Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1

thread: Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1

  1. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1

    This thread is for parents who's baby was born August 1st-15th 2010 #1

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    There are many issues that you will encounter as a new parent. We have put together this list of useful articles and threads in order to assist you with some common questions or issues you may have, and to provide you with bit of extra support that we all need as new parents:

    Feeding Support:

    Breastfeeding General Chatter
    Breastfeeding FAQ's
    Is My Baby Hungry?
    Bottlefeeding FAQ's and Useful Information
    Is Feeding Your Baby Taking Too Much Time?
    Bottlefeeding General Chatter
    Feeding Your Baby
    Lactose Intolerance
    Starting Solids/Homemade Baby Food
    Starting Solids - When Is My Baby Ready?
    Starting Solids General Chatter

    Please contact the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) or a Lactation Consultant if you are concerned that you may have breastfeeding and/or supply problems, and before the introduction of solids.

    Sleeping Support:

    Comforted Sleeping & Sleep Issues Forum
    Comforting Tools to Aid Restful Sleep
    Babies & Sleep
    Controlled Crying/Comforting/Sleep Training
    The Con of Controlled Crying
    The Crying Game
    15 Ways To Help Your Baby Sleep

    Other Useful Information & Recommended Reading:

    Baby Massage
    Cuddle Me Mum
    Infant-led Feeding & Weaning
    Baby Wearing
    Recommended Reading List

    Got questions?

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    Last edited by Olive; August 18th, 2010 at 07:59 PM.
  2. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    Yay we finally have a baby buddies thread I had my DD Shani Violet on Aug 2nd and she is number 2 I also have a DS who is 22 months. Hoping to hear from some other August mums soon.

    Kylie x
  3. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    Hi there,

    I gave birth to Amelia Darcy on August 12th. I also have a 3 year old, Ruby Stella.

    Looking forward to sharing tips and hints and support as we raise our new precious bundles!

  4. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    Hi Guys

    We had a little girl on the 2nd Aug 2010, Cheyane Lilly
    Looking forwarding to chatting with other mothers with babies around the same age.

    We have had a few bad nights with what we think is colic, last night was a good night so hopefully Gripe water is working

  5. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    Hi Melinda and Shan - Shan it looks like our daughters share a birthday Are you two both breast feeding? Shan I hope the colic settles down for you. At the moment Shani is doing really well and weighs in at just over 4kg. She has been asleep for the past 4 hours so I am expecting her to wake up soon for a feed. She usually is waking once at night time for a feed, sometimes twice so I feel very lucky at this point. I hope we get some more new mummies in this group soon.
  6. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    We had Lilly Matilda Rose on 23rd July 2010 lol but we weren't due until August so some of my BB friends are in here hope it's ok to tag along xx
  7. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    Hi girls, I had my beautiful baby boy Kobi John on 12th August 2010. He is 2 weeks today, it's still quite hard to believe that we made this precious little man and I just can't get over how perfect he is. He wakes me up normally twice a night for a feed so I also feel very lucky. The only drama we've had so far is his refusal to breast feed from the minute he was born, so I am now exclusively expressing and feeding him via the bottle. I will attempt to get him to breast feed at a later date, but am just happy for the time being that he is getting enough goodness even though it's in a bottle.

    I hope you are all well and loving spending this precious time with your beautiful new babies.
  8. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    Hi everyone,
    Does anyone have any ideas to share on what you do with your older children whilst you have to attend to the new baby? My husband goes back to work in a week - he's been great at keeping our 3 1/2 year old amused and giving her lots of attention, but I'm afraid it's going to be ABC2 for Kids babysitting for her once I'm on my own and don't want her to become too TV addicted! I do hope to get out and about to parks etc with her on some of the days that we are home together (she's at daycare 2 days a week), but there's still the 3 hourly feeds which take up to 30 or so minutes where I can't really give her much attention. Would appreciate any ideas from those mum's with toddlers/pre-schoolers...

    We went back to the hospital today to see the lactation consultant as I've had attachment problems on one side for the last week where I've been in tears with pain and not looking at all forward to feeding...this in turn made me feel guilty and worried that it was affecting my bonding with Amelia...which led to more tears!!! A real vicious cycle! ...but thank god for the lactation consultant, she set me right today with my positioning for the feed and it didn't hurt at all. My husband came with us and filmed the "lesson" so I can review it to make sure I'm getting the right position again...
    I can't tell you how impressed I have been with Hornsby public hospital and their support and services for maternity, it beats the private hospital I went to for my first baby hands down...

    How are people's feeding schedules going? I am doing 3 hours during the day (by choice, to get my milk supply going) waking her for a dream feed around 11pm and then she wakes around 2.30/3 for a feed before morning, so it's quite manageable (fingers crossed!).

    Melinda x
  9. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    Hi Melinda,

    Great news about Hornsby Hospital and the fabulous lactation consultant. Im sure you've been at wits end trying every trick you know but thankfully now you've got a few new techniques, Amelia is going to just be a dream baby.

    Saoirse and I are doing well. She is a little congested at the moment with a few sneezes and the occaisional cough. No temps thank goodness but to couple that she seems to be either somewhat on the side of reflux and or colic. Have the community nurse coming today at 10am so timing couldnt have been better - we'll sort this one out quick smart. Saoirse is incredibly unconfortable just after a feed with the usual possetting. We've been really struggling to settle her with last night a real challenge. Tonight has been good and have gone back to some settling techniques.

    Outside of that she's feeding every 2.5hrs for approx. 20 - 30 minutes and a top up feed some ten minutes after the initial feed.

    Im beginning to have a sleep in the afternoon when she goes down, has made an enormous difference.

    Hubby cooked dinner tonight, popped up the road to get a few things and brought back a dozen red roses! What a sweetie.. We're going over to Mum & Dad's on Friday night for them to play with Saoirse and baby sit for a few hours. He's asked me out on a "date" which I thought was really thoughtful so off to dinner and a romantic walk along The Esplanade under the stars & moonlight it will be. I pinch myself often & much knowing that like many of you ladies, the support of your husband/partner at times like this can give you an even greater sense of how deep your relationship & love can be.

    Would be keen to hear of anyone elses experience with colic and how you've been able to settle your bubs.

    Until next time, hope you're all well!

    Buckets of love!
  10. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    Hi Ladies

    Kylie - hey i noticed about our daughters, Cheyane came 5 days early, I also noticed your sons name which is one of the names we have picked out if we have a boy, we love the name Logan and James is a family name on my husbands side. I'm breastfeeding, as well as expressing so hubby can be involved and i also have a home based hair salon so he looks after bub while i do hair. All is goin well, seem to have alot of milk and Cheyane is putting on weight, the first wk and a half she put on 530g and than the next wk she put on 220g so well over her birth weight and sitting just below the 4kg mark.

    Melinda - I started doing the whole routine feed but our little one sometimes only feeds for 10min than falls asleep, i change her nappy than to wake her up, she'll than have another 5 - 10min before falling asleep again, i've tried all the little tricks to keep her awake but once she's decided she wants to sleep there's no keeping her feeding - she's putting on weight and growing so i'm not stressing about it. She has a good 3hr sleep over lunch an normally has a bigger feed after that one. I tried in the begining to hold out for the 3 hr feeds but she still didn't have a big feed. We are still doing the bedtime routine, 5.30 start feeding, 6pm bath than a feed again, she would than sleep anytime from 10.30 - 11.30, as we sort out her wind problems i will keep trying the routine and hopefully by than she will feed for longer times

    Jen - this last wk has been very challenging as Cheyane has suffered really bad from colic, what seems to settle her the best is laying on my husbands chest - last night she actually slepted in our bed between us. We always said that we would never do it but when your little one is in pain it just seems to settle her, she went back into her bed in her room after the 2am feed, she woke at 4 for a feed than slepted till 7. The other thing we have changed is she now sleeps on her tummy, i know this is very frowned apon but she sleeps so much better. She has been able to hold her head up since a couple of days old and i've watched her sleep during the day and she has no worries moving her head from either side. So when she's in bed an upset we can pat her on her back and she goes back to sleep, if she's only a little upset she generally settles herself. Other than that we just walk around the house patting and rocking her. We used gripe water, which i'm going to give her today every time she feeds from lunch onwards so hopefully at bedtime she's not so windy. I don't know if any of this has helped, we just keep comforting her and hopefully it doesn't last too much longer.

    Take care everyone and hope you all have a lovely wk end
    Shannon xo
  11. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    wishlistbaby we are off to the pediatrician for the same reason today ... all my others had reflux and had surgery to correct the faulty valve oldest 3 vomitted ds didnt and lilly does if we give her formula. She cries alot, takes over an hour to feed and is feeding every couple of hours. She isnt very big and slow with weight gain, I am feeding, we did a trial on formula while i expressed and she lost weight presumably from the vomitting, so my pediatrician wants her breast fed, which we do too ... however i had a complicated pregnancy i threw up the whole time and lost a total of 36 kgand the labor was crappy she was posterior and took 8 hours and then 1hr and 47 minutes to push out and to top it off i hemorrhaged after ... so why would i think i would have the perfect baby ... life isnt meant to be easy and wew wouldnt her for the world
  12. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    well pediatrician is happy ... she hasnt quite reached her birth weight yet but she is growing and gaining and I am taking some tablets to help with my milk supply ... also give the reflux history we are going to try a little milanta and see how she settles ... everything crossed here for some sleep xx

    Hope everyone and there bundles are doing well its great to see them all growing and changing on facebook pity some of us live so far away but i think Lilly and I are gonna have to do a trip to Sydney at least once hehe better start saving lol
  13. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    Hi girls,

    At my parents at the moment in between feeds- 4.49am! Had the community nurse around to the house yesterday. All is progressing well, Saoirse has gained just under 500gms in 2 wks, grown 4.5cm and is supposedly normal with feeds and the occaisional possetting.

    Thoughts were she had a virus so off to the Drs today to ensure this litttle fairy is as good as gold.

    Tonight my hubby took me out on a date, very romantic & grandma/pa looked after Saorise whilst we ducked into a fabulous little restaurant. Lovely! It was quite empowering and positively reinforcing for Mum and Dad to have her, feed her & settle her without us... They loved it. Hopefully today brings blue skies, sunshine & a fabulous long walk along the beach.....
  14. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    mum2be.. does she have a dummy? its tricky as nate has no dummy and i put him to bed and he cries for 3-4 min and then sleeps for 4 hours. just remember what ever habbit you start now... wont be easy later on if you want to change it..
    If you are ok with it I used to put baby down and go have a shower.. they dont die from crying and they learn HABBIT so so so quickly.. Whatever work for you might not work for everyone.. So good luck!!
  15. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    Hey girls how is everyone!!! In Canada now and having a blast!!!
  16. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    Hi there,

    We went tothe GP's today after the community nurse suggested if Saoirse wasnt any better to go to the local GPs. Our usual GP is off having a knee reconstruction so we went with a recommended GP up the road. Lovely Egyptian Dr who was just fabulous. Turns out our little one has colic. He suggested that SMA Gold was not recommended as it causes constipation. Recommended Norcal formulae designed for babies with Colic as well as Infocol drops. Gave some great suggestions as well as laying the baby on her side for sleep with rolled up blankets on her back and stomach area. We touched on how we were demand feeding & exhaustion was settling into our routine. Every 3hrs with a 7hr break from 11pm through to 6am and offer her tepid water during these hours so that she begins to form a sleep habit. We'll see how we go but its finally great to get some good recommendation and the possibility of sleep rather than waking every 2-3hrs sounds like bliss....

    I beleive tomorrow and Monday maybe incredibly challenging but she should settle into a routine from Tues/Wed onwards. Lets hope!

    Anyone else having challenges?

    Hope you're all doing well. Im feeling like Im aching all over & flu like. Sleep would be nice... Oh well mid week and a few hours sleep will be enough to keep me going....

    Lots of love,
  17. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    Hmm well looks like our little one doesnt have reflux ... none of the mylanta etc is helping at all, although when we tried topup feeds of formula she vomitted so his lactation consultant recommended formula for low birth weight and premmie babies and she took that without throwing up. ATM I feed her, then if she is still fussing I offer her some formula, he said she will only take it if she is still hungry. Last night she took 30ml, and slept but still woke after the 2 hours for a feed. The next feed she took nothing extra and was very unsettled.The wind drops and gripe water help with the wind but no idea why she still isnt settling hopefully as my milk settles in this helps

    Jen I hear you loud and clear on the challenges. Lilly is feeding every 2 hours and takes forever to feed. Some of my night feeds are done laying down because I am so tired I am scared I will drop her. My pediatrician says colic usually settles after about 12 weeks but there s no definite time, we know Lilly has colic but none of my others did and I am so exhausted. My pediatrician said sometimes we can make it worse by reading too much into it because we become stressed and the baby picks up on it. So for me I am tryingto relax and take each feed as it comes. I just wish DH was home more to help but I guess I am in the real world now.

    Take care everyone xx
  18. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    Hi Ladies,
    I posted yesterday and cant find it here. So not sure what happened.
    I had my first bub Charlotte after having to be induced due to my BP increasing and the fluid levels dropping over the last few weeks. It was a 6hr labour and very intense, wish it had been spread out a bit but Im not really gonna complain lol.
    When Charlotte was born she wasnt screaming or moving which kinda made me think what the H!@# is going on arent they meant to be screaming. After 5 mins on oxygen we got a whimper and she was whisked off to the special needs nursery for about an hour. DH didnt leave her for 1 minute which left me to twiddle my thumbs and wonder what the heck to do.
    Anyway now she is almost 6 weeks old and after 2 weeks we chose to stop BF as she had kept loosing weight and at one stage wasnt off my boob for any longer than 1/2 hr. My mum and grandmother had the same problem so Im assuming maybe it could be a genetic issue or something.
    Now she is feeding about every 4hrs and is putting on weight very well. Only problem is we have a wind issue. Lots of bottom burping which I have been told is normal but the amount she does kinda has me wondering. We will see the pead in 2 weeks so will wait till then. I have tried a few things like breaking up feeds with burps, using gripe water, infacol, changing formula, leg movements and tummy massages.
    I was also wondering how many of you have issues with baths. Little Charlie screams soooo much and ends up with tears falling down her cheeks. Last night I tried bathing her with a towel draped over her and it did calm her a bit, I just want her to love the water as much as me.
    Anyway chat to you all later