This may be a bit of a ramble...
I wanted another baby so much, and since I lost it last month I feel like I've also lost a piece of myself. I'm never completely happy as it's always at the back of my mind. I still cry and cry when I'm alone. Everytime I see myself in a mirror I remember that I should've had a little bump by now. Whenever I have a drink I feel a bit startled that I can have alcohol, that there is no reason not to anymore.
I wanted this baby so much and now that it's gone I feel like all my hope went with it. I can't think about trying again. This has all come to a head as AF returned recently, I was expecting it to take much longer. We didn't even discuss TTC as it seemed so far off to worry about. Now I feel like we need to address it earlier than we wanted to or were ready to.
I don't want another baby. Well, not yet. I hope that changes. But what if it doesn't? How will I know that I'm ready?
I don't think that I'm scared of it happening again. I don't know what my problem is actually. I just don't have that longing. And I don't understand it.