How long did it take for AF to come back?

thread: How long did it take for AF to come back?

  1. How long did it take for AF to come back?


    How long did it take for AF to come back?

    First of all, if you've ever had a mc I am so sorry I hope you (and I) never have to go through that again. It was my first pregnancy and missed until 12 week scan but the sac was only 10 weeks and the baby so small they had to scan vaginally to find it

    Secondly - my main question - how long did it take for AF to come back afterwards? I was on clockwork 24 day cycles before. Now up to CD 29 from the miscarriage bleed and very impatient to start TTC again. I know AF may not return for a while but I'm hoping my prior regularity will mean the delay won't be too much longer than normal?

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  2. How long did it take for AF to come back?


    Firstly I am so sorry for your loss. Miscarriage sucks. I lost my 1st pregnancy 4 years ago. My baby didn't grow much past 5weeks. I had a u/s at 9 weeks. The next day I lost it.....
    I don't remember how long it took for AF to come back. I went back on BCP for 3months. I did have a 28 day cycle before that & then went to 30 days when we were actively ttc....I think it varies for every one. It can take a while for your body to start back up again. If nothing happens with in the next few weeks to a month it might be worth while visiting your doc....
    Hope that helps
  3. How long did it take for AF to come back?


    Hugs hun so sorry to hear of your loss.

    I had a mc (blighted ovum) for my first preg, I had a D and C done and got AF back about what would normally be a period and a half (was 42 days I think)

    I then took a year to conceive DS1 after the mc.

    I hope things happen quickly for you as TTC sucks especially when taking to long or after a MC.
  4. How long did it take for AF to come back?


    Thank you for your responses ladies. I guess everyone's different!

    Something weird though.. It's now CD 31 and I woke up during the night with what felt like O pain on my left side. But that's the side I conceived with, so shouldn't it start again with the right side?

    And THEN I woke up this morning with AF-like pains but very mild. Usually when I get those I start spotting later that day and then AF begins properly the next day. No spotting yet but I am eagerly keeping my eye out and bringing pads with me today just in case!

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  5. How long did it take for AF to come back?


    sorry for your loss darl, been thinking of you. My GP told me last month that 'normal' return of AF is anything from a few weeks to 8 weeks after. I have just gotten AF so it was about a month for me.

    Hope AF is returning
  6. How long did it take for AF to come back?


    phebee - sorry hun that you have to be asking these questions.
    After my first m/c (missed @ 12 weeks) I got af back six weeks > the d&c.
    With my 2nd m/c (missed @12 weeks) I got af back 28 days > the d&c which is how long my cycles are.
    Still ttc 4 months on but good luck hun getting your bfp very soon x
  7. How long did it take for AF to come back?


    Thanks CM & mummytotwo. I hope your TTCing is short & sweet.

    CM we might be TTC buddies again because it IS AF! Yay! (never thought I'd cheer for AF lol)

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