Should i be concerned? Im a bit concerned. Does this mean im having too much sugar?
From SE Xperia x10a
Should i be concerned? Im a bit concerned. Does this mean im having too much sugar?
From SE Xperia x10a
Hmmmm, for me I get it most when I've had too much sugar especially just before AF. I also got it when AF was due and I got my BFP for mympg with DS. Pregnancy also can make you more prone to thrush. I personally wouldn't be concerned or worried but I would ease up on the sugar and perhaps follow a low GI diet. Treat the trush too..... but before you treat it speak to pharmacist or Dr.
Well from weeks 4-6 i was having a can of fizzy a day for the energy cos i was soooooo tired (cut that out now, was too much) I dont have sugar in tea and sweet things are not really my choice of foods these days (other than a soda for energy) i've been making sure im having fruit everyday but fruit is a normal part of my diet. I'm thinking it might be a combo of hormonal changes and the soda, I dont normally have a soda a day, but was just so tired i needed something - poor DD on school holidays has done NOTHING really, cos im just so exhausted all the time! She understands tho.
I went and bought some garlic tonight to try the garlic. Fx this works!
With this pregnancy (but not the first) I had constant Thrush in 1st tri....and had Hyperemisis so wasn't eating, so it's prob not much due to the sugar you're consuming!
Get a pessary and some probiotics into you (but not via the same route obviously lol) and it should come good. Nt meant to use the single oral tablets for thrush in pregnancy.
OMG I think I've lost the garlic .... I cant feel anything!
With DD I pretty much had thrush constantly throughout the pregnancy. Yep, 9 months of thrush, that didn't respond to treatment. It drove me nuts. But not nuts enough to give up sugar completely LOL. It's rarely anything to worry about and is quite common during pregnancy, but it is incredibly irritating.
Suse, I was the same as you. Thrush almost the whole 9months. So not fun. Have already has thrush this pregnancy as well lol
This may sound strange but im actually using a clove of garlic cut in half between my lips to kill any bacteria and its been instant relief!
From SE Xperia x10a