Newborn - 1 Month, September/October '05

thread: Newborn - 1 Month, September/October '05

  1. Newborn - 1 Month, September/October '05


    Ned has both sides 99% of the time... he's a little guzzler.. takes about 20mins each side but is cutting down to about 10-15mins, I guess he's getting better at it. But he's still feeding 2.5-3hourly, including overnight, and even after formula topups!

    I tend to do nappy change, then feed and burp and put back to sleep (if overnight) or play then sleep (daytime).

    Huggies wipes really irritate Ned's bum, nappyrash was so bad it was bleeding, so went to Johnsons & Johnsons, and heaps of Bepanthen, and it's clearing up fine. Also helps when he doesn't poo EVERY nappy... thank goodness for cloth or we'd be spending SO Much on nappies!

    Anyway, he's sleeping and Alex is at daycare so I'm off to bed!
  2. Newborn - 1 Month, September/October '05


    divvy - Emma poo's every nappy too!! OMG i wasnt expecting that!! Cant wait till it settles down LOL
  3. Newborn - 1 Month, September/October '05


    Yep - Louis is pooing pretty much every nappy - and we're guaranteed that if he hasn't he waits until we've taken the nappy off and explosively poos all over our hands! Yuck!

    Divvy - what do you do to play with bubba at this age - I feel a bit lost. I have a rattle that I've been shaking around a bit and he's starting to follow it with his eyes but other than that I'm unsure.....

    Also - for tummy time when is the best time to do that?? If I do it after a feed when Louis is awake I'm worried he will just throw up everywhere.

    Sorry for all the questions. I feel a bit lost with it all sometimes.
  4. Newborn - 1 Month, September/October '05


    Kristie - i have wondered the exact same thing about 'what to do with bub'. i have asked a few people and they just said that at this age there isnt really much that the bub needs. i feel like Emma must get bored!! But i think talking to them and singing to them and maybe pulling funny faces and smiling at them is about the most you can do (at least i have fun doing all that!! )
  5. Newborn - 1 Month, September/October '05


    i feel a bit the same aswell girls.i feel guilty about putting her back to bed after nappy and feed as i think she must get bored lying there but she seems content and as soon as she crys we just have cuddle time,at this age they dont need much as they need so much long as the time you are interacting with them is full of lots of stroking and soft sweet talk i think that is all they need right doesnt take long until they grow enough that they are wanting more attention and awake i guess enjoy the time right now while they are not so demanding of our time cos before you know it they are very determined to take up all your time with play and interaction.
    she slept well again and only woke for a 3am feed,seems to be the same every night at the moment,im sure the bubble will burst soon it cant be this good for too much longer LOL.
    talk again soon.
  6. Newborn - 1 Month, September/October '05


    Wow - I had the best nights sleep last night! When I say that we went for 2 lots of 4 hour feeds! Yeah! I haven't had that yet! I can't believe I'm excited over 6 hours of sleep - hehe. I would never have said that before.

    I was so determined to use cloth nappies and he's 11 days old and we're onto disposables! hehe. Mainly though because he doesn't fit into the normal towelling ones yet so we've had him in the flannel and he is just drenched through - I can't imagine it being very good for his skin.

    Have you guys noticed how people without kids seem to have no idea? I don't mean to sound rude but they don't understand that we're not going to wake him up for a cuddle etc. It's amazing how much I've changed since becoming a Mum! hehe. I'm rattling out all the - "they don't know what their in fors" etc. Pretty tragic actually.

    Hope you're all well! I wonder when more October girls will be joining us? I suppose it took me a while to get on as well. There's so much to adjust to when you get home.
  7. Newborn - 1 Month, September/October '05


    Krisvee, with the cloth nappies, just change more often, or use other types of cloth, Ned is wet thru every nappy but doesn't seem to mind, what type of cover are you using? woohoo on the sleep!

    Nikki, sounds like you have a great sleeper! I'm jealous!

    We got 2 x 4hrs between feeds last night for the first time! Now if only the 2yo wouldn't wake up.....
  8. Newborn - 1 Month, September/October '05


    I use cloth nappies & she is usually soaking wet, but doesn't seem to care, she is also now only pooing every 3rd-4th day which is fine for breastfed babies!
    I only use wipes when she has poohed other than that I let her have about 5-10 mins of nappy free time with nappy changes & I sing & make goofy faces too... Coz they really cant play, so I guess we are all doing the same, lot's of cuddles & also tummy time which she loves & then back to breast & bed!!!
    Indah slept 6hours after her 10pm feed last night & this morning I was leaking everywhere, so expressed & my milk was a pink tinge (?) Could it be that we had indian butter chicken last night with tomato paste? She drank from that breast since & didn't mind!??

    I guess I am getting the boot now too as my baby is already 1 month today!!! Times flies so to everyone, ENJOY your new born babies.....

    Catch ay all in the next thread 1-3 months!!!!
  9. Newborn - 1 Month, September/October '05



    Well my good nights sleep was short lived. I feel like a zombie today. How many more months of this??? hehe.

    Are you guys wrapping your bubbas? We are still wrapping Louis but he loves to sleep with his arms up now so he wiggles them out. His little startles are less now so he doesn't wake himself up with his arms out.

    We're off to the shops today for the first time. We're going to try and have some lunch and get a few b'day presents. We'll try and do it in between feeds though. Hopefully we won't have any troubles. Although I was just trying to think of where the ramp escalators are - I've never had to think of that before - hehe.

    I hope you're all doing well - it's very quiet on here - but we're all so busy!
  10. Newborn - 1 Month, September/October '05


    Hey everyone!
    Well, I am finally back online, we moved house last weekend (sooo much fun with a newborn) but we are all sorted out now. Reilly is doing really well, he sleeps through from about 11pm to 7am, and he is growing steadily. I cant believe we are almost out of this thread, time has gone so fast! Congrats to all the Oct girls with their new bubbas!! Hope everyone is getting some sleep!
  11. Newborn - 1 Month, September/October '05


    nixie - well done moving with a newborn - Wow im impressed!! how long has reilly been sleeping that long for? Emma doesnt go for more than 4 hours (and thats rare). im hoping it will get longer.....

    Kristie - hope your shopping trip goes well. i still ussually wrap Emma, but more because it has still been pretty cool here and i like to know she cant kick of that layer.

    Emma is doing really well. Shes still a very content little girl, i am really lucky. i still cant get enough of her!! i wonder when this feeling will wear off?
  12. Newborn - 1 Month, September/October '05


    linda,this feeling never ever wears they get older and more demanding in different ways we really do look forward to time away from them but when it is time to have them back you have that same feeling all over again.i enjoy my days at home while the boys are at school but i love getting them when that bell goes and the feeling is the same as when we stare at our new born dont worry a mothers love goes on forever and ever.well i hate to brag but my little miss slept right through last night,she was very unsettled for the first part of her sleep with wind but from 10.30 onwards she slept till 7 this sure this is going to end soon and i am going to start having broken sleep soon.its too good to be true.i wrap her also.have any of you heard from the other new mums from oct yet,they should be popping in soon i would imagine.
  13. Newborn - 1 Month, September/October '05


    Linda, Reilly has been on the same sleep pattern pretty much from a week old, I guess I was just lucky in that regard. He usually only has one big nap during the day though, so it kinda evens out. We tend to be quite active during the day (he went to a wedding and reception the day after he was born, and hasnt stopped since!) so I think that has somethign to do with it.
    btw, love the pic of your little girl, she is just beautiful!
    I still wrap Reilly at this stage, well DH does, he does it much better than me, the child always escapes mine within a minute!
  14. Newborn - 1 Month, September/October '05


    thanks nixie, thats so nice of you to say. wow- i cant believe reilly has slept like that right from the start. like you said, possibly because you have done so much with him through the days.

    nikki - its nice to hear what you said that it never stops. i love it now, and i look forward to watching her grow up too. lucky you too having a full nights sleep!! dont worry i would be bragging too!!! \/
  15. Newborn - 1 Month, September/October '05


    can I be added to the list now please. Not sure what detils you need so I will jsut type something.

    Baby girl - Eden Kate
    6lb 9 0z
    48 cm long
    DOB - 15th October 2005
    Emerg Ceaser

    what else???????????
  16. Newborn - 1 Month, September/October '05


    Hi all,

    Can my details be added to this thread please? I will catch up with everyone later, just wanted to say hi as I've just got home from the hospital with our new arrival

    Forum Name: Fenella
    State: SA
    Baby's DOB: 19th October
    Baby's Stats: Weight - 3695 Length - 49cm Head Circ - 36cm
    Gender of Baby: Girl
    Baby Name(s): Tamsin
    Baby's Website: none yet
    Health Concerns: (e.g. eczema, reflux, colic) none
    Notes: (e.g. 9 days early, breech etc.) 8 days early
  17. Newborn - 1 Month, September/October '05



    Welcome and congrats on your precious bundles! I hope all the October girls come over to this forum when they've had their bubbas!

    I hope you're both doing well! Although I'm sure you're feeling as sleep deprived as we are - hehe.

    By the way - I've finally put a picture up of Louis on the website if anyone wants to have a look.
  18. Newborn - 1 Month, September/October '05


    he's gorgeous kristie!!!