12 Months - 3 Years, July '05 #2

thread: 12 Months - 3 Years, July '05 #2

  1. 12 Months - 3 Years, July '05 #2


    12 Months - 3 Years, July '05 #2

    Welcome to the 12 Months to 3 Years thread for July 2005!

    To have any of your details included in this thread, please reply to this post and a moderator will add you to the list.

    12 Months to 3 Years List - July '05

    Forum Name:
    Baby's DOB:
    Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl
    Baby Name(s):
    Baby's Website:
    Health Concerns:
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: mumof4under4
    Baby's DOB: 4th October 2002
    Gender of Baby: Boy
    Baby Name(s): Mitchell John James
    Baby's Website: n/a
    Health Concerns: He has been to the hospital due to him becoming paralised and after a week they found out he had a infection in his hip bone we were in hospital for over a month but everything is fine now but they are unsure if it will come back or if he will be a in a wheelchair in the future.
    Notes: I was induced with Mitchell he came 13 days late, He was also 56cms long but he was my babiest baby he was born 11 pound 2 (natural)
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: Nikki
    State: ACT
    Baby's DOB: 15/11/02
    Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl - Boy
    Baby Name(s): Jayden Riley
    Baby's Website: http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/j/jaydenriley/
    Health Concerns: None
    Notes: Born 5lbs 3oz, 45cms long, 3.5 weeks early (induced due to High BP)
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: MistyFying
    Baby's DOB: 26 November 2002
    Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl boy
    Baby Name(s): Zeke Mackenzie
    Baby's Website:
    Health Concerns: born with congenital heart failure
    Notes: fit and healthy now!
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: Kazz30
    State: Vic
    Baby's DOB: 26 November 2002
    Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl Boy
    Baby Name(s): Nicholas
    Baby's Website: http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/n/nicholas261002/
    Health Concerns: None
    Notes: Born 9lb 14oz 3 days late
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: Odette
    State: VIC
    Baby's DOB: 5th December, 2002
    Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl - twins boy and girl
    Baby Name(s): Ariel (son) Immogen (daughter)
    Baby's Website: n/a
    Health Concerns: Born at 31 weeks.
    Ariel - ( 1402g) stopped growing at 29weeks - had HMD, on CPAP and 10% chance of survival - since been diagnosed with Kleinfelters syndrome - showing no symptoms so far. Born genitalia and bladder not formed - 2 ops and now better, just started T- therapy.
    Immogen(1800g) - on O2 with 20% chance of survival - no other concerns
    Notes: Both are now fit and healthy Ariel now weighs 18kg - he is huge and Immogen now 15kg - correct weight and height for age.
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: Bon_w
    State: Queensland
    Baby's DOB: 11 Jan 2003
    Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl Boy
    Baby Name(s): Harrison (Harry)
    Baby's Website:
    Health Concerns: None
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: *Michelle*
    State: South Australia
    Baby's DOB: 1st February, 2003
    Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl Girl
    Baby Name(s): Kimberley Ann
    Baby's Website: http://www.antique-locks.com/kimberley1.htm
    Health Concerns: Asthma & eczema
    Notes: Born at 35.5 weeks 4lb 13 oz
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: mitch4now
    State: VIctoria
    Baby's DOB: 21st February 2003
    Gender of Baby: Girl
    Baby Name(s): Jemma Sarah Ann
    Baby's Website: www.babiesonline.com/babies/j/jemma3rd
    Health Concerns: excema, a recently broken finger which will be monitored for the next 12 mths and may require surgery
    Notes: Born 9 days late, induced, weighed 8lb 4 1/2, my biggest bub, she was way too comfy to come on her own.
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: Joja
    State: Victoria
    Baby's DOB: 21st March 2003
    Gender of Baby: Boy
    Baby Name(s): Jack Ieuan
    Baby's Website: www.babiesonline.com/babies/j/jacki
    Health Concerns: None
    Notes: Concieved thru' IVF ICSI
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: Divvy
    State: VIC
    Baby's DOB: 20 May 2003
    Gender of Baby: Boy
    Baby Name(s): Alexander Peter David
    Baby's Website: n/a
    Health Concerns: where do I start? 5 weeks early (pre-eclampsia), 1.9 kilos birthweight (4 lbs 2 oz); very susceptible to chest infections; hospitalised at 6 months (concussion), 9 months (pneumonia), 15 months (gastro-enteritis); less than 3rd centile for weight for adjusted age; doesn't eat (very much or at all); etc etc etc...
    Notes: Ummm... see above!
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: Simone
    State: WA
    Baby's DOB: 1st July, 2003
    Gender of Baby: Boy
    Baby Name(s): Xander Lochlan
    Health Concerns: Eczema, asthma, (early case of terrible 2's!)
    Notes: Born 15 days late, induced. 9lb 2oz 50cm 38cm head circumference. Hospitalised at 6 & 11 weeks (bronchiolitis) and 3 x since July 2004 for asthma. Most recently the 18th December. always requires 2 night stay at least. Happy and healthy otherwise
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: babies
    State: Italy
    Baby's DOB: 6 th August 2003
    Gender of Baby: Girl
    Baby Name(s): Serena
    Baby's Website: no
    Health Concerns: none
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: MUMMY4LIFE
    State: South Australia
    Baby's DOB: October 2003
    Gender of Baby: Boy
    Baby Name(s): Samuel
    Baby's Website:
    Health Concerns:
    __________________________________________________ ____________
    Forum Name: Jillian
    Baby's DOB: 15 October 2003
    Gender of Baby: Male
    Baby Name(s): Joshua Michael
    Baby's Website: http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/l/lochie/
    Health Concerns: Fractured skull 10 June 2004 - watch for fitting - Infantile Asthma
    Notes: Born 9lb 11oz - 17day o/due- induced VD
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: Tanya
    State: Vic
    Baby's DOB: 23 Oct 2003
    Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl Girl
    Baby Name(s): Emily Rose
    Baby's Website: BellyBelly Gallery... not sure what the address will be when it get up and running again
    Health Concerns:
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: lozelijah
    State: South Morang Victoria
    Baby's DOB: 16th November 2003
    Gender of Baby: Boy
    Baby Name(s): Elijah Jacob
    Notes: Elijah was born at 39wks weighing 3.3 kg and 50cms long, now at 16months old he weighs about 11kg and is maybe 85cms tall these are rough as we all know what it is like to get a toddler to stand against a wall just for his mums enjoyment lol
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: KelliD
    Baby's DOB: 28 January 2004
    Gender of Baby: Boy
    Baby Name(s): Liam Samuel
    Baby's Website: www.babiesonline.com/babies/d/dawsonkids
    Health Concerns: Just found out he's intolerant to dairy and grains!
    Notes: 3w 1d early (induced pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes)
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum name: ladybug
    State: NSW
    Bubs name: Bianca Maree
    D.OB: 10th February, 2004
    Health Concerns: a special condition to do with her calcium too complicated to explain.
    Notes: Elective c-section at 38 weeks bianca was admited to N.I.C.U
    she lived in the Nepean Hospital n.ic.u for a month or so before being
    transfered to Westmead children's hospital for further help and assitance.
    came home on oxygen (on it for 2 mths at home)
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum name- Naomi
    State- SA
    Gender of baby- Boy
    Baby's name- Nicholas Jacob William
    Babies website- http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/n/nickyj/
    Health concerns- None
    Notes- 7lb 13oz, 10 days overdue, induced via syntocinon, emergency c-section due to fetal distress
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: Astrolady
    State: South Australia
    Baby's DOB: 5th April, 2004
    Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl boy
    Baby Name(s): Lachlan James
    Baby's Website: http://www.theastroweb.com/lachlan
    Health Concerns: Slight eczema on back of legs
    Notes: Born 12 days early. Only pain relief was pethadine. Weighed 6lb 5oz, length 47cm
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: MichelleBrissyMum
    State: Qld
    Baby's DOB: 5th April, 2004
    Gender of Baby: Girl
    Baby Name(s): Ashlynn Brooke
    Baby's Website: http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/a/ashydashy/
    Health Concerns: N/A
    Notes: N/A
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum name: Wonderwoman
    State: SA
    Babies D.O.B.: 12th April, 2004
    Gender of baby: girl
    Baby's NameL Shayla Florence
    Baby's Website: http://www.carefactorzero.net/modules.php?name=gallery
    Health Concerns:None
    Notes:Was induced due to Shayla being 9 days late. Used Gas only and was in labour for 90 minutes
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: Mama Mel
    State: Victoria
    Baby's DOB: 22nd April, 2004
    Gender of Baby: Girl
    Baby Name(s): Adara
    Baby's Website: http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/a/adara
    Health Concerns: Loud heart murmur caused by narrowed pulmonary valve. May need surgery in a few years.
    Notes: Waters broke at 38wks 2days, induced at 38wks 5days. Born 6lb 8oz
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name : Ambah
    State: Queensland
    Baby's DOB: 2nd May 2004
    Gender of Baby: Boy
    Baby Name(s): Aidyn Jackson
    Baby's Website: http://www.geocities.com/ambahden
    Health Concerns: None
    Notes: Born 7 days early (induced due to waters breaking)
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: Katanya
    State: Queensland
    Baby's DOB: 15th May, 20004
    Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl Boy
    Baby Name(s): Felix
    Baby's Website: http://members.dodo.net.au/~katanyas/
    Health Concerns: At the moment..him gaining weight! Hopefully it won't be an issue for very long
    Notes: My Partner and I follow Attachment Parenting philosophies, such as sling wearing, extended breastfeeding, co-sleeping and gentle parenting . Raising Felix is the best job I have ever had
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: *Yvette*
    State: Melbourne, Victoria
    Baby’s DOB: 31st May 04
    Gender of baby: Boy
    Baby Name(s): Angus Lindsay
    Baby’s Website: http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/a/angusllb/
    Health Concerns: None
    Notes: Normal 13 hr labour, 8lb 5oz
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: Lulu2
    State: Victoria
    Baby's DOB: 12 June 2004
    Gender of Baby: Boy
    Baby Name(s): Mitchell Patrick
    Baby's Website: Getting around to it!
    Health Concerns: Terrible sleeper!
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: Christy
    State: Queensland
    Baby's DOB: 17th, June 2004
    Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl Girl
    Baby Name(s): Matilda Lee Janssen
    Baby's Website: http://members.optusnet.com.au/janssen97
    Health Concerns: (e.g. eczema, reflux, colic) reflux
    Notes: (e.g. 9 days early, breech etc.) born 17 days late, 20 hours labour, emergency c-section
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: Kelly2202
    State: Western Australia
    Baby's DOB: 18th June, 2004
    Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl Girl
    Baby Name(s): Asha Susan Noelene
    Baby's Website: http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/k/kelyanbaby/
    Health Concerns: None at the moment
    Notes: Elective c-section, large age gap, working Mum!
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: Marisa Man
    State: VIC
    Baby's DOB: 18/06/04
    Gender of Baby: Boy
    Baby Name(s): Kayne Stuart
    Baby's Website: slack have not done - maybe cos I don't know how!
    Health Concerns: None
    Notes: Kayne has 3 older siblings. Sarah 14 Emily 12 and stepson Luke 14
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name : Vicsta
    State: Victoria
    Baby's DOB: 19th June 2004
    Gender of Baby: Boy
    Baby Name(s): Bailey Harold
    Baby's Website: http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/b/baileyh/
    Health Concerns: Diagnosed with asthma at 3 months, but have not used ventalin since.
    Notes: Born 3 weeks early due to pre-eclampsia
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: bob
    State: wa
    Baby's DOB: 4th July, 2004
    Gender of Baby: Boy
    Baby Name(s): Isaac
    Baby's Website:
    Health Concerns: None

    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name: Lil G
    State: NSW
    Baby's DOB: 6th July 2004
    Gender of Baby: Boy
    Baby Name(s): Ethan Thomas
    Baby's Website: www.babiesonline.com/babies/l/littlemanethan
    Health Concerns: None, healthy bubba
    Notes: Ethan is fantasticly healthy, He was a breech bub and was born by C/S 10 months ago now, how time flies.
    __________________________________________________ ____________

    Forum Name: Von
    State: Victoria
    Baby's DOB: 7th July 2004
    Gender of Baby: Girl
    Baby Name(s): Natasha Marie
    Baby's Website: N/A
    Health Concerns: Had reflux, colic
    Notes:Induced 2 weeks early hbp, posterior 12 hours of labour emergency ceaserean
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Forum Name:
    Baby's DOB:
    Gender of Baby: Boy / Girl
    Baby Name(s):
    Baby's Website:
    Health Concerns:
  2. 12 Months - 3 Years, July '05 #2


    Over here now

  3. 12 Months - 3 Years, July '05 #2


    thought I miight stick my head in before anyone else
  4. 12 Months - 3 Years, July '05 #2


    It's quiet in here today.

    I have just been baking with Kimberley and she loved it. In fact she is still sitting in the kitchen eating the cakes.
    She has started to be so cheeky last night when i was talking to her she told me to *shhhh bed* as if i was being bad. She even told the cat the same when he was playing with her.

    Hope everyone is doing ok.
  5. 12 Months - 3 Years, July '05 #2


    Awww that's so cute, Michelle! Sounds like Kimberley is getting to that really cute age where you can have so much fun with them! How's Alex going?

    Hope everyone else is doing well. I am pretty slack and don't keep up with this thread like I should but I do read your posts!!
  6. 12 Months - 3 Years, July '05 #2


    You don't have to keep up in here debbie if you don't wish too LOL. Your not officially in here for a long time yet

    I had a great day with the playgroup mums, a couple left around midday and there was just 3 of us left, so we sat there for the next 3hrs having a good old gasbag. Kameron was upset cause we had to leave.

  7. 12 Months - 3 Years, July '05 #2


    Ambah, HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Monday. Sounds like you had a lovely day. Lol @ not being able to decide. It’s only when you’ve got no money to spend that you find the perfect thing you really need, & that’s when it’ll be on sale too. Glad you enjoyed your BB meet. Smaller groups makes it easier to talk to everybody. Poor Aidyn! & poor Mummy up that many times in the night.

    Kelly hope you’re back in the work groove now.

    Michelle did you try pressing the back button when you lost your post? Lol @ your inlaws.

    Kathryn hope Andrew liked his pressie. What was it? Happy lawnmowing. Am appalled at your eftpos debacle, I think they owe you something in compensation. Glad you had such a good gasbag with your playgroup mums, can’t beat a good gasbag.

    Tanya lol @ Emily calling toilet chocolate. I remember using freddo frogs when TT with my big girls. Great that she’s loving playgroup too.

    Michelle good luck with the TT. I’m sure Kimberley will take to it easily. She sounds really cute, they all love baking don’t they.

    Ooh Katanya, love your new look.

    Hi Debbie!

    Angus still snotty. His naps are all over the place because of my hospital & u/s appointments, but we’re managing 1 a day, occasionally 2 if we’re lucky. He had his usual baby cino on the way home today (coffee for Daddy, hot choccy for Mummy) & played for ages with the empty little paper cup and plastic spoon.

    He and the kitten are busy now tearing up wrapping paper all over the floor from DH’s birthday presents this morning. Will have to get one of the kids to pick it all up later, coz mummy can’t bend down to the floor any more.

    DH found a 3 year old Burmese ‘free to a good home’ and has gone out to get him. Aren’t we gluttons for punishment, lol.

    Oh, and for anyone who hasn't already noticed, Vanita has had her baby boy, and I posted an announcement this morning. He was born naturally, a VBAC, and over 10lb!! She says all is well, & will send further details soon. I'm sure right now she's snuggled up in bed with baby Dion all blissed out.
  8. 12 Months - 3 Years, July '05 #2


    yvette how are YOU going?? life must be full on with your little girls coming soon!! that is so cute Angus and the bubacino!! I am a hot chocolate person too..

    Michelle sounds like you had a great day baking..it's fun doing that sort of thing isn't it??

    I haven't had a chance to catch up with the rest of the other thread which is why I cheated and came over here.. O

    I visited a child care center they have 3 day free for Felix(I was planning on booking for next year)..but I'm not sure I want to put him in now..not sure if it was the center or just the thought of leaving him there.. 8-[
  9. 12 Months - 3 Years, July '05 #2


    Katanya - I put Kimberley in to childcare one day a week when she was 15 months old and she loves going. I like it aslo as i used to get a day to myself and now i have a day just for me and Alex.
    Maybe give it a try and if you are still not happy then take Felix out. I'm sure it will do him good to go.

    Kimberley has learnt so much by going.
  10. 12 Months - 3 Years, July '05 #2


    Yvette - I brought Andrew 2 things. A DVD burner from me and a Jumpstart 900 from the kids. The Jumpstart 900 is jumper leads a tyre pump and few other things in one unit for the car.

    Katanya - I read your post about the Child Care Centre and I agree with what someone else said. Go with your gut feeling.

  11. 12 Months - 3 Years, July '05 #2


    A new thread, we have been busy chatting this month LOL.

    Katanya- it is hard to let go, but if you feel uncomfortable about the place, look at something else maybe. I agree that it is great for the kids to get out and socialise and I remember being so proud of Jordan cos she learnt how to meet people, she would go up to a kid she didn't know and say "Hello my name's Jordan, what's your name?" and I hadn't taught her that.

    Kathryn- what a pack of #$$@%^ at the shop, hope it gets sorted tomorrow. It makes you so mad when they can't just admit their fault and fix it. Hope Andrew does like his pressies, I'm sure he will.

    Ambah- sounds like a good meet, albeit a small one. I found the one we had with only 5 of us meant we could talk much more. The big ones you need to be a social butterfly and work the group, much harder. Poor Aidyn, hope the teething is over soon, I have similar problems with Jessica atm.

    Michelle- hopefully Kimberly starts using the toilet, but my advice is "watch the toilet rolls" that was my prob once jemma started using the toilet instead, I lost 4 rolls in a week.

    Tanya- it is cute with the chocolate mix up. Sounds like she's done really well with the tt too. How's Violet?

    Deb- what are you doing here? Nice to see you.

    Yvette- you guys will have a lost animals home soon by the sounds of it. Jordan saw an ad for a golden ret pup today and said MUM that's the dog you want. But we have a dog and a cat and nobody cares much about them so we don't need any other animals that's for sure. We have enough trouble feeding them $$wise. I really like how you can't get on the floor, makes an excellent excuse for someone else cleaning upLOL. I can imagine that ina few weeks your little man is going to look incredibly grown up compared to his little sisters. I think that is the amazing thing about newborns, they make other little kids look huge. Sounds ike you are full on into dr stuf atm.

    I know I've missed some people, but Hello hope you are well.

    jemma fell asleep on the couch at about 12.30pm, hadn't had lunch yet and slept until after 3pm. So did Jessica, it was very quiet, but the annoying thing was that we were waiting for them to wake so we could go to the bakery for lunch as Arron had finished work early and they didn't.

    The Target sale starts tomorrow, anyone braving it? I am not going to go tomorrow, I was thinking I'll go Friday cos it will be crazy tomorrow, there was only a couple of things I was interested in anyway. MIL said not to buy too much cos she is looking to get tickets for Mattel toy factory at end of yr from a lady she works with. But I have been before and what i found was i brought heaps of stuff that was good but I wouldn't have brought it if it wasn't so cheap, so it was sort of a waste iykwim. Plus they just got so much from MIL cos she got more for the money, she even outdid Santa. Which really ****ted me off.

    I almost feel like Jessica should be in this forum as the little bugger is doing to much atm, she is walking, 15 steps across the kitchen tonight and taking off from all over the place, leaves from the couch or just stands herself up in the middle ofthe room, she is 10 and a half months, no wonder I feel sad about losing my baby.

    I have cleaned like a possessed person today and was very pleased with the results, still have heaps to do, including going through Joshua's toy box and under his bed, I am trying to weed out some junky stuff bf xmas.

    Anyway have a great day everyone.

    Cheers Michelle
  12. 12 Months - 3 Years, July '05 #2


    Thanks guys I talked over the childcare thing with DP(he has worked in childcare too) and I am not keen to put him in there at all now. There is a community one that is aged 3-5 years I want to check out up here, otherwise i'll look at ones down the mountain, but it would be handy to have one up here because if I'm at home for the day means I'd ahve to drive down the mountain..anyhow it would be worth it..I am going to go with my gut because I always get into trouble when I don't trust it..

    Michelle, I was tempted by the target sale, but I have decided that we ahve far too many toys for one boy already..we have been given heaps secondhand, and with op shopping and birthday presents..it just is riduculous..I need a bigger house!! I do want to get Felix a some sort of car to drive in for christmas, but I am not sure what I want yet..may look for it secondhand as well..he just LOVES anything ATM he can climb on and drive..what is it with boys are they pre programs to like that stuff??
  13. 12 Months - 3 Years, July '05 #2


    Well girls..... I have some news.........

    But I am going to leave you hanging I will give you a hint though. Keep an eye on my avatar a new one has been emailed to Kelly tonight O

  14. 12 Months - 3 Years, July '05 #2


    Michelle - I am not going to the target toy sale either. Our Target here has had all the toys out already for a good week, so we strolled through the other day to check them all out but there was nothing that took our fancy really.

    Katanya - Great to hear that you have come to a decision regarding the child care centre. I had to laugh at driving up and down the mountain, reminded me of the song "She'll be coming around the mountain"

    Oh I forgot to mention earlier as well that one of the playgroup mum's said to me today "I hope I don't offend you, but you have such a gorgeous figure so why do you wear such baggy clothes" I told her it was cause I had no confidence etc so don't flaunt it, but agreed that my clothes are baggy and daggy LOL, but I have nothing else and I don't buy flattering clothes cause I dont' have an eye for that sort of thing iykwim and I have nobody that I can take that will give me an honest opinion.

    So now her and another lady that was there are going to take me shopping one day very soon. I said I can go whenever they are free. So will be an interesting day rofl.

  15. 12 Months - 3 Years, July '05 #2


    I am going to brave the Target sale tomorrow 8-[ I have decided that I want to layby for Aidyn one of those Leapfrog One-touch Baby books. They are from 6-36months... they retail at $80, so hopefully I will be able to save at leat $20, cause otherwise I wont be able to afford it. Apparently they sold out at our Kmart within 2 days... so hopefully if I get into Target by tomorrow night, there should still be a couple left. I dont fancy waiting for hours in the layby queue though

    Kat - What a nice compliment from that playgroup Mum! That is so lovely that they are going to take you shopping! Indeed you should be showing off your lovely figure a bit more!

    Katanya - good on your for making your decision and going with your instincts. Hopefully you will be able to find something better, that is on the mountain too!

    IKWYM about boys being pre-programmed to drive and love cars... Aidyn FAVOURITE toys by far are his little drive along cars. We havent gotten him a ride on car yet, but I'm sure he would love it to pieces if we did.... hmm.. maybe another thing to look for in the sales...

    Woohoo on getting all of the cleaning done today Michelle!! Want to come over my place tomorrow and help me??

    Yvette - how lovely to be getting another cat! I am sooo jealous! Your household sounds like the one I dream of - full of kids and pets
    Awww how cute @ Angus having a baby-cino!

    I went out allll day today with Bec & Jules (who chat on these boards too). Poor Aidyn didnt get to sleep until we got home at 4pm. Then it was really funny, cause I put him down, and he just passed out in 2 seconds flat. Poor little bugga - I feel so sorry for him on long days like that. Especially when he is overdue for a nap by 6 hours! His teething is still a terrible ordeal, though probably not quite as bad as yesterday. Its his bloody 4th molar, it is 3/4 the way through, but the last bit pushing through looks painful, and I have even seen blood on it...
  16. 12 Months - 3 Years, July '05 #2


    LOL about the lady saying that to you Kathyrn, isn't it funny though that people do notice things about us that we think they don't, and how lovely to go girly shopping, I take a gf of mine who has no kids and good taste in clothes and we are great bargain buyers. I must admit it is easy to just keep going with the trackies and comfy too, but I do feel good in my jeans and nice tops, and if I get up and get dressed in jeans and stuff I guarentee Arron and Mum will ask me if I am going out, like anything other than trackies indicates an outing. LOL

    Now it is very unfair that you are keeping us in suspense about your news. Are you pregnant? (would you go clothes shopping? HMMMM). Is your little man walking? Am I close? I hate surprises and suspense! Please tell us quickly.

    Katanya- glad you are following your gut cos it is usually right in my experience. The only thing I wasn't happy about childcare was that the kids get sick alot, they seem to pick up everything, poor Josh had Hand, foot and mouth, conjunctivitis continually and also colds and viruses galore. Between 12 mths and 18mths he actually lost weight cos he was sick so much. People send sick kids all the time and it's really not fair.

    Anyway still here instead of being in bed, what else would I do with my lifeLOL

    Cheers Michelle
  17. 12 Months - 3 Years, July '05 #2


    Posting at the same time Ambah! Sounds like another good day for you, again poor Aidyn, teeth are merciless!

    Hope you get the thing you want. I actually was thnking of a power touch for Jessica for xmas, she will be 15mths then. Jemma has the baby leap pad, so I thought somehting different would be good. The other thing I got for Jemma was on of those interact tv things, so i need games for that. LOL I will have all the pres brought the way I'm going and I don't like doing it too early cos I always see better things closer to xmas.

    Katanya- you haven't seen toys until you come to my place, I am a serial overspender and I have a crazy MIL who buys 2nd hand stuff all through the yr and also went tot the mattel toy sale 2 yrs running and brought the kids more toys than Santa so........you can not even imagine!!!! I try to keep a lid on it, but it's not fair to not buy the little girls toys just becos the others have too many! I reckon I could have a great toy sale here!

    Anyway kathryn what's the secret or the announcement?

    I will bug you forever till you tell LOL

    Cheers michelle
  18. 12 Months - 3 Years, July '05 #2


    LMAO Michelle !!!!!!! It is fun keeping people in suspense. Kel will probably have the avatar up sometime tomorrow, she is normally pretty quick once one is emailed to her, so you wont have to wait long.

    Rofl @ all your guesses too.
