Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2

thread: Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2

  1. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    ill come back for personals when i can but i am sick.... i have tonsilitis and Ryker has Thrush...
    i havent felt this horrible for a very long time. i started getting a sore throat about 8pm last night, i woke at 1am, R was still asleep so i expressed and i knew then i would be crap today, i was shivering cold but burning up.
    thismorning i got up at 6am cause i had a massage booked at my work at 8am, so i got everything done and sorted for the kids and dh then did the school run. i prob shouldnt have had the massage but didnt want to cancel last minute, when i left work i was super cold and it hurt to drive..... i had R booked into the gp at 345pm but rang and changed to morning for both of us...
    dh rang MIL and she is suppose to be coming over but she had to wait for a pumber, now we are only 1hr until i have to leave to get N from school. anyway one of the shool mums happened to just ring me and so she said if i have to go pick up Nix to park out the front of her house and she will bring him to me.
    My entire body is aching, i was sitting out in the sun earlier with trackies, singlet, shirt, jumper, socks, slipper, a heat pack down my top and big blanket over me just shivering
    dh cant get home early cause he got to work late and had a course yesterday so is playing catch up.
    Im lucky Ryker seems to be unphased by the thrush, he is still feeding, Ty so far has been a good boy and just chilling out playing by himself and watching tv, poor Ty missed swimming, there was no way i could take him when getting the kids in and out the car took all my effort.
    I LOOK & FEEL LIKE S###!!
  2. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    ok will try and back track.
    Sarah - good on you for joining WW, i joined on Sunday! but now just 3 days in im a total sick ball and have barely got off my backside bar the main essential need to. i got one of those pedometre things and surprisingly how many steps i do each day. sunday i did about 8000 i think and yesterday just short of 10,000 steps
    Rosey- i agree with the others , maybe making an appointment with your gp to discuss how your feeling, im sorry you feeling so down at the moment but there is nothing you are doing wrong, this parenting gig is tough mentally, physically and emotionally
  3. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    Skye - Sorry to hear of your concern, was this picked up by MCHN? Crossing everything for reassuring news on Fri hun Also hope you got some solid sleep overnight, being tired and having the crying constantly testing your nerves is so hard to handle. Loving your craft work btw, the box you made for A was beautiful.

    Rosey - glad to hear you have a GP appointment, sounds like you just need to build your strength and health back up Even illness aside, I think we all have days when we just want to stay in bed and hibernate... sometimes I freak out at the prospect of a cold day at home alone with a stroppy baby, and getting out of the house feels way too hard as well. I agree with Buff though, no matter what state you get out of the door in, as long as you and bubs are warm, some fresh air does wonders for a bit of mental clarity. But only once you are feeling up to it health-wise x

    Peanutter - I am still in awe of your milk-machines even though you think they have dropped a little. Take care of yourself, they will come good again. I hope DS1 has a great day on Fri. It all sounds like 'normal' behavioural stuff for his age, but especially trying when you have soooo much on your plate.

    Razz - Lots of hugs to you, such a hard decision to have to make. Definitely ease up on the guilt hun - you obviously have been doing what you believe best for your kids all along. I seriously cannot believe how difficult and emotionally-charged BF is in general - the amount of guilt and pressure that women feel is so widespread and unfair. Hope you get some answers and improvement after the procedure.

    Zilly – our sleep pattern is not too dissimilar to yours, but we get to sleep a little earlier and no afternoon nap. Tobi looks very tired some days, poor old fella finds the 4am feed really disrupts his beauty sleep How are Keira and DH doing?

    Buffy – How are you going achieving that shower today?! Man I love super-hot showers, I used to have such long luxurious ones, now I get as long as it takes for Yves’ mobile to play one repetition, about 90 seconds I think! Love the pic of Willow and Giles – she is holding her head up really well isn’t she?

    Elocin – People seriously ask you about another baby already?! Take it as a compliment that you must seem like you’ve got this mothering thing down and sort-ed! Good one DH for suggesting the trip to see your bestie, how exciting! I often sit in the back seat with Yves on longer trips, it makes DF feels like a cabbie, but it reassures me to keep an eye on the little one. Does Connor usually nap when travelling?

    Sararose – oh dear, the vomit incident sounds like a scene from a sitcom – carnage! You poor mumma, it’s certainly horrid having sore bbs. Glad H took the EBM well, it is so good to have the option of others feeding bubs to give you a break. I’m sure your Dad will brighten up seeing your gorgeous trio, who wouldn’t!

    Hi to the other gals, hope you are coping ok in this nippy weather. Nickers, where you at babe?! Oh just saw you posted when I did - massive hugs lovely lady, take care x

    Sorry I haven’t really kept up with updates on Yves, but things are generally good. The feeding can still be rough, but at least I know that it is vasospasm that delivers the killer pain, not just bad attachment. Yves still buggers around and pulls on and off the boob a lot, but it is manageable. I am expressing more now I have the swing, but struggling to get much of a frozen stash as we keep using it at night when Yves is fussiest with bf. Sleep-wise, he goes down late, about 11pm, but sleeps through til 4am. He feeds for 20-30 mins, then settles quickly and sleeps until 7ish when DF gets up for work. After a change and another feed, Yves and I sleep in til about 10 or even 11 if I’m lucky! We have been managing a walk most days, and he sleeps in the carrier too. Other than that, naps are a bit iffy, but sometimes he will lie in the bassinet quietly for half an hour, so at least I can grab a quick shower and tidy the house a little. Generally he is a great little dude, and when he is alert he is very engaged with us and a total charmer. The easiest and cheapest distraction for Yves is this – I get a white 3-ply tissue, twist one end to make a little handle, fluff out the layers underneath, then float it back and forward over his head like a ghost. He will watch it, tracking it back and forward, side to side for as long as my arm can stand holding it I the air! Forget fancy toys, my kid likes kitchen lights and tissues
  4. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    gah as the day goes on im feeling worse, my troat feels like i am swallowing razors atm mil made it here so has gone to get ds1 from school.
    not sure how im gonna go overnight, hoping dh will step up and help me out, i'll still have to express but its such an effort just to feed, change, burp ryker right now.
    Nic- how lovely of your dh you must be super excited!! how long is the car trip?
    peanutter - sorry your supply has taken a hit, think mine is too im still getting enough but as much as it hurst to swallow im trying to keep my fluids up so it doesnt drop off too much.
    skye- sorry to hear you have concerns with A's eye sight. forget me if you typed it already but is it something she was doing and has stopped doing it, or not ever done?
    R waking for a feed better go cause it will prob take twice as long to get his milk ready.
  5. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    She's never done, didnt think too much about it as she was only little but she's 12 weeks old now and should be doing it. sshe was watching her danglies in the pram again at school pretty intently, i dont know whats going on
  6. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    Skybie - I love pizza nights. Your not a bad mummy for wearing cranky pants... Sometimes you gotta put them on That's great that DD checks out her pram, maybe the danglies are more interesting to her then your face with the different colours and patterns? Maybe when you try and gain her attention she is tired or bored? I really hope all is well!

    Sararose - that's a bloody bummer Helena has the cold now too . Gotta love a projectile vomit ontop of everything else. Hope your girls are feeling better. A catch up with girlfriends sounds lovely, will you have a drink or two? I haven't had an alcoholic beverage for since Feb 2011 lol... I don't really miss it but Ooohhh I cant wait to drink a redbull!

    Elocin - hoping you had a sleep thru last night?! That's so thoughtful of your DH. Enjoy seeing your friend and her brand new baby. You will notice how much your little man has grown next to a newborn... And growing he certainly is doing wow 00! We also get ppl asking about a 2nd baby.....I think Can't we just focus on the now without always worrying about things yet/if to come.

    Peanutter - good job on the 8hours hope that trend continues. Especially since you need some brain power for work.

    Nickers - massive hugs!! I hope MIL turned up & gave you a hand. Theres no easy way out when mummies are sick hey...the show must go on. It sucks

    Lct76 - Yves sounds like a good little snoozer. Days sleeps suck all round in this belly belly group! I love the sound of your toy... My fur babies steal bubs toys when I leave them laying around & have chewed a couple *doh*.

    Well I went to the doctors and boy was I disappointed in my treatment. I said I've been feeling off, don't know if it's normal new mummy blues/exhaustion or PND. I wasn't asked one question just filled out a questionnaire that said I'm depressed. Doctor then said I'll give you tablets and contact details for a councilor. I said no to the tablets as I think she was way too quick to shove 'depressed' down my throat & get me out of her office. I asked more questions which went pretty much unanswered and he response was 'you worry alot don't you'. Well f#*k her I won't be going back there again (sorry for the language). So disappointed. Bubs has been so vocal today and what a beautiful voice it is too!

    Sent from my iPhone... Probably while feeding our poppet.
  7. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    P.S - I've been so guilty of feeding to sleep lately so I don't have to walk the floors & have a bit of time on BB. Ooppppss

    Sent from my iPhone... Probably while feeding our poppet.
  8. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    rosey that doctor sounds insensitive. im guessing the questionnaire is called the edinburgh test/scale (well something like that!!) - it's a standard way to test for pnd. im not sure where youre based (on my phone) but in vic they usually do this test with you at the 6 week appt - my mchn told me that apart from the weighing/measurements that the 6 week appt is meant to be all about the mum. do you have a good mchn that you could visit?

    and with the feeding to sleep - dont feel bad...i fed my ds to sleep pretty much till i weaned him at 20 months!!! and you know - he's happy to go off to sleep by himself so it hasnt ruined him!!!

    skye - sorry to hear you've.been having some rough days with miss a & you're worried about her eyes. hopefully the dr can give you some answers on friday.

    nickers - tonsilitis is horrible hope you're feeling better soon

    buffy - hope you managed that shower!

    lct - love the video of your gorgeous boy on fb!

    peanutter - hope your supply picks up again. hooray for your big boy almost being 2! ive found there lots of challenges but awesome as well!

    sararose - hope your dd2 is feeling better

    elocin - yay for a trip to visit your bestie!!

    hi to everyone else, sorry fir the brief personals!

    afm, still chugging along. miss k is certainly a hungry girl but gas a lovely temperament as far as i can tell so far!! we get one 3-4hour stretch of sleep from 9ish in the evening & then it's 2 hourly. sge pretty much feeds 2 hourly the rest of the time & still has periods of cluster feeding. she def prefers to sleep on our bed at night so im hoping to set the cot up as a sidecar if i can convince dp!
    Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
    Last edited by sloane; May 22nd, 2012 at 08:41 PM.
  9. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    Sararose, glad you're feeling better hon. How's H's cold? I have a snuffleupagus here too, Fess and booger sucker to the rescue. Good that you were able to leave H with your mum so you know you can get out and about. What about your DD2, any more surprises or is she ok now?

    Elocin, C still keeping you on your toes I see! Little monkey. You must be looking forward to the weekend to see your buddy and her darling new bub, how exciting. Am sure the car trip will be fun, maybe the mini man will surprise you and sleep all the way. We all slept a bit better in our own rooms, thanks! Still up every two hours for our little vampire but at least it was grunt-free . As for the second baby, we get that all the time too. It's the same when you get engaged - when's the wedding etc. Just let us enjoy the moment, for goodness sake!

    peanutter, you must have needed that rest - good one. Sorry you're still crook but very glad it's easing up a bit. How was your busy day?

    nickers, you poor sausage - tonsiitis is horrid, I used to get it all the time. Will you get some ABs from the doc tomorrow to knock it on the head? Boo to Ryker's thrush, what a pain. I hope you're both on the road to recovery.

    lct, lovely to hear from you babe. It's good that you have an answer on the breast pain, sucks (pardon the pun) that it's still so difficult though. Fingers crossed it settles and the expressing becomes easier also. Sounds like sleeping is going pretty well, I'm so jealous of your late mornings! I agree he's a gorgeous and rather handsome young man. Good tip on the toy, cheap too!

    Rosey, I'm really annoyed for you at that brush-off. I think you need to start seeing another GP, that's crappy. Please consider chatting to someone else...? It should be taken seriously and there'll be someone that will help. Don't give up until you get what you need. You'll start to feel better once you have some information and options. For what it's worth, I'm on meds for PND and going to a day support group - it's not for everyone but has made a huge difference for me; as well as a bit of sun, regular exercise etc. My GP gave me the best advice - if you're feeling particularly low, ask yourself this: have I eaten? Have I slept? Have I had an hour to myself? And do one of those things. Give yourself little goals/time-outs, like a nice cuppa or a hot shower. You can also vent here anytime, and/or PM me if you'd like to talk more. Take care of yourself sweetpea PS don't worry about feeding to sleep, I do for all the night feeds and really enjoy it. It's a lovely, peaceful time. They're too young to form habits anyway.

    Hello to everyone else.

    AFM: W back in her room last night, up regularly but at least we all got some quiet time in between. She had her comp feed with Dad at 4:00am and was allegedly still starving, so up I got to top her up (defeating the whole purpose!) - she fed for about 30 seconds and promptly went to sleep in my arms. Another sneak cuddle attack, the smart girl! Up at 6:30 and she was full of beans, lots of kicking, chatter and smiles until she got herself all worked up and refused to have a sleep-in with mum, dagnabit. I'm pretty tired, had another nice quiet day though and managed to get her to sleep in her bassinette for a change so had a blissful 2.5 hours to myself. I stupidly didn't lie down, I just never know how long she's going to be out of it so tend to potter instead. Only a couple of disagreements about napping this arvo and then a lovely bath, after which DH put her to bed and we're enjoying our Lite n' Easy dinners side by side .

    Finally having my post-natal check with the OB tomorrow and will get mini pill script. DH is

    Almost forgot to mention that my clever poppet reached out her hand for me today! Amazing!
  10. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    oh rosey thats terrible!!! dedinetly see anothr dr
  11. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    rosey so sorry the doc was so insensitive, definitely see another GP, maybe get some suggestions from friends or family or you can always ask the receptionist if it is a large medical centre, they are normally really good at suggesting the right Dr to see for the problem at hand. dont feel guilty about feeding to sleep I did it with my older two girls and they eventually got to a point where they didnt need to feed to sleep, I have no idea when it happened but it was probably before 8 months and Im doing it with H. Im just going with the flow and if feeding to sleep works why add more stress. I have had a glass of wine a couple of times and may have 1 or 2 saturday night. I have a friends 30th coming up and Im considering having a few and giving little miss EBM and pumping and dumping.

    peanutter what an awesome sleep for you, hope you are feeling recharged

    buffy w sounds like she is doing well, its hard isnt it when you dont know if they are going to have a good sleep or not, sometimes Im afraid to start something or reswt in case the cheeky monkey wakes up after 10minutes

    sloane good luck with convincing your DH about the sidecar idea. I have been having H in bed with me after her big sleep but DH is sleeping in our bed tonight as Dad is in the spare room so probably wont tonight.

    Nickers I really hope you are feeling better and that your DH can pull his weight tonight and give you a hand.

    Well DD2's vomit was a one off and she seems okay today. My little snot ball had another good night but has had a hungry day today feeding hourly most of the time so I've spent most the day on the lounge watching TV or having DD2 bring me toys to buy from her 'shop' as I couldn't do much else with her I did offer to read some books but she wasn't interested. Having lunch with a friend tomorrow. Ive now put my neck out, I think fromt eh way Ive been sleeping holding H on my shoulder so she can breathe easier, have a heat pack on now and it seems a bit better
  12. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    sararose,glad to hear DD2 is ok, bugger on your neck. i yelled at DF last night, managed to get A to go to sleep in her bassinet and crwled into ed and he was all over me and i just cracked it, i was soooo looking forward to my own space for a change and there he is all up in my area, wasnt happening!!!!

    ive been busting my nut trying to engage her today, seems to have made some improvement, i knelt down and looked at er from the top of her play gym and she actually looked me in the eye and smiled at me! i think she just doesnt like people up in her face like her mumma maybe?
  13. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    Helena went to bed at 9pm and is still asleep, I have been awake since five with exploding bb's waiting for her to wake up . I've toldDH he might have to keep sleeping in our room if this is what happens
  14. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    Helena went to bed at 9pm and is still asleep, I have been awake since five with exploding bb's waiting for her to wake up . I've toldDH he might have to keep sleeping in our room if this is what happens
    Wow!!!! Go Helena! Did you sleep that long though? I bet you checked on her a couple or more times

    Sent from my iPhone... Probably while feeding our poppet.
  15. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    I had plans, ladies.

    Plans to do persies to each and every one of you - even those who haven't posted for a while - and then I was going to do a lovely detailed update.

    Then I only got 3 hours sleep before having to go back to work.

    Then I realised I've finished my fourth (yes, FOURTH) course of antibiotics and my throat is still sore and a bit swollen, so I probably have to go back to the Drs.

    Then I started feeling really guilty because DS2 will be spending his second birthday in daycare, because I have meetings and so couldn't really take the day off, and it didn't occur to DH to swap the daycare day to another day, because DS2 has no idea what a birthday is, let alone the fact that he's having one, so DH figured that we'll just celebrate DS2's birthday on the weekend. DH is right, I'm not in the least bit angry at him, but in my fatigued state this does make me the absolute worst mother on the planet, and all the day care carers will see me for the heartless b**** I am, and I will go straight to hell.

    I am going to make cupcakes to send with him, because this will make the universe right again.

    Oh, and I want to punch 4am in the kidneys. I'm tired, I only just got to bed, I have to get up again really soon, and by waking me up at 4am it makes getting up at 5am redundant, so it just means I end up fluffing about and getting to work earlier than necessary.
    Last edited by peanutter; May 23rd, 2012 at 09:16 AM. : lack of sleep
  16. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    Oh peanutter I don't know what to say. I'm sorry your still not 100%. I surely don't remember my second birthday but cupcakes do fix everything. Sleep deprivation is the worst... Sit just so at your desk today so it appears your reading but secretly take a nap. Big Hugs!!

    Sent from my iPhone... Probably while feeding our poppet.
  17. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    oh peanutter your ds us not the first & will not be the last to have their birthday in daycare. you are NOT the worst mum & i doubt the carers will even give it a second thought. in fact, your ds will now get to celebrate twice!

    and cupcakes absolutely make everything great! in fact, they still do at 38

    now i'd like some cupcakes! maybe i'll have to get baking...

    & im sorry to hear you're still not feeling great id love to tell you to take it easy but i know you have alot on (massive understatement). hope you get a truckload of sleep on the weekend and your body gets a chance to heal

    Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
  18. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    Oh 'nutter *hug*

    Sorry you're still feeling rotten, and that rough night doesn't help a bit. You must be run-down. Please try and take it easy today and hit the hay early tonight if your littlest man agrees.

    As for your other little man, he gets to celebrate more than once! No guilt, seriously.

    Take care x