Scared to test...

thread: Scared to test...

  1. Scared to test...


    Question Scared to test...

    So its 32 days since my d&c. I felt sure AF was coming last week, cramping, backache etc and the tiniest bit of blood (like a drop)...but nothing since. I've got heaps of CM, but lots of types, one minute its slippery, the next stringy, creamy etc (you get the idea) I also seem to have a bit of milk back in my boobs (just when I squeeze) but haven't had that for a while, although I only weaned 6 weeks ago. I have no other pg symptoms at all really, not sure if we even dtd at the right time (and only did it twice this month). I kind of want to test to put myself out of my misery, but I'm not even sure when af is "due" and I'm not sure how I'll fell if its a bfn or even how I'll feel if its a bfp. I'm scared to be pg again but also want to be desperately... I really hate ttc, it sends me crazy...

    Not sure what I'm saying, just needed to "unload"...I don't know what I'd do without BB
  2. Scared to test...


  3. Scared to test...


    TOTALLY understand.
  4. Scared to test...


    ControlFreak. Totally understand your post. TTC'ing has a lovely way of doing ones head in.

    Take care
  5. Scared to test...


    I think I will be just like you hun, going to be doing my head in when it comes to testing again, and wanting to be pregnant but so scared about it!

    Big hugs hun and when you decide to test, I really do hope a comes up!!! xoxox
  6. Scared to test...


    So I wanted a glass if wine and thought I'd better test...bfn so I'm enjoying my wine and hoping next month is better. A bfp is all I want for Christmas. Still no af though
  7. Scared to test...


    i hope you get your BFP for christmas

    in the meantime...enjoy that wine - it's a long stretch without it after you do get your BFP
  8. Scared to test...


    I'm sorry hunny Try to enjoy your wine, and I hope Santa brings you your bfp for chrissy x
  9. Scared to test...


    A bfp would be awesome for Christmas for you.
  10. Scared to test...


    Sorry it didn't happen this month. Best wishes for Christmas Day!
  11. Scared to test...


    hope you get your BFP for Christmas ! xx