretty horrible time with both pregnancies. I found a cold washer when I could helped too.

    Fingers crossed it ends soon. x
  4. Should I go to the doctor or normal pregnancy symptoms?


    I felt like this a few weeks ago, got my BP and urine checked for Preeclampsia and had the GTT done, all fine. Just felt like crap. Hopefully you'll feel better in a couple of days. I found it reassuring to see my doc and get checked, just because I was so dizzy and headachy and nauseous
  5. Should I go to the doctor or normal pregnancy symptoms?


    Should I go to the doctor or normal pregnancy symptoms?

    Sorry you are feeling crap! I would ask for your iron levels to be checked as some of your symptoms match with low iron. I'm 27 weeks and just found out I have super low iron, though it was ok at 19 weeks. So even if yours was ok earlier it can change eg baby takes more out of you, more blood volume means lower concentration etc.
  6. Should I go to the doctor or normal pregnancy symptoms?


    I really feel for you I am sitting here thinking the exact same thing (although still in first tri) It is so unbearable you just want to sleep through it all. My guess is they'll probably just tell you your symptoms are normal, but I would go anyway if your feeling uneasy. Always listen to your gut

    I really hope you get some relief soon xx
  7. Should I go to the doctor or normal pregnancy symptoms?


    The heat will knock you around and can take a few days for your body to re-regulate itself again. But if you're worried, please give your health care provider a call - even just to have your mind put at rest. Better to get checked if you're worried though.
  8. Should I go to the doctor or normal pregnancy symptoms?


    Thanks so much for all your advice. I think I will Def pop into the chemist to get blood pressure checked and make an appointment with my doctor this week to get checked out. I have to get the gd test this week so I might see if they will do full blood work for all my levels.

    Not sure how I will cope with summer this year if it continues to be this hot.

    Thanks again ladies x
  9. Should I go to the doctor or normal pregnancy symptoms?


    Should I go to the doctor or normal pregnancy symptoms?

    The first heat wave is always the worst - regardless of if you're pregnant or not