
thread: Thrush

  1. Thrush



    I've just come from my 34wk antenatal appoint. At the beginning of this week, my dh and I decided to have a go at dtd for the first time in ages ! Only problem was, there was a lot of pain involved. There was no problem with lubricant, and it felt like there was razor blades all up inside... I told the midwife and she did a speculum exam, which I am never fond of, and took swabs. She seems to think that its thrush (apparently there was thrush-like mucus up there) even tho I've had absolutely no other symptoms. Ive never had any problems in that area at all. She says that its common in pregnancy. I just was wondering just how common it is, and what other symptoms would normally be involved.

  2. Thrush


    I had it bad in this pg.. up til about 16-18 weeks.... just kept returning. But all good now. Its pretty common.

    My symptoms were itching, slight discharge and would hurt DTD.
  3. Thrush


    Hi Ren,

    I have thrush this cycle (I am kinda hoping that it is an early preg symptom but I am not sure).

    There can be swelling down there - this might be where the pain is coming from. I was swollen and gee did it feel strange!!! My GP said that thrush is one of the few things that cause swelling down there!!

    Other symptoms may include a whitish or yellowish discharge, which can be like curds, it can also be creamy and whitish and also bit of an itch. Symptoms vary and you do not necessarily have to have an itch or discharge.

    I am susceptible and this time the discharge was bad, but the itch wasn't. I have had other times where the itch was painfully itchy but no discharge - go figure!!

    Yes, it is quite common during pregnancy due to those pesky peksy hormones!!!!!

    Hope it clears up soon!!!
    Last edited by GIDGET; July 6th, 2007 at 04:48 PM. : spelling
  4. Thrush


    Hi Ren,

    Sorry to hear you might have thrush! It's not a very pleasant thing to have. Even tho I am not pregnant, I have had thrush before (years ago) and a few times... you will feel itchy down there, uncomfortable, also you will or may notice a white creamy discharge that sometimes can look like cottage cheese! sorry to say (TMI!!) but that's one of the symptoms, so in which case you can pop a pill for it however during pregnancy i am not sure what you would take for it?
    If there is no tablets to take etc, a great remedy and you will laugh at me but i don't mind cos' it does work!!! And it's natural!! haha! Get some "natural set yoghurt" with lots of acidophilus cultures in it and a big spoonful of it and stick that up in "that region!" IYKWIM???? IT WORKS!!! It's just messy for a little bit.... lie down after you have done it! hehe (i did this once and once only years ago! haha)I was recommended by a doctor to do it and also a friend told me once.and my mum told me! If you dont want to do this, take natural set yoghurt "orally" and eat a fair bit that will restore your good bacterias to help fight it.
    ps being on the pill, when i was on it, sometimes made me prone to thrush as it creates an unbalance in your good and bad bacterias....
    It's also very contagious so your partner could get it if DTD while you have it... so wait a few days if you can!
    Don't I sound like the "thrush" expert? how embarrasing for me!!!
    Last edited by Shanti; July 6th, 2007 at 04:41 PM.
  5. Thrush


    Thrush during pregnancy is very common.

    When I got my first tests done when I found out I was pregnant, it turned up with thrush... even though I didn't feel any syptoms! MInd you... over the following week it started to get a bit itchy and little cuts in my skin.

    It is quite safe to take canesten cream - but if you use an applicator they say not to put it inside too much (mind you - I'm thinking a penis is bigger then that little applicator!). And don't use the new tablet medication.

    There is a 3 day or a 6 day canesten cream... and you insert some inside you, and rub a little on the outside... and you get nearly immediate relief.

    There is an article about it on Belly Belly somewhere - the link was on Kelly's signature... but not sure if she's changed it.

    apparantly it's also safe to give birth if you have it... although it might hurt you a little more.

    You could just ask your local chemist for their advice and medcation.
  6. Thrush


    hi ladies thought I would add to this thread. Unfortunately for me I get thrush quite alot.
    Symptoms are itchiness externally (sometimes to the point where I stratch till Im red raw and in really bad cases I will get burning when I pee.

    There are a few different brands on the market that you can use to clear your symptoms up. The two brands I have used when I have had thrush are CANESTEN and DIFLUCAN ONE (the oral pill form) but as to whether they are safe to use during pregnancy you would need to check with your PHARMACIST. I know taking the Oral Pill of Canesten IS NOT safe during PG, not sure about Diflucan One though. Check with your local chemist.

    My doctor has always told me to eat yoghurt containing live cultures and also as Renstar said find a NATURAL yoghurt and use that.... it does work!
  7. Thrush


    Pop my head in here too - I had thrush just before I found out I was pg. Again, I was told very common. At the time, it wasn't decided as to whether it is safe to use the oral pill for thrush, so I used cream. I was also told that pessaries are safe - again, like the applicator, just not too far up.
  8. Thrush


    I had a little bit of thrush around 32 weeks. Luckily very mild and I used some caneston cream and it only took about 2 days to clear up. The Pharmacist told me it was OK to use, but just dont put the cream too far up or right near your cervix as it could irritate your cervix.

    My GP has told me about the yoghurt too. I tried it and it does actually work!
    He also told me to go commando and sit out in the sun with my legs open, PMSL!!! I wasnt game enough to do that though!

    I was also told its quite common during pregnancy.
  9. Thrush


    Here's the link to the article on Thrush.

    Grab some Fast Tract, it's very potent (lots of pro-biotics in many strains) and it's great to prevent it in future as well, as its more common in pregnancy.
    Kelly xx

    Creator of, doula, writer and mother of three amazing children
    Author of Want To Be A Doula? Everything You Need To Know
    In 2015 I went Around The World + Kids!
    Forever grateful to my incredible Mod Team
  10. Thrush


    I get it alot and find that Bio organics Megadophilus (in the fridge at the chemist) is the best. You can take it whilst pregnant, I also use canesten or Nilstat cream for fast relief of itching. I find that if I take two of the tablets at night it is mostly better by the next day unless it is really bad. Goodluck!
  11. Thrush


    This is my first post so hi everyone! I am 14 weeks and thrush is driving crazy! I suffered from thrush before pregnancy on and off (don't know why because I wasn't on the pill or take antibiotics but anyway) and now it just doesn't seem to stop. I am taking fast track, have done the canesten cream and doing the yogurt. A couple of questions:

    Does anyone know of a good wash to restore the ph in your vagina? All the washes at the chemist seem to be deodorisers which are no good. Also a good natural gel (not a fungal cream) but something you can use as a preventive, Bio-Fem Active Gel has been recommended to me but they don’t seem to stock it here. Anything similar?

    This is going to go on I can feel it sorry too many questions and going crazy with itching so loosing my mind. Has anyone tried to use the bacterial vaginal suppositories? (ie like fast track or inner health plus) I saw them at the chemist yesterday and though they could work?

    Has anyone heard of using condy's crystals (potassium permanganate) as a bath or in a bowl to wash? my GP recommended it but when I went to buy it at the chemist they had never heard of it been used on thrush, so I got a bit worried. I could only find one reference on the net but it doesn't say anything about pregnancy.

    Can you or can't you use the pessaries? my GP said you can if you use your finger and not the applicator? I am thinking on embarking on the 6 day course as the 1 day one didn't do anything and the cream is not working.

    Can you use Teatree oil? I have used it before pregnant and it worked great by placing a few drops on a panty liner and wearing that during the day, I am a bit worried that it will be too strong and wether coincidental I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks and had used Teatree so a bit scarred.

    I know it seems like I'm not trusting my GP is just I like to double check since she is not specialised on pregnant women and my first appointment with the midwife is not until the 18th of august.

    Thank you so much for anyone who helps out. I am only in the really stages and really want to try and get this under control know before it drives me insane. Mel
  12. Thrush


    Hi Mel, sorry I think you know a heck of a lot more than me about it all, LOL! So I don't think I'm going to be any help to you.
    Firstly, welcome to BB and congratulations on your pregnancy!
    I know I was told to get Nilstat pessaries if the canesten didn't work when I was first pg. It doesn't have an applicator. I assume they are safe, but I'd only be going on what my GP said too...
    As a preventative measure, I haven't heard of any of those things, LOL, so can't comment unfortunately. You may have already tried this, but my sister lives in the tropics and swears by Yakult as both a preventative measure and treatment. I imagine it'd get fairly expensive, as she says the 'home brands' don't work.
    I hope you find some relief soon!
  13. Thrush


    Exclamation Still lost!

    Hi I'm a newbie here, not pg but looking forward to it. I had thrush and didn't realize it and now both hubby and I have the itchies and I've got discharge too. I've used nilstat pessaries before and they work a charm (they're also perfectly safe to use during pregnancy) but now I cant seem to find them anywhere! Does anyone know where they're still sold? And do they require a prescription nowadays?

    Also, since my poor man has this too, does anyone know what is the best treatment for males? I need him fixed cause the itchies are making him horny for some reason and I cant help him right now!!!

    Also I've found that using natural garlic supplements can give you alot of relief. Cenovis 3000mg once 3 times a day until the irratation goes away. Unfortunately I'm not sure if high doses are same with pg cause it thins the blood. Ask your GP bout that one.

    Olive Oil in the bathtub is very soothing too. Very safe for pg.

    Hope this helps and I hope someone can help me! The itchies are driving me crazy!!
  14. Thrush


    a guys response

    hi ladies,

    i wanted to give my 2 cents worth. please excuse the lack of capitals, i am doing this on a mobile phone!

    i have this horrid infliction at present and have tried almost everything... i caught it from my better half, you do not have to be intimate, simply washing clothes together can do it. diabetics are more susceptabe (i am a diabetic). info for uncircumcised guys... be really careful with the creams... i swole up about 3 times normal size, not in a good way. this problem is excrutiating for uncut men. having had probs with canesten and bactroban my doctor suggested nistatin the only one of this i could get was nilstat vaginal cream which has yielded the best cream so far with no severe swelling and took from sore and inflammed to no longer painful but very itchy... i have also tried vinegar baths, and, i don't recommend this one, vinegar straight... yes, it hurt... alot.

    i asked my chemist in desparation, and he recommended potassium permanganate (condys crystals) and this is really working well with no discomfort. also anther chemist suggested first washing ur washing machine without clothes in it, 1 cycle with a whole bottle of vinegar as the spores can get in filters etc... then was your clothes with 1-2 cups of vinegar ... this helped in my household.

    hope this helps folks,
    ross - father of 1 beautiful11mth old girl.
    nb.. the chemist recommended a "nice purple colour" and soak the thrush in it, my wife and i use a tomato sauce bottle, i make mine quite a bit stronger with the only side effect being brown discoloration of the skin which is normal(oxidisation)