Argghhh...Is this thrush??

thread: Argghhh...Is this thrush??

  1. Argghhh...Is this thrush??


    Red face Argghhh...Is this thrush??

    On Saturday DH and i were fooling a round a little which of course lead to DTD.

    Since about 4-5 hours after it i felt a tiny bit itchy and not right...

    Yesterday i felt like a dog with fleas and i couldnt stop itching...i have some broad spectrum cream i got when i had thrush when i was pg with DD2 which helped last time...but now its not doing anything what so ever and feels like its getting worse. Ive itched so much it stings when i pee cos of little cuts

    So is it thrush or could it be something else??
  2. Argghhh...Is this thrush??


    it could be, do u have any of the other thrush symptoms?
    i find that i can get a bit itchy down there if i dont shower & dry down there, after DTD.
    If you used any lube or anything new maybe a allergic reaction? sorry cant be of much help.
  3. Argghhh...Is this thrush??


    -double post-
    Last edited by dust; July 9th, 2008 at 12:48 PM. : double post, somehow.. mods delete?
  4. Argghhh...Is this thrush??


    Not that i can think of!

    Im now beginning to think it might be something else...i got some 3 day treatment cream ans its no better....still a flea bag!

    But i have no idea what else it could be
  5. Argghhh...Is this thrush??


    Sounds like thrush to me.
    I had it terribly with my DD, it was awful.
    I adjusted what I ate, made sure I had limited amounts of bread, sugar, vegemite etc and did the creams etc and it was gone in a week or so.
    Perhaps get to a Dr to be on the safe side hun... it is best not to assume when you're pregnant
    I hope it clears up soon.
  6. Argghhh...Is this thrush??


    It could be vaginosis.
    But, your discription sounds similar to my thrush.
    I had a recurring problem over past year of itchy round 2 half cycle and little cuts - skin was so thin feeling. (got worse after sex and ended up too uncomfortable to do it) Dr`s kept saying it was vaginosis, but tests kept coming back negative. Finally a DR took a swab that revelled thrush. I`d never suffered before from anything 'down there' and I didnt have the smell and discharge with it though, so thats why me and the Dr`s kept thinking it was vaginosis.
    The Dr gave me 1 week treatment for the thrush (applicator -hmmm lovely) which only took effect by about day 4 or 5. I was freaking out it wouldnt go away, but it did.
    Last edited by Salsa; July 9th, 2008 at 01:30 PM. : sp
  7. Argghhh...Is this thrush??


    You would think after having 2 kids that going to the dr about this wouldnt be embarrassing...but im crapping my dacks at the thought of a dr looking

    I dont have a smell or discharge...just itching and cuts from scratching....

    Thanks ladies
  8. Argghhh...Is this thrush??


    Kimbaz - i had thrush around the 30 wk mark with pregnancy #3. I used 2 x canestan applicators and they didnt work (the cream) . I was like you, a itchy flea bag. So i went to chemist and they gave me the Canesten Pessaries (vaginal tablets) - considered safe under all guidelines during pregnancy. (although i dont know if i would use it in first 3 months, but thats just IMO.)

    I didn't use the applicator to insert it. I just inserted it like a tampon so it didn't go right up near my cervix.

    Ohhh and the itching stopped within gets right to the problem this way....rather than the cream.

    Good luck....its AWFUL isnt it ?????..........
  9. Argghhh...Is this thrush??


    double post.....
  10. Argghhh...Is this thrush??


    Mbear im think im gunna try the tablets next if this cream dont work....its horrid!!!!!