's doing my head in!!!

thread:'s doing my head in!!!

  1.'s doing my head in!!!

    :'s doing my head in!!!

    So it's 41 days since my d&c and STILL no af!!! I have numerous bfn's on hpt and it's been almost 3 weeks since we last dtd. My cm has been all over the shop and I've had plenty of pre af type symptoms but she never shows up! I just went to the toilet and had slippery ew type cm again... I have no idea what the **** is going on!!! I just want af to come so I can start trying for another cycle!

  2.'s doing my head in!!!


    If only we had a troubleshooting guide for the body! Hang in there and I hope something happens for you. I would be bding if you have fertile mucous!
  3.'s doing my head in!!!


    Get off the dam net and go spank that arse woman
  4.'s doing my head in!!!


    Frustrating isnt it???!!!! I had 3 months of no AF after a d & C (not m/c related) and concieved DD then. Fingers crossed she shows up soon!
  5.'s doing my head in!!!


    I feel for you Ive had the opposite problem, constant bleeding since my d&c. I hope both of us catch a break soon!