1 Month - 3 Months, May '05

thread: 1 Month - 3 Months, May '05

  1. 1 Month - 3 Months, May '05


    Trish - thanks for putting that scrap page up for me. It gives me more of an idea of what is involved. It's a gorgeous pic of Noah too! Sorry to hear that Tehya isn't sleeping so well. Growing again perhaps? God, they change every day, don't they?!

    Sarah - I personally think your nuts even thinking about TTC again, LOL! What is all this sleep deprivation doing to you?? j/k I always say I don't want another one but I know I will eventually. The fact that it took us a while to conceive Gabby makes me think I shouldn't wait for too long (as much as I would like a few years in between so there's room for bourbon, LOL). The pic of Zander is adorable! Such a cutie-pie!

    Tanya - that trailer sounds brilliant! I can just picture you girls riding along having a right-royal time! The girls will love it.

    Scarlett - good to hear that Emily is sleeping well for you. I hope she gets more used to bottle teats. They are fussy little things, aren't they??

    Fi - Gabby wore that exact same "I Love Daddy" outfit today. Just gorgeous. Oh... and that chick on sunrise - I went to Uni with her daughter, Kim. She graduated with honours, taught for one year, hated it and gave up teaching, LOL. It is such a small world, hey? She also knows my sister (because we grew up in Drysdale too). So, there you go! Good idea getting someone else to finish the painting - that way Shane can spend more time with you. He must be knackered having to work and go out to Lara to do stuff too.

    Had our 6 week check up today. My wound is apparently very neat but a little red on the edges. I probably just have to make sure it is dried properly after a shower (a bit hard to do when Gabby is crying and I am trying to get dressed quickly but ya get that!). He listened to her heart and said that he could hear a slight murmur. Not something a Mum wants to hear! So, we have to go see a peadiatrition (sp??) and see if it is anything serious. He said it could just be a small hole that will close up with age. Fingers crossed it is nothing! Other than that he said that she is thriving and he was amazed at how well she holds her head. Gotta have strong neck muscles to hold up that boofa head!
  2. 1 Month - 3 Months, May '05


    Yup Deb, I'm insane I know!! It was weird I hadn't really thought about TTC again but when Aaron mentioned it straight away I said Christmas time!! Must have been in the back of my mind or something!! I think I've decided I want 3 babies, but you know me - I'll change my mind 40 times!! Oh and yeah it probably is the sleep deprivation talking So what does red on the ends of you wound mean? I hope that the peadiatrition checks Gabby out & she's ok. My brother had a slight murmur, went to the pead & they found out it was nothing - fingers crossed Gabby is the same.

    I actually wondered the same thing about Zola the other day Tanya! I had a look at Felius's website & I am pretty sure it said they are moving into the new house on the 6th or 8th of this month. So I guess she'll probably re-surface next week sometime. There were some new photos on the site too - Baz is such a cutie & Zola is looking like she's loving being a mummy

    Hmm I wonder if there is some way to make the opening in the teat bigger for her Scarlett? Maybe try Tanya's idea with the hot needle?

    You don't think the photo is cabbage patch-like Trish? I do, but still think it cute!! Bumma about Tehya's sleeping habits changing - sounds like she's swapped with Zander!
  3. 1 Month - 3 Months, May '05


    Sorry Sarah didn't mean it as a bad thing. I think Zander is gorgeous and Cabbage Patch Kids......well ykwim

    Deb, I hope is ok with Gabby and that the Dr was just hearing things. I love that pic of Noah too he really suits all the Autumn colours in it. My scar was a little red on the ends for a bit. Don't stress too much about it, everybody heals at different paces.

    Funny how you mentioned Zola, Tanya, I too was just thinking aout her the other day. My God, even when we aren't on BB we still think about one another. Hope she and Bas are doing great.

    Scarlett, what a bugger about the teats, hopefully you can find one that Emily likes soon.

    Well Little Miss finally had a sleep for around 1 1/2 hours the most she has had at once all day, she woke crying I gave her some bb and now she is back asleep in her swing - for now anyway.

    Take care
  4. 1 Month - 3 Months, May '05


    Sarah, yay for Zander's big sleep! I hope your sister is ok. After i had Lily i said never again too, but the next day im like, i want more lol. We frist decided when Lily is 2 or 3 and then just the other day we were tlaking about babies and he said yeh when Lily is 18mths old! Which is around mid next year. I was totally surprised because before HE was the one saying in 1-2 years at least!
  5. 1 Month - 3 Months, May '05


    I love that photo of Zander, he is just so cute. Also Sarah, must thank you for phone book under cot idea, he hasn't vomited once in the cot since! How is your sister?

    Trish - the page is great and a great photo of Noah.

    Hey girls, I have been pretty lucky and spoilt as the last two nights aren't the only nights Matthew has been sleeping through, he has been since around 7 weeks now.

    I hope that Zola is well also

    Went to get 8 week shots today. Oh god, I was so tense and nervous for the poor little man. He got 3 shots, all in the leg and boy did he cry! He cried and cried, for about 10 mins, which is a long time... then he calmed down a little, fell asleep on the way home and slept for 2 hours which he never does during the day.Then he got upset again and wouldn't settle and cried that painful cry so I succumbed and gave him baby panadol, after 10 mins he was much happier and had another snooze. He was grizzley a bit later and after his bath and last feed for the night he zonked it. Poor thing, I must admit that I teared up at the end when crying really hard, boy it's a hard thing to handle.

    DH told me before I went to think, while he was getting them done, that going through this is much easier then going through the actual diseases, it did help me.
  6. 1 Month - 3 Months, May '05


    Oh I almost forgot! One positive to come out today was that Matthew had his first laugh/giggle! It was soo cute and of course, couldn't get him to do it again, but both DH and I heard it so it was there, can't wait for more!
  7. 1 Month - 3 Months, May '05


    Awww Nell, so glad that the phone books worked for Matthew. Yay at getting a giggle - how amazing is that, after his needles & everything.

    Yeah I did forget to tell you how Amanda went didn't I? The Dr wasn't too worried, but is sending her for an EEG just to make sure it wasn't a seizure - noone saw her colapse, so he wants to double check. He is pretty sure the EEG will be clear, but wants to get it done anyways.

    BTW, I forgot how bad period pains can be :-({|= I have been spotting since Saturday, so am assuming that's what these pains are - D'OH!!
  8. 1 Month - 3 Months, May '05


    Yay for Matthew laughing Nell. Its great isnt it?

    Sarah, I hope the EEG comes back ok. what is that anyways? I hope AF stays away for you for a bit longer. Mine came back at 5 weeks post, i wasnt happy at all.
  9. 1 Month - 3 Months, May '05


    Sarah - bugger about the pains, hope they ease up for you. Hope all is well with your sister too.

    Nell - the needles are awful aren't they, I am dreading the next lot and have told Kev that he has to hold her this time. I know I will change my mind though when she starts crying.

    Deb - love the idea of the 'i love daddy shirt' will have to see if I can find one.

    Tanya - thanks for the tip about the teats, will give it a go and see if it helps.

    Emily slept well last night but was so fussy during her last night feed. Had not feed for about 5hrs (we play netball and she refused her bottle from mum) and then would not stay on. She kept pulling her head up to look at stuff and letting go. Took about 2hrs to get her to take a decent amount. Was very frustrating.
  10. 1 Month - 3 Months, May '05


    Just popping in to say how cute Zander is!!!
  11. 1 Month - 3 Months, May '05


    Scarlett - I am thinking of getting DH to come to the next ones, just so there are two of us there for him... and he is there for me! Did Emily sleep alot? Matthew has slept from 8pm to 8am OMG! Up for a change and a feed, then he was yawning his head off so I out him back down and he is snoozing again! Poor little mite. Sorry to hear that Emily is getting distracted and fussy, Matty does it sometimes but not to the extent of 2 hours, I hope she gets better.

    Sarah - sorry to hear about AF coming back and I have often wondered when she'll come back for me as I am no longer doing night feeds and apparently that can be one of the things that brings her back. Although I haven't finished post partum bleeding properly as yet. So I have no idea what s going on. Hope the EEG comes back okay for Amanda.

    I am liking the idea of the 'I love Daddy' sets, maybe we all should get them and then post a piccie of them on our sites - that'll look cool!
  12. 1 Month - 3 Months, May '05


    8-[ haven't told the doc Shannon, was going to mention it to my MHCN if it hadn't gone away... I thought up to 12 weeks wasn't unusual? Hmmm... looks like I had better get it checked out!
  13. 1 Month - 3 Months, May '05


    Nell - the needles sound so scary! I am definitely getting Neil to come with me. Yesterday the doc mentioned that I can get them done at the clinic (rather than the designated immunisation stations) so I might see if I can get an appointment when Neil finishes work. I don't fancy having to drive with Gabby screaming away in pain in the back of the car. Yay for Matty's giggle and SO cool that you both got to hear it. Neil didn't see Gabby smile for the longest time. He probably thought I was lying! I still have some bleeding too. Very on and off but, then, it has only been 6 weeks for me. The doc asked me about it and he wanted to know if it was brown or red. Hmm... I spose I should have asked why ](*,) The phone book under the cradle has worked for us too. It seems to help her out when she is windy (which is all the time!).

    Sarah - Oh no @ AF already! Urrgh! A little longer might have been nice, hey? Better watch out - you could get preggers any time now

    Trish - I hope Tehya gets some good naps in for you today.

    Scarlett - yep, you have to get the I love Daddy outfit. It's great. I took some pics of Gabby wearing it yesterday and will put one on her site. Neil loves it Mind you, he is a screenprinter so he HAD to check that the print was adequate quality. Never go to a surf shop with the guy!

    OMG.... Gabby slept for... get this - 10 hours!! 8-[ I put her down at 10pm last night. I woke up at 6am thinking "Woo hoo, 8 hours is great!" and ready to feed. Had breaky, read the instructions to the dishwasher, said goodbye to Neil and still no sound from Gabby's room. Naturally, I went to check on her (morbid thoughts creeping in) and couldn't tell if she was breathing so I touched her face. She pulled a face, made a little grunt then went back to sleep. At least i knew she was alive, LOL. So I laid back down in bed and she didn't wake until 8am (I fell back asleep!).
    So I got her up thinking that there was no way she would have a morning nap now. She drained one VERY full boob then i changed her nappy. I let her have a bit of a play but she got all grizzly so gave her the other boob that she only half drained. Tummy time and she just about fell asleep herself on her tummy! I picked her up, wrapped her and put her back on the boob which she held in her mouth and fell asleep, LOL. So she is napping now in her rocker. There's all kinds of noise outside today - neighbours drilling and hammering, garbage trucks and the train was soooo loud oh... there goes an aeroplane! Bloody hell! She is sleeping through it all.
    Not sure I like her having sleeps for that long tho. 10 hours without a feed is a long time, don't you think? She did finish the whole bottle last night after only being BF'd an hour before but, still....
  14. 1 Month - 3 Months, May '05


    Deb some babies start sleeping that much at night from 4-6 weeks, if she keeps it up that wouldn't be a bad thing, you just have to make sure she gets all her feeds throughout the day, we STILL are getting up at least once during the night and Matilda's 10 months old!

    Nell...I was told if I bled over 10 weeks to contact my Dr HTH 8-[
  15. 1 Month - 3 Months, May '05


    Yay for Gabby's big sleep! Hope it keeps up.
  16. 1 Month - 3 Months, May '05


    *waaaaahhh* I want a 12hr sleep too Deb. Either that, or can I have the baby back that was here on Monday night - you know the one that slept! Put Zander to bed after a bottle at 10.30, was up for 15mins at 12.30 then between 2.00 & 4.30 he was up every 15-30mins grizzling. Then he would not go back to bed, so at 6.15 I got bored of bouncing his hammock so took him to bed with me, where we slept until 8.30 when the phone rang ](*,)

    I've decided I'm not real sure that it's AF yet cos it hasn't eventuated into anything still, maybe it's just lochia starting back up again?

    Wow at Matthew's sleep as well Nell, poor bubba.

    Thanks Christy, we think he's pretty darn cute too

    What a pain that it took Emily so long to feed last night Scarlett. Must be pretty tiring for you.

    Tegan I'm not 100% sure what they do with the EEG, but it's to check brain waves. I think they put those suction cap thingys on our head to see what your brain's doing.... I think what they are looking for is epilepsy or something similar.
  17. 1 Month - 3 Months, May '05


    OMG - you guys are in full chatting mode again!! I dont know where to begin!

    Sarah - bummer about AF - but maybe its a good thing that your body is returning back to normal?? Poses well for more baby making IYKWIM?? I had my 6wk check yesterday (at 3 weeks...) and the dr checked me out. Apparently all down there has healed really well, and they did a "tidy job". I haven't been game to look, but I guess I should get a mirror out one of these days. Also got my pap smear done. Delightful. Oh well - done for another 2 years I guess. And I got my script for the mini-pill. Not that happy about it, but dont want anymore babies for a little while, so I guess its what I have to do.
    Jenna was very well behaved - amazing!! Everyone wanted cuddles, and I was happy to oblige!

    As for the nipple - well apparently it could be an infected ulcer - and I've had a swab done to check for staph. I've got to stop feeding from it for 4-5 days, which is bloody difficult with my milk supply. And I'm not allowed to use the breast pump - only expressing by hand. The lactation consultant is coming to see me in about an hour, and she is bringing me a nipple shield.

    Nell - I reckon you should mention the bleeding to the dr too. And OMG about the vaccinations. Poor little Matthew. I know what you mean about crying. I hate hearing Jenna really cry, it usually gets me going too. I dont mind what I call her lala crys where she is just cranky, but the wound up ones are just unbearable. And BTW - the I love Daddy suits are very pink...... I think the boys ones say I love Mummy. You might have to do that option!!

    Scarlett - how long did you wait until you started playing netball again? I'm hoping I can run around a little more in a fortnight, but my breastpads keep moving around every time I do!! I am getting a nice supply of EBM though, so I should be able to get away a little more often without Jenna soon. Yippee!!!

    Tanya - your trailer sounds great! I wonder if Shane will get one for the harley?? My sister uses a bike alot in Japan, and the kids have always been on the back in those little seats. But Mum and two babies - definitly looks like a trailer is in order!

    Deb - I am so jealous of your sleep. Although Jenna did 2x4 hours stretches last night, which is a bit of a treat for us. She didn't sleep all day though. Little trollop. As for bleeding - I think when it goes bright red it could mean some sort of new bleeding site in the uterus, which is a concern. As are clots and a funny smell, and apparently if it goes green. All delightful right??

    Has Dee had her baby yet?? Hopefully all OK there, I must go and check.

  18. 1 Month - 3 Months, May '05


    Woo hoo we graduated!!!

    Forum Name: mum5boyz
    State: Vic
    Baby's DOB: 04/04/05
    Baby's Stats: Weight - Length - Head Circ - 3780g 51cm 35cm
    Gender of Baby: Boy
    Baby Name(s): Jacob Philip Thomas
    Baby's Website: www link under my name
    Notes: 8 days late

    Be back later and my master has just started calling me.......................