Uterus and bubs measuring smaller than dates

thread: Uterus and bubs measuring smaller than dates

  1. Uterus and bubs measuring smaller than dates


    Uterus and bubs measuring smaller than dates

    Hi all.

    I had a midwife app today, and my uterus is measuring almost 2 weeks behind in sizing. I am almost 23 weeks, and my uterus measured 21cm. Also when I had my scan 3 weeks ago, bub was measuring 4-5 days behind in size. Has anyone else experienced this?

    Also I have been getting a tightening sensation across my stomach, which I think is just Braxton Hicks, but it kinda takes my breath away, in that I feel squashed inside, and have to arch my back to get relief. Hoever it only lasts about 30 seconds or so.......is anyone else experiencing these tightenings?
  2. Uterus and bubs measuring smaller than dates


    Yes and yes. Both sound within the bounds of normal to me.
    If you're unsure of anything, perhaps talk more with your midwife for reassurance.
  3. Uterus and bubs measuring smaller than dates


    Ok awesome, thanks

    I thought the second was Braxton Hicks, but is it too early to be having those? I had them with last bub and labour was less than 2 hours....so am kinda scared I won't make it to hospital if my bosy is prepping itself already lol
  4. Uterus and bubs measuring smaller than dates


    braxton hicks from as early as 1st trimester are not uncommon, they're just sometimes more obvious in subsequent pregnancies because your body has been through it all before. As for measuring, it is only one of the tools used to assess fetal wellbeing. As a general guide you would be referred for more testing if there was a difference of 3 or more cm's between your dates and your measurements, but some women will carry small for their entire pregnancy and others will carry large and this does not necessarily reflect the size or health of your baby. It is more of a concern if there is a big change, for example you usually measure 2cm over and now measure 2cm less because that suggests a big drop iyswim. However if you are concerned about what has been mentioned then don't be afraid to contact your midwife and ask for clarification, and if you are even concerned that you might be in labour then always ask a health professional just to cover all bases.
    Last edited by Traveller; November 1st, 2012 at 07:06 PM.
  5. Uterus and bubs measuring smaller than dates


    Thanks The braxton hicks aren't painful or anything, more uncomfortable. I am thinking going to see my GP and see what he says too.
  6. Uterus and bubs measuring smaller than dates


    I have had BHs from 12 weeks this time round, and about 15 the time before. Last pregnancy, baby measured spot on all the way through. This one, I've been like you, "behind" by 2 cm, and measuring a few days small at scans.

    Stay tuned for my BA for actual baby size, but it's well and truly full term, and healthy.