Whats Thrush?

thread: Whats Thrush?

  1. Whats Thrush?


    Whats Thrush?

    Silly question I know, but its in a lot of my books but i have no clue what it is..... my books say its very common in pregnancy, what do u need to look out for and is it a big problem?

    My sister said she had it, but couldnt help me as she had no clue she had it till the nurse told her after she had the baby!!

    Thanks ladies

    Take care
  2. Whats Thrush?


    Thrush is itchy and fungal...common "down below" during pregnancy, characterised by heavier discharge (I've heard it described as like yoghurt...ewww) and general itchiness. Its an overgrowth of yeast organisms, and can also occur in the mouth.
  3. Whats Thrush?


    Emma check out the article on the main site regarding common pregnancy ailments

  4. Whats Thrush?


    EMZ: you are obvioulsly one of the lucky ones who hasnt got thrush!! I get it every pregnancy, and i even got it just the other day, THANKGOD its clearing up now!!

    Its horrible.. so annoying, so i hope you dont get it!
  5. Whats Thrush?


    Some things you can do to help prevent it is to cut back on sugars (thrush feeds on it - when you are pregnant, there is more glucose than normal so they basically have a feast!), eat yoghurt or drink yakult or even better, take acidophilus capsules. I have been taking 'Inner Health' lately and whenever I feel a case of thrush coming on, it usually stops it so fast. You'll need to ask your pharmacist for it, it's stored in the fridge as it is a live bacteria (a good one!) and is safe in pregnancy.
    Kelly xx

    Creator of BellyBelly.com.au, doula, writer and mother of three amazing children
    Author of Want To Be A Doula? Everything You Need To Know
    In 2015 I went Around The World + Kids!
    Forever grateful to my incredible Mod Team
  6. Whats Thrush?


    i think another thing that helps is always wear cotton and never stay in wet cossies etc.

    heres to hoping you dont get it Emz!
  7. Whats Thrush?


    I am the Queen of thrush! (unfortunately)

    When I wasn't pregnant I used to get it every couple of months and now that I'm pregnatn i have had it constantly. It isn't life threatening or anything terrible, it is just uncomfortable. it is really itchy and you get thick white discharge, if you BD while you have thrush your partner will probably get it too. It is easily cured by buying cream or pessaries from the chemist which you just insert up there.

    I hoped that helped and wasn't TMI for you O
  8. Whats Thrush?


    widdly - do you take acidophilus as a preventative? Inner Health was great, helps boost the immune system too
    Kelly xx

    Creator of BellyBelly.com.au, doula, writer and mother of three amazing children
    Author of Want To Be A Doula? Everything You Need To Know
    In 2015 I went Around The World + Kids!
    Forever grateful to my incredible Mod Team
  9. Whats Thrush?


    Just on this, Kel put me onto the acipophilus capsules when I got thrush after giving birth to Charlie (ummm......thrush round my nether regions, nipple thrush, plus Charlie had thrush in his mouth......weren't we happy campers, NOT!)

    Anyway, the caspules were GREAT and cleared things up very very quickly.........
  10. Whats Thrush?


    Hey all,

    Thanks so much for the info ladies.... now i know what im missing out on!! hehehe (touch wood!)