Severe thrush....HELP PLEASE!!

thread: Severe thrush....HELP PLEASE!!

  1. Severe thrush....HELP PLEASE!!


    Severe thrush....HELP PLEASE!!


    I have severe thrush. I have tried everything. I've had it since about 9 weeks of pregnancy and have not been able to get rid of it.

    I avoid bread etc. I eat yoghurt, have even used the yoghurt. My GP keeps prescribing the creams which would clear it up for a day or two then I would have to use it again. ITs now got to the point where the cream doesn't really seem to be helping.

    I am extremely sore and about 4 times the normal size down there. It is just running out of me, sorry if TMI!

    Any tips or advice would be extremely helpful. I don't want to go into labour with it this bad, especially knowing that bub will probably get it too.
  2. Severe thrush....HELP PLEASE!!


    Hi Jma
    You may need to get your doctor to give you the cream and pessary. 'Canesten Clotrimazole Thrush Treatment Pessery + Cream' with this you use the cream 3 times a day and insert the pessary at night. I think you can get this over the counter so you may not need to go to the doctor.
    Other tips are-
    Thrush loves warm damp areas so you need to let air circulate
    No tight jeans/pants or undies.
    No nylon undies.
    No undies when sleeping.
    Spend time without undies during the day if possible.
    Wash often with cool/cold water.
  3. Severe thrush....HELP PLEASE!!


    I really feel for you. I had it extremely bad with my second pregnancy as well, and nothing unfortunately cleared it for me. I got absolutely no sleep as I really swollen, just like you are. Just keep thinking that you're only a few weeks away from meeting bub, then it'll be gone.
    I did start a thread about it, and Kelly mentioned Fast Tract. I didn't get a chance to get it as Emily arrived a few days after I posted that thread.
    Here's the link to the thread
  4. Severe thrush....HELP PLEASE!!


    you must be really careful with your diet - and it can get really frustrating - i had it the first time and wasn't - the next time i was super careful and it was gone within a week -
    no breads - check all foods for yeast (most crackers contain yeast)
    no sugar -
    all fruit should be peeled - they spray a form of yeast on it
    you should be eating easily digestable foods (not foods that take time to break down - ie, no nuts - you want things moving through your gut)
    all the things mentioned about - air out the space - no sex -
    yoghurt/acidopholous baths - just flush the area
    are you taking acidopholous orally? - any brand is ok- but the (grr, forgot name - )blue label.. is the best one.? you need to take this

    keep in mind thrush is much harder to get rid of in pg as the ph levels dont change as they would when AF arrives - so unless you take on a serious plan of attack it wont disappear by itself.

    good luck - it drove me insane - something which was really soothing at night - as i was going out of my skin was ice packs in a zip lock bag on the outer area just to cool it down - i have a friend who swears by peeled cucumber cut in half just sitting on the area (no not inserted or anything - she says it takes away the itch and swelling - her words not mine)
  5. Severe thrush....HELP PLEASE!!


    ill add, i never took any of creams of pessary - but its takes serious committment to rid it - but thats what you want - so it may just require it.
    and i re read your post - you avoid breads - you must cut it out completely - yeasts grows!
  6. Severe thrush....HELP PLEASE!!


    I had it big time with my first pregnancy and used the pessary thing and the cream and that worked really well for me! You have to insert the pessary with your finger though, not the applicator or you may do damage but other than that I say give it a try and be really strict on diet - NO SUGAR!!! Thats what the carbs etc all break down to. sugar sugar sugar
  7. Severe thrush....HELP PLEASE!!


    I find that the acidophilis is the best at getting rid of it - I used to get bio-organics megadophilis, but am now using Inner Health. I use it along with the creams. I hope you can get rid of it - thrush is awful
  8. Severe thrush....HELP PLEASE!!


    You can also try apple cider vinegar vulval washes.

    If you have some privacy in your back yard, strip from the waist down and get some sun on your vulva and perineum.My DW suffered from terrible thrush in her teens and early twenties, and that was what eventually worked for her.
  9. Severe thrush....HELP PLEASE!!


    Good tip schmickers. I'd forgotten about the vinegar wash
  10. Severe thrush....HELP PLEASE!!


    Thanks everyone so much!!

    I will try everything mentioned!!! I didn't get it at all with my other pregnancies but this LAST one seems to be bringing all things out! Saving the best for last maybe?? LOL!

    Will let everyone know how things work out.

    Again, thank you so much!!

    Forgot to add: My GP said I can't have the pessary during pregnancy?

    Jodi: Did your bub get it?
    Last edited by jma; June 3rd, 2008 at 11:45 AM.
  11. Severe thrush....HELP PLEASE!!


    maybe you could get a swab test done to make sure it is thrush?
  12. Severe thrush....HELP PLEASE!!


    I had a swab test done earlier in preg. which came back as thrush. Can it change to something else??
  13. Severe thrush....HELP PLEASE!!


    I know that the packs of the pessary things say not recommended during pregnancy but when i questioned the pharmacist and the GP about that they looked stuff up and found no reason why other than using the applicator for insertion which is why they said to use my finger instead. I would ask ask ask, it worked a treat for me!
  14. Severe thrush....HELP PLEASE!!


    i'm not sure if it can change to something else... but maybe if you go back to your GP and ask a few more questions they might be able to shed some more light on it. i havent had thrush that severly before but if it was me i probably would get it checked out just for peace of mind. it seems a little strange that it is so resistant.
  15. Severe thrush....HELP PLEASE!!


    i don't know why your GP said that you cant have pessary they are safe in pregnancy. I would go back and ask him why he thinks they are not safe
  16. Severe thrush....HELP PLEASE!!


    WTF?????? Your GP is obviously male and has never had to suffer from thrush.

    I have suffered terribly from thrush this preg and have had a constant supply of Canasten and my OB and GP and the pharmacist all said it was fine to use as long as I only inserted the applicator 1/2 - 3/4 the way in.

    Wow, I would have ended up in the funny farm if I couldnt use the stuff.

    I would just go and get some (the 6 day course would be best because you have had it for so long) and ignore the incorrect advice you have been given by your GP. Trust me, you will feel better after about 3 days but use the whole course to kill the source of the thrush.

    Good luck.
  17. Severe thrush....HELP PLEASE!!


    mfcr06 - I have done the 6 day course about 10 times, the 3 day course at least 10 times and then I did the 3 day course twice a day for 3 days and it still didn't clear it up. It was gone for about 4-5 days but then came back with a vengence!!

    I will go the chemist today and ask for the pessary. I have 5 weeks to go but feel like things are starting to happen so want to be clear of it as much as possible by the time I go into labour. I really don't want bub to get it.
  18. Severe thrush....HELP PLEASE!!


    Like I said in my earlier post, I had it extremely bad, just like you did, and fortunately Emily did not contract it when she was born. When I was in labour, and the midwife did an internal, she commented on how bad it was, so I was really worried about her getting it. Fingers crossed that is the same outcome for you if you can't get it treated in time.