
thread: Fondant

  1. Fondant


    Talking Fondant

    I am making dd 1st birthday cake and I am planning on covering it in fondant. I have a recipe for home made fondant and I want to give it a go. Has anyone made it before? Is it relatively easy? I have watched youtube clips and will do a bit more research.
    Also, can I get glycerine at Safeway or Coles? And how much is it?
  2. Fondant


    Re: Fondant

    I've made it before and yes it's quite easy and tastes quite nice. If you don't find glycerine at coles just go to a cake supply store in your area and they'll definitely had it. I got mine from coles but then when I needed more they didn't have any for ages so just see how you go. Covering a cake with fondant is quite ….erm…difficult if you haven't done it before. I'd say to give it a go before hand. Of course the shape of your cake will depend on how much harder or easier it would be. The coles and safeway fondant is really good if making it from scratch doesn't work out. Good luck ! Look forward to seeing your creation x
  3. Fondant


    Re: Fondant

    Thanks Earthmumma, I am hiring a tin from a cake store so will check if supermarkets don't have any. The cake is fairly basic shape so I hope I nail it
    Thanks again!
  4. Fondant


    Re: Fondant

    No worries hun. Oh and just another little tip to make it easier to work with fondant. Make sure you ganache or buttercream the outside of the cake. Or you can even just put a thin layer of jam to make the fondant stick otherwise it will fall straight off the cake. Have fun !
  5. Fondant


    Re: Fondant

    I have made and used marshmallow fondant which tastes delish! I can highly recommend that one. It can't be rolled as thin as bought fondant but is a lot tastier.
  6. Fondant


    Re: Fondant

    Not sure how much glycerine is, but thought I'd mention that I usually find that these sorts of things are cheaper bought from a cake making supplies store
  7. Fondant


    Re: Fondant

    I did see the recipe of marshmallow fondant. Is it sticky to touch? What is the difference?
  8. Fondant


    Re: Fondant

    I've tried making marshmallow fondant 3 times now, each time it got thrown out. It just would not roll out properly, it was always to sticky and stuck to everything causing holes in it, or it was too dry and it just didn't hold together. I just have no idea how to get it perfect and to the point that I can actually roll it out to cover a cake lol.
  9. Fondant


    Re: Fondant

    Hmm, think I might stick to regular fondant lol
  10. Fondant


    Re: Fondant

    Lol, I might be the only one who sucks at it! It does taste better than the regular stuff so if you're interested, I'd just do a small test batch a week before or something.
  11. Fondant


    Re: Fondant

    hey tasha, how did you go with the fondant..? thinking of making a cake for my little one's first birthday soon. bit scary bc I don't really bake.
  12. Fondant


    Re: Fondant

    The cake came out great Andie! The fondant itself was easy to make, but it kept drying out when I was trying to roll it. And if you make it stickier you just need to put more icing sugar on your workspace and it just dries out again! But got there in the end. depends what cake you are looking at doing? If it's something simple then I reckon you'll be fine. What did you have in mind?
  13. Fondant


    Re: Fondant

    thanks for your tips tasha. I got a bit scared & my sister is going to do one for me, probably just buttercream icing. I'll try it when I have a bit more time. ; )