Chocolate essence?

thread: Chocolate essence?

  1. Chocolate essence?


    Question Chocolate essence?

    I searched (kinda... had a bored Jazz in the pram...) Woolies and Coles today for chocolate essence. Needed it for a Mississippi Mud Pie Shel was making today. Couldn't find it, so just decided to go without.

    So my first question is, was I just looking in the wrong spot? I looked near the baking stuff, near the essences and extracts etc. Was I just unlucky that it wasn't on the shelf or is it in a different spot? Is there a particular brand, like Queen? Or do I need to look in a different store? Maybe IGA? I don't think theres a specialty store arond me that would sell it...?

    My second question is, how essential is it? I've never used it, although I know it is supposed to give a deeper more intense chocolate flavour from the cocoa bean. Is it really as magical and wonderful and important as some have made out?

    (we made the pie without it, it asked for a teaspoon in the filling but we reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally wanted pie so we decided to chance it hahahaha)
  2. Chocolate essence?


    I've got some! I bought it in Coles where all the other essenes are (baking area). So maybe they jut ran out? I havn't used mine that much... Not sure if makes much difference... Sorry, I'm not much help.

    I'll it for you!