9 Months - 12 Months, September/October '05

thread: 9 Months - 12 Months, September/October '05

  1. 9 Months - 12 Months, September/October '05


    hi girls

    omg melissa what is it about bush turkeys up there in qld at the moment. i have been reading about ambah's bush turkey problem over in the 12mth thread - they sound like they can be a real pain in the ass.

    sounds like it won't be long till eliana is crawling. don't worry about the 6am wake up i have been getting that to - although sometimes she might throw in a 5am WTF or better a 7am NICE i just go with the flow.

    lmao michelle at the tinned food - lani loves oops spaghetti and 2 minute noodles oh and tic toc biscuits - so funny isn't it how the more kids you get the more slack you become with their "healthy" eating habits.

    dachlostar - good to hear from you. naughty yasin on his waking up mummy - i swear they know now, i just go in when lani wakes at 5am and say lay down it's not time to wake up yet and wouldn't you know it 9/10 times she lay's down and goes back to sleep. maybe look at sleep school it might be worth it, seeing as you are just going to get more tired as you prg progresses, it's tough work isn't it.

    lani and jay are so close lately, they are playing really nicely quite often they are in his room and he talks to her about all his toys, somedays the house is so quiet cause they are playing in his room, right now they are playing with blocks although lani should really be having a sleep. her latest trick is when i say time to change your nappy she lay's down and sticks her legs in the air quite cute.

    well i better go and put missy down for her nap then i think i will have one, i feel like crap have a cold with a shocking cough, sore throat and runny nose, i have heaps to do this week cause of the party oh well i will try and have an early night.
  2. 9 Months - 12 Months, September/October '05


    It's Ryley's birthday today!!

    So i'm out of here officially-

    I'll see you all in the next forum
  3. 9 Months - 12 Months, September/October '05


    :happybday: Ryley :blowcandle: . I hope you had a wonderful day and lots of super presents.

    I have to be quick because I should be cooking dinner (chilli, basil stirfried prawns yum!!!).

    Mel, We used to have bush turkeys on our farm. I thought they were cute but I don't think that I'd think they were so cute if they were building near my house. I used to have a fighting fish. He was called Fighty and if you stuck a spoon in the water he would get all agro at his reflection. I left his lid off one day and my cat got him .

    Michelle, I wish Lani would teach Yasin some nappy changing manners. Most of the changes in this house include a bare bummed dash for freedom. I can't wait to see my kids playing together. I just hope they don't get up to the kind of mischief me and my brother used to get up to. I haven't tried Yasin on tinned pasta yet. He loves baked beans so he'll probably love the pasta too.
  4. 9 Months - 12 Months, September/October '05


    Hello girls! Yes, I'm still alive. But didn't have Broadband Internet for 2 weeks and felt totally isolated from the world! (how did people survive without Internet?)

    Hope everyone is well. Any news?

    Wolf has 1 tooth now - though it's more 2-3mm sticking out... I thought this would happen much quicker... but no.. but he can bite well enough with the little stump!
    Wolf has been sleeping in his own room here in London and has been doing really well! He slept through 2 of those nights, so I'm really impressed! All I need now is that baby no. 2 sleeps through straight from birth, he he.

    Boxes are almost all unpacked (those still left might as well go straight to the garage...) and life is settling back into its normal routine here in London. It's weird having DH go to an office every day and Wolf gets really upset in the mornings when he leaves and is really clingy in the evenings when he gets back. So cute! He has been quite clingy in general but I guess that's just normal with the move and the new environment and everything. I've had to carry him lots which has been quite tiring. It's so funny, the first pregnancy you won't lift a thing and the secong you are happily lugging a 9-10kg baby around...

  5. 9 Months - 12 Months, September/October '05


    New South Wales
    29 October 2004
    Zhai Rengee
    no web
    No allergies
    4 days late by hosp calcs but really 9 days late. Induced labour, no drugs (alot of swearing) 5 hr labour
  6. 9 Months - 12 Months, September/October '05


    Welcome scorpiomum, details all added.
  7. 9 Months - 12 Months, September/October '05


    Hi Jenni, welcome to bellybelly. Is Zhai your only child? Thanks for your reply to my tanties question. I look forward to getting to know you.

    Snowy, good to hear from you. Woohoo for two nights sleeping through =D> clever Wolf. I hope he sends some sleepy vibes to Yasin.

    We took Yasin to the beach today. He was so funny, he was really fascinated by the sand and the way it stuck to his hands, then we fed some seagulls and Yasin amused himself by making them them all jump away when he lurched at them.
    He went on the longest walk of his this morning. He was so pleased with himself that he was walking along laughing. He lurches a bit and he reminded me of a drunken old man lol.
  8. 9 Months - 12 Months, September/October '05


    morning everyone

    well this post is going to be all about me and my life 8-[ so sorry no personals but i hope you and your bubs are all doing great.

    here goes, as you all know we had lani's party yesterday with 70 people coming, well for the last week we have all had a terrible cough and runny noses in this house, friday night i go out to a tuppaware party come home at 11pm and dh is asleep in the chair as usual, and ds is awake sitting on the couch all upset cause he threw up - he didn't want to wake dh so he was waiting for me to come home, i took his temp 40 omg and he was hallucinating (telling all about these spiders in his room) so 11.30pm i take him up to the hospital (took him to a pvt hospital as you can pretty much get seen to straight away cost $230) verdit bronchitis - doctor gave him some medicine and he threw it all up - so bought him home tried again through it back up arhh - took him back to gp saturday morning and they gave him some chewable antibiotics - thankfully he is on the mend now.

    party was good - but it rained so most of the people were inside - thank god for the face painter the kids were kept amused, lani had a great day was very bewillded by it all and i kept her up for the afternoon and she did so well - she was amazed by her cake and everyone singing happy birthday to her - dh made a little speach thanking everyone - and there were tears all round. she got some really lovely presents and even got a little flower painted on her cheek. i am absoultely knackered now and went to bed at 9pm last night., left the cleaning up till this morning thank god its all over - lol. my cold i think has turned into the flu so i will be going to the chemist later to get some cold and flu tablets as i don't think i am preg this month - af is due on friday but i have my "period pimple" on my chin lol. i think i need a holiday lol.

    well lani is due to get her 12mth check up at the health centre so i better get organised.

    will post again with personals soon.
  9. 9 Months - 12 Months, September/October '05


    mooshie - that is so sweet that jay & lani play well together - im glad the party went well & im sure lani shone like a star hope you are feeling better

    dach - how cute of yasin at the beach - they are funny when they feel something new - wait till he gets to go in the ocean - eliana went at 5 months & wasn't too sure at first then laughed at every wave that got her feet - that dinner you were cooking sounded yum!

    snowy - glad to hear you are settling into london & that wolf has adapted to the changes - woo hoo on getting his first tooth!! now he can bite into his food

    scorpiomum - welcome - look forward to hearing about you & zhai (great name)

    sorry i haven't replied earlier - i came in & read what everyone was up to but didn't have time for replies - had a scrapbooking party saturday that went really well then to DP's brother's house to watch the parramatta game on sunday - yesterday DP took the day off work & we went to the new DFO & got heaps of bargain clothes for eliana (like she needs anymore) the bush turkey is still hanging around though at least not at the front door - poor myron (DP fathers day fish) died today - he had fungus on him on saturday & we did all we could - pet shop weren't very helpful seeing we only had him a week - eliana is loving to read books at the moment & is finally getting her bum up but not going anywhere - also loves giving me something in my hand then closes my hand & gets it back out
    well im going on & going so need to go look up chicken pox as my nephew has it & i want to make sure it safe to go near him as i don't eliana getting it before we go to sydney at the beginning of october
  10. 9 Months - 12 Months, September/October '05


    Michell- I just pooped my head in to see how the party went! Sounds like it was great just like ours. Did you have the jumping castle or was that going to be Pee! Poor Jay being so crook, and you too, I have been contemplating the cold and flu tabs, but couldn't be bothered going to the chemist LOL. I am not feeling any better, I think I have what you have! Not long now and you will be crossing over! LOL

    Snowy- so glad you guys are safe and well. It is inevitable with the move that you will be carrying Wolf alot, but they also get clingy at this age, how cute him missing your DH!

    Hello to everyone else, hope you are all well
    Cheers michelle
  11. 9 Months - 12 Months, September/October '05


    Just popping in to say hey! My baby girl is now 9ths old! Goes quick hey?

    Lily is now saying mama, dada, baba and nana. She can crawl and pull herself up to standing all within the space of about 3 days!

    She is now getting into EVERYTHING! I cant sit down 2 seconds without having to get up again and go see where she has got to!
  12. 9 Months - 12 Months, September/October '05


    Wow Tegan! 9 mths already, that is quick! And you really know yourself now don't you?

    (sorry I am crashing this forum LOL) Enjoy your last 3 mths of babyhood.

    Hi girls

    Hope you are all well, gastro has hit my house , and Jessica is very sick, this is day 3, and Jordan is throwing up and very poor timing cos today is her 11th bday, what bad luck hey?

    Cheers michelle
  13. 9 Months - 12 Months, September/October '05


    michelle - lol at crashing into this forum - im sure you are welcome any time! your poor kids having gastro especially jordan on her birthday - hope you don't it!

    tegan - wow lily is growing up fast - are you enjoying living in qld?

    we went to the park today to meet up with other mums & bubs that we do once a fortnight but oh what a mistake in school holidays - there were kids everywhere!! eliana had her cousin to play yesterday - she is totally fascinated by him & he loves doing things for her as well as sharing everything! he has CF & was going to feed her some of his enzymes

    not much else happening here - i got more scrapbooking supplies so im set for the weekend - DP can have some time with eliana
  14. 9 Months - 12 Months, September/October '05


    Another Gatecrasher here!

    Yep, Jaykob is 9 months! I know everyone says it but geeeez time flies!

    No crawling here yet (no proper crawling anyway) hes standing though, can shuffle along the couch... Mum Dad Nan & Bubby are his only words so far but he is going great!

    He has almost his 13 (YES no typos here) 13 kilos. Although I have to say hes slowed down with the weight gain lol

    I went out last night for the first proper time, with a few of the girls, had a ball but i was glad to get home to my lil man..

    well thats all for now, time for bed, we have a 3rd bday tommorow, dress ups!!!

    Take Care
  15. 9 Months - 12 Months, September/October '05


    WOW 13kgs! Can't say he isn't healthy though. Lily is still only a wee 8.5kgs, but is 75cms long, so she doesnt look that small.
  16. 9 Months - 12 Months, September/October '05


    hi girls

    well i guess i am leaving this forum sooo sad - lani was 1 on the 15th and i have posted in ther 12mth forum but didn't come in to say goodbye to you girls - sorry, i have just been sooooooo sick with the flu and then af turning up etc etc etc, but after 2wks i am finally feeling about 50% better just in time to start ttc again lol.

    golly gosh and jaykob's weight - as i said lani is 1 and she has only just hit 8kgs however she is 78cms tall and is in proportion just a petite little girl i guess.

    anyway i will be off now and i will be popping in regularly to see how you and your babies are going and i guess i will be seeing some of you soon in the next forum
  17. 9 Months - 12 Months, September/October '05


    I can't wait to see your little (big )man Colleen, Jessica is 12mths and only 8.74kgs too. LOL Of course noew that she is sick again, I am sure she has lost some of that weight, not eating for 3 days will do that.

    Cheers michelle
  18. 9 Months - 12 Months, September/October '05


    Hello hello hello?

    Where is everyone?

    It is very empty in here!