Ned has both sides 99% of the time... he's a little guzzler.. takes about 20mins each side but is cutting down to about 10-15mins, I guess he's getting better at it. But he's still feeding 2.5-3hourly, including overnight, and even after formula topups!
I tend to do nappy change, then feed and burp and put back to sleep (if overnight) or play then sleep (daytime).
Huggies wipes really irritate Ned's bum, nappyrash was so bad it was bleeding, so went to Johnsons & Johnsons, and heaps of Bepanthen, and it's clearing up fine. Also helps when he doesn't poo EVERY nappy... thank goodness for cloth or we'd be spending SO Much on nappies!
Anyway, he's sleeping and Alex is at daycare so I'm off to bed!