Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1

thread: Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1

  1. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    Mrs P - Have you tried a swing? Shani loves hers and will sleep for ages in it, I also find if I put her in the sling while I am doing things around the house that she is happy and sleeps or is content at least.
  2. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    Hi Girls..
    Thought I'd pop in and say hi as my little boy, Darcy Lewis was born on the 12th August so instead of just reading and learning from you all, I may as well introduce myself! Things are going great so far..started with 2 hour feeds but am now starting to stretch him out which is going quite well. Look forward to chatting and learning from you all.
  3. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    Hi Trish and welcome to our group
  4. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    Darcy had his 8 week immunisation this morning.. he did very well but mum was a bit worse for wear! No side effects so far but quite sleepy. Anyone else had any side effects with their bubbas I should look out for?
  5. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    Nate is now 3 months... YA YA YA.. Sleeping from 9pm -8am... loving it!!! And he has 2 bottom teeth as well..

    He weights 6kg.. big bubba... just easy great good personality kid!!
  6. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    Welcome Trish

    Kylie - she's not too keen on her swing as yet. She does love her playmat and will entertain herself for a good 25-30 mins which is great. But now she's getting a bit mobile so I need to keep more of an eye on her!

    Didi - 11 hours, awesome!! And TEETH! Oh my god. Has he bitten you? Does it hurt while feeding?

    AFM - Liana did 8.5 hrs last night, her best sleep yet. She's become really dribbly so I hope it's not her teeth already too! SHe can now roll from her tummy to her back, which is very cute, and has started to go from her back onto her side a bit. Scary how fast she is growing. Well she's just gone down so I'm off to express!
  7. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    Didi - wow teeth already. That is super early. Were your others early teethers too???

    Mrs P - rolling already you might have an early crawler/walker on you hands.

    I have found the best thing for helping Shani to sleep has been the Wrap me up swaddle that I bought on Friday. It zips up snug instead of wrapping and keeps their hands upwards. Well worth the money.

    Anyway gotta go off to a 2yo party now.
  8. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    Kylie - I'm a big fan of the Wrap me up swaddle too although it seems to tight on Darcy now so I might buy the size up. As it gets warmer, I guess you can put the swaddle on over only a singlet and nappies too.
  9. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    Well we are a quiet bunch aren't we? I am guessing we're all way too busy with our bubs!
    We are doing well, Liana seems to have plateaued at an average of 8 hrs for her long night sleep, thoughshe has done nearly 10 a couple of times and sometimes it's only 6. But overall pretty good.
    Every day I fall more in love with her - it's soppy I know but she's just the most precious adorable thing and I'm so blessed to have her as my daughter. I'm sure every mother feels the same.
    We've started mothers group which is good and I'm starting to get back into some exercise and some little bits of 'me' time every now and then.
    How's everyone traveling?
  10. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    My pther 2 had teeth at 3 months... even with nate and jorda being 4 weeks prem...nope no bitting!
    Love putting him to bed at night thinking in 11 hours i can sleep.
  11. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    Jinxed myself - last night she only did a 5 hr sleep followed by 3 hrs, and after that only a 45 min nap. Sigh. The last three nights it's been 6.5, 6 and now 5 hrs! Hoping this is not a change in her pattern - I want her back to a min of 8!! Ha ha. Then I think of the first 6 weeks when 3 hrs in a row was considered good

    Didi you are so lucky to get 11 hours out of Nate! No teeth for us yet, was a false alarm
  12. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    Well well it's been a while, I guess you forget things he he. Miss Lilly is just over 3 and 1/2 months now and we went off to see the pediatrician yesterday. She has reflux and will start on asthma medication at 6 months, won't know if she is as severe as Samuel until she is older but that's ok at least I am prepared this time round and don't have a toddler to contend with as well. Hoped we had avoided it but 2 out of 5 isn't bad right. She is still a little slow feeding, but I am assured she is just fine and we can just see the GP unless he wants the ped to give her a going over he he. She has just hit the 5kg mark, woo hoo, and is coming along nicely. She is finally in 3 x 0's and only has 1 4 x 0 suit left that fits so I am stoked. She talks alot and loves bouncing in the jumperoo, and the kids all love her to bits.

    Great to see that everyone's babies are coming along so well. We are still a little sleep deprived although a couple of nights ago she slept for 8 hours and I thought I had hit the jackpot, but she was sick so we are back to 3 hourly but its so much better than the 1 and 1/2 hours so I am not complaing.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend. Take Care of yourselves xx
  13. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    Mrs P... I am so so so LUCKY with Nate and his sleeping.. And believe me every night i put my head on my pillow I am so so glad I dont have to wake till 730am!! SOMETHING I DONT TAKE FOR GRANTED !!
  14. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    Hee hee Didi - I wouldn't take it for granted either Liana went down a bit later tonight (9pm) than she has been so I am hoping she might sleep until 6am (ha yeah right!) as DH is away so I get the bed to myself and am looking forward to it! She also went down without a peep so fingers crossed.

    Rob sounds like Lilly is doing well! Can't believe you have 5 kids, how do you do it?

    Liana is nearing the 6kg mark now and is into 000 and some 00 - I think she may be fairly long/tall as it's mainly the leg length that pushed her up a size. She is a dribble machine and loves sucking on her fingers and hands.. and thumb sometimes! Oh and licking things ha ha. Very cute. Looking forward to xmas, it is just around the corner now...
  15. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    Hi Ladies, wow I didn't realise how long it has been since I've been on here, but looking back I now realise it's been a really long time. It looks like everyone has got a bit quieter though so I am assuming you are all just as busy as I am, and those of you with more than one, must just be crazy busy.

    So looking over some of the posts it looks like a few of you lucky ladies are getting to sleep through the night. Oh that would be heaven. Kobi is in quite a routine now where he goes down anywhere between 6-7pm, we do a dream feed at around 9.30 and then he wakes again for a feed at 3.30am (like clockwork) And even though a full nights sleep would be lovely I'm in such a habit now of waking at 3.30pm that it doesn't seem all that bad. I always tell myself it could be worse and I could be up all night. We did have a bad week a couple of weeks ago where he was waking every hour - two just crying, not hungry but there was obviously something not right. I had been trying out a cheaper brand (Aldi) of nappies so have put it down to this. We are now back on huggies for night times and things seem to be back to normal.

    I just can't beleive how time is flying. Kobi is now 3 & 1/2 months old and is just becoming such a little person it's so lovely. He rolls onto his stomach from his back and even moves around in the cot alot now too. There have been many morning I'll go in and he's done a total 360 degree turn around, and flipped on to his stomach and somehow managed to get his little lets through the railings!!!! I know if I wrapped him that would help, but he always seemed distressed when wrapped so we stopped around two months ago and I would just feel really mean starting it again, especially now summer is coming.

    Well that's about all, glad I finally remembered (and got some time) to check in. Hope you are all doing really well and your bubs are giving you endless amounts of joy like mine is xoxo
  16. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    HI everyone.. so quiet it here!!

    So hot now as well.. Feeding much more often during the day with the heat!! Is everyone getting ready for christmas?
  17. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    Hey Didi - yep, super quiet in here! We are headed to my parents for xmas, it's a 3.5 hr drive that will no doubt take us at least 5 hours ha ha. Not looking forward to the travel but am looking forward to some family time - Liana hasn't been to their house before. I'm got quite a few presents out the way but think I need to leave her with DH and go late night shopping soon and get the rest of them! What about you - got your shopping organised?

    I just got back from a mum & bub exercise class and it didn't go too well, Liana was due for a nap but wouldn't go to sleep in her pram, so I just jogged around with the pram for a bit and did my own thing and eventually left 15 mins early. Of course she went to sleep in about 30 seconds in the car!! Oh well, we'll try again next week
  18. Babies born~August 1st-15th 2010 #1


    Hi Mrs P, I also went to my first mum and bub excercise class last week and Kobi was really good. He fed just as we pulled up and then slept the whole time. I was kinda wishing he would wake up and need my attention though, especially when I was told we had to run and do a bit of a relay. I haven't run in about 20 years. It was slightly tempting to wake him up just so I could get out of it ha ha ha.

    Just a quick question for you all, has anyone else started to lose their hair. Mine seems to be coming out in chunks ever since Kobi was about 3 months. And what's worse is he has started to grab everything in his reach, including my hair and constantly comes away with a handful of it. Does anyone know of anything I can do to stop it???????