So its 32 days since my d&c. I felt sure AF was coming last week, cramping, backache etc and the tiniest bit of blood (like a drop)...but nothing since. I've got heaps of CM, but lots of types, one minute its slippery, the next stringy, creamy etc (you get the idea) I also seem to have a bit of milk back in my boobs (just when I squeeze) but haven't had that for a while, although I only weaned 6 weeks ago. I have no other pg symptoms at all really, not sure if we even dtd at the right time (and only did it twice this month). I kind of want to test to put myself out of my misery, but I'm not even sure when af is "due" and I'm not sure how I'll fell if its a bfn or even how I'll feel if its a bfp. I'm scared to be pg again but also want to be desperately... I really hate ttc, it sends me crazy...
Not sure what I'm saying, just needed to "unload"...I don't know what I'd do without BB