Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2

thread: Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2

  1. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    peanutter, those percentiles sound off Helena is only 10 days younger and is the same length and about 110g lighter and is sitting around the 70th percentile for weight and 85th %tile for weight, I know male and female are slightle different but I would double check the percentiles. I put the details in for you on infantchart dot com and got very different results from your DH

    Buffy how long until your shopping arrives, we just got our pumpkin patch parcel today . Sleep school this wednesday is that right? Do you have to pack much to take with you or do the supply nappies etc?

    Skye hope you managed to get on top of the thrush before it got too bad. How have your sugars been? I know with vaginal thrush high BSl's can make it flare up

    Rosey yay for Mums, Helena loves her play mat she is starting to really look at the hanging toys

    Nickers school pickup/dropoff and three kids and rain sucks big time! Sounds like you had to be superwoman to manage that load!

    lct very jealous of the wonderful sleeps Yves has been having, Im hoping H can make a habit of her big sleeps soon

    AFM Helena slept through three nights in a row from 9pm to 5am, last night she woke up but I think it may have been becuase the house was so cold! We will see what tonight brings. H is starting to find her voice and trying to talk back to us she is making some interesting sounds now. Had a great night with friends Saturday although my bffwent home arly as her little man who is 6 months has gone from sleeping through to waking 12+ times a night in the lsat two weeks, hoping he gets over it soon as she is knackered. DD1 had a ball at her friends fairy party. It was well done, we sat outside and ate cheese and dip while the kids went in to the dance studio with a 'real fairy' and thhey played games, danced had something to eat then got to decorate a mask. They have a big TV so parents can watch the kids dance so we got to watch them during the party without them being self concious . DD1 is already trying to plan her party but its not going to be a big one this year as we paid fpr a play cafe party for them last year

    ETAmylitta posted at the same time! Oh no not kids shoes Im a sucke rfor tiny cute shoes
  2. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    Hi lovely ladies,

    I hope you all had a great weekend!

    Buffster, nice work on the shopping spree!! I can't wait to hear how your week goes this week! Thinking of you always x

    Skybie, how is the thrush hun? I hope it's cleared up. How did DSD2 go at CC?

    Rosey, where in QLD are you? I got C a playmat on the wkd too, I had him on it this afternoon for a bit and he seemed pretty happy.

    SaraRose, sounds like H has a great sleep routine going!

    LCT, I don't think you can call your man De Yves-il anymore... His sleeps sound awesome! Definitely keep persevering with the Ergo, it's totally worth it. C hated his for the first few weeks we tried him in it, now it's a guaranteed nap every. single. time.

    Mylitta, how did A's appt go?

    Peanutter, those numbers don't sound quite right. I hope you're doing ok hon.

    We have dtd a few times, but it's still a bit painful. We got busy on Sat night and then I noticed some ewcm last night... Yikes!!

    A big hello to everyone else

    Weekend away was great! C was awesome in the car both ways... 2 stops for a feed and a bum change and he slept the rest of the way. Saturday we saw my bestie and her newbie (Connor'a girlfriend on FB) and oh my lord, she is heavenly. She has that pinky newborn skin and is so little... I can barely remember C being that little! On Sat night we had dinner with my other best friend from school who is due in Sept so Connor got doted on by his honorary aunties all weekend.

    Mum and I shopped it up on Sunday... New clothes for the babe and for both of us. Was nice hanging out with her like we used to. Little dude slept in the Ergo the whole time so it was nice just to hang out with mum.

    Connor is wasted from the trip and is passed out in my arms at the moment. Hopefully he will wake up again soon so I can push him to go to bed a bit later.

    I'm shagged... Hopefully my boy is nice to his Mumma tonight!
  3. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    Hi ladies,

    Arlia's check up went well today. The nurse was really happy with everything and is still amazed that I'm still breastfeeding all three kids, lol. Here are Arlia's stats:

    Age: 9 weeks today
    Weight: 5.900kg (just under the 85th percentile)
    Length: 57.5cm (just over the 50th percentile)
    Head Circumference: 40.2cm (between 90th and 97th percentile) She's got a super brain growing in there

    Kyson has little school tomorrow so I'm going to try to take Shayla and Arlia to Rhyme Time at the library near the school
  4. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    I rechecked the percentiles, and I make it as more like 75th for HC, 50th for length, and 25th for weight.

    Not great, but not the end of the world.

    He's loving the boobies, and is taking good sized feeds, so we'll just stick with it and see what happens ...

    After all, if they're feeding well, sleeping well, engaging and happy and wetting and pooing what else can you think, but that they're fine?


    I think I'm just tired and run down, and everything is seeming bigger than it really is.

    Maybe I just need some ice cream or a glass of wine and an early night ...

    Sorry all, I've been reading and following along with you all, but haven't got to doing persies lately ... sending you all love and sleepy vibes!
  5. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    nutter - right. babies are like adults - they come in shapes & sizes & to get the middle ground there are always going to be some big babies & some that are smaller. your ds2 sounds just perfect. i'd say still have the wine or (and) ice cream (maybe not together though) just, well, cos why not really

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  6. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    Anyone watching The Voice?

    What that gorgeous Russian chick just did to Kurt Cobain made me feel physically ill
  7. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    lol ltc, missed that thank goodness, cant watch that show delta gives me the irrits!!
    Rosey we've only dtd once in 13 weeks, dont worry yourself about it!

    Hi to everyone else, will try catch up properly tomorrow.

    We're oging okish, miss has decided at night time she isnt to be left alone and simply MUST be held constantly or the screaming banshee kicks in. i can get to the point of sound asleep and put her down in her swing and bing the eyes are open again1!! gargh, ah well she'll grow out of it im sure.
    Eye thing still isnt where id like it to be but we're working on it.

    DD2 had a fantabulous day at child care, she really suprised us and took to it like a fish to water, we thought there'd be hysterics but nope! and shes asking to go back, so i think its a winner!
  8. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    LCT, yep... Saw it... Cringed the whole way through it. Blergh.

    Delta annoys the crapola out of me, but I'm a little bit in love with Keith, Joel and Seal so I put up with her.

    Skye, great to hear that DD2 enjoyed herself yesterday! Is she only going to be in once a week?

    Not sure if I should be worried but C has started only feeding for about 5 minutes total. Even at night when he usually feeds for half an hour each side before bed, he's barely feeding for 5 mins on one boob. He's not feeding more frequently so it's freaking me out a bit.
  9. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    keep an eye on his poo's but babies do get more efficient at feeding as theyget older.
    yep 1 day a weekbut if she keeps going like she is this morning it'll be 5 days a week
  10. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    He's down to one poo a day from 2+. It's the same colour and consistency.
  11. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    E, W barely feeds more than 10-15 mins (both sides) these days and is down to 1 poop a day too; still loads of wet naps. I reckon C is just a really efficient feeder, or perhaps not having a hungry day? I find we go through phases. I'm sure he's fine, he certainly looks gorgeous and is growing like a weed!

    Sounds like you had an awesome weekend by the way, must have been wonderful to spend time with your buddy and her little one, as well as your mum.

    Skye, Miss A loves her evening cuddles huh? Sweet but frustrating when you need your hands free! Great that DD2 enjoyed child care, must be a bit of a relief for you.

    Sararose, H continues her marathon sleeps - hooray! Your poor friend with the constant wake-ups.

    Peanutter, I agree with the other ladies. I hate those stupid growth charts. Hope you had both ice cream and wine.

    lct, I'm now glad I didn't watch it. How's your wee man?

    Mylitta, Arlia blitzed her check! Fantastic - what a clever girl (and clever mum!).

    Morning to the other ladies.

    AFM: another nap revolt yesterday, I blame DH for putting W under the mobile gym thingie for too long in the AM and missing her first sleep. She got so excited she wanted to be up all day, and had maybe an hour total until 8:30. OMG, the yelling! I've never seen a baby fight sleep so hard, seriously. I laid her belly-down in my lap at one point and she calmed immediately, but as soon as I covered her eyes she screamed! Little turkey.

    Packing for sleep school, bring it on I say. My only concern is whether they'll want to try controlled comforting - though I think their policy on that is for over six months.
  12. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    Hi Girls!

    We are back from our weekend away. It was super busy but nice to get away and catch up with friends and family. The girls were great on the 3hr drive and were so cute in their dresses at the wedding. Although it was raining and about 10 degrees colder than I thought it would be so I was doing a mad dash before the wedding to buy tights and cardigans for us all a few hours before the wedding. Been busy today washing, unpacking and tidying up the house. DF put together the pram, we ended up with a strider plus. The baby shop didn't stock the baby jogger city select which I would've liked to check out, the joys of living in the middle of nowhere.

    Took the girls to the doctor this arvo, anyone have any experience with fused labia? DD2 has it, the doctor doesn't seem too worried about it and is happy to let it resolve itself as long as it isn't causing any issues like UTIs. Got her weighed today too and she is 7.05kg which is off the chart, just like her big sister was.

    Be back for personals later tonight, have to do some study so no doubt I will be doing some major procrastinating.
  13. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    Fuzzy, glad to hear your weekend was a success! The amount of washing is quite amazing isn't it? It just never stops!

    Buffster, I hope everything goes well at SS this week. I can't wait to hear about what strategies they show you (except CC of course!). I really hope you guys find something that works for you xo

    No nap Tuesday made for an awesome night here... Up for 30 mins between 8pm and 5.30.

    Morning tea with friends today, ABA tomorrow, SIL is down from Cairns on Friday and on Sunday, we are heading to the ILs at the Sunshine Coast for a 'family day' where Connor will meet bil & SIL who live on the Sunshine Coast but haven't made an effort to come down and meet C can you tell I'm impressed?
  14. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    Fuzzy, top weekend by the sounds of things. How's the Strider going? We liked that one too. Your little lady is growing beautifully, nice work mama!

    Elocin, how annoying that you have to make the effort with the outlaws. Have they always been like that? Hope Sunday goes well. Fab night, go Mr C!

    My angel has self-soothed - not a single seagull yell - for all sleeps since yesterday arvo. Yes, you read that right. It turns out that she just didn't want to be held - she wanted to be put down so she could go to sleep in peace Mum, for goodness sake stop bluddy cuddling me! A bit of fussing, patting and dummy and she's been out like a light. Some minor yelling this morning, let out a huge belch and went back to sleep. Honestly, I feel so stupid - like she's been trying to tell us what she wanted for weeks and I haven't been listening!

    Also only one feed overnight, which Dad did. I got almost seven hours!!

    Heading to 'school' shortly for more baby 101 but hoping we've started the breakthrough on sleep regardless.
  15. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    Nothing to feel stupid about Buff!! These kids don't come with instruction manuals... It's all trial and error hun!!

    Very happy to hear you got a good nights sleep xo
  16. Babies Born ~ March 2012 #2


    Time for a new thread. Please find it HERE