Feeling a bit dispirited ...

thread: Feeling a bit dispirited ...

  1. Feeling a bit dispirited ...


    Unhappy Feeling a bit dispirited ...


    Just wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience...

    I am still breastfeeding my 2 year old daughter, and ttc baby #2, as I am about to turn 40 and don't feel that I can leave it until she weans (and I won't force her to wean, especially through teething at the moment!).

    A few months ago I conceived (had had a normal cycle back for about 4 months before that), only to miscarry at a bit over 5 weeks. My hormones have been SO off and weird since ... I thought I'd conceived again after the mc, as I had full blown pg symptoms, only to get AF. Still had pg symptoms, so got a blood test, which came back 'definately negative'. I asked the Dr why the odd symptoms, and her answer was, "I don't know. But stop breastfeeding if you want another child!"

    Since then we tried again, and again this month mild pg symptoms (excited and hopeful, but this time kept it to myself...), but Af arrived today.

    I'm feeling quite battered by the whole up and down thing - it's exhausting emotionally...

    I'm on chinese herbs, which do seem to be slowly bringing things back to something closer to normal, but the whole thing is getting me down a bit! I'd love to hear if anyone else has had similar experiences...

  2. Feeling a bit dispirited ...


    Hi Finsmum: I found that my symptoms leading up to AF changed a lot after I had my DD (Daughter). I also had months where i really couldn't tell if I was getting AF or if i was pg. I have had two pg (two mc) and am now pg a third time since DD. I was sure I was pg last month because of the type of cramping i was getting and.. nothing. ANd I was sure AF was coming this month and got a big surprise when she didn't and BFP. I think pg must change our bodies and that they change with time too. There doesn't seem to be any logic to it. It's interesting your DR told you to stop breastfeeding. If you have had a normal cycle back and have fallen pg in the last few months I would have thought the breastfeeding isn't making any difference to your fertility now (except perhaps that you need to eat enough to keep you in good physical shape for BF'ing and TTC). Wishing you all the best TTC.
  3. Feeling a bit dispirited ...


    Thumbs up Thanks!

    Oh, thanks for that! It's so hard not knowing what your body is doing - I used to always know what was going on, but it really helps that you say you have experienced similar things. I'm going to get a few tests to make sure that there isn't anything amiss, but maybe it's just a matter of stay as healthy as possible and hope for the best...

    Thanks so much for your feedback!!
  4. Feeling a bit dispirited ...


    Oh, and I suspect that the Dr told me to stop bfing because she had no idea what was going on and wanted to say something...! The other Dr I saw when i was having the mc said, "breastfeeding and pregnant, no problem!"
  5. Feeling a bit dispirited ...


    And super congratulations on your pregnancy BTW! :-) :-) :-)