Bedridden during period?

thread: Bedridden during period?

  1. Bedridden during period?


    Bedridden during period?

    Hey guys. So I jut got my first AF since DD2 was born, so about 19 months pp. I am in so much pain. I'm on day four, and although the bleeding is nowhere near what I used to experience (think, blood running down my legs getting up in the morning, heavy bleeding) the pain has been extreme. I like to think I have a fairly high pain tolerance, but this far I have literally been bedridden. I can hardly move for the knife like pains in my vagina and rectal area, the cramps are like labour, my thighs and vagina are aching and feel almost heavy itms. I'm nauseated and cranky but mainly just in so much pain. Anyone else? How do you get through? As I said, I used to have painful, very heavy periods, but this pain is on a whole new level. Is it just because it's the first one in so long? I'm feeling really guilty, as I haven't been the most involved mum or wife over the last few days.
  2. Bedridden during period?


    Re: Bedridden during period?

    Have you been diagnosed with endo? This sounds just like I have experienced in the past. I actually didn't go to work today because if I got up, I very nearly passed out from the pain. I've never had a baby so can't compare to labour, but the rectal, thigh, stabbing pains are like what I always had prior to my lap surgery. Today I've had similar even though I've just spent thousands on a second lap a few months back...sigh.
    Have you been passing clots? Apparantly alot of the pain can be due to the cervix trying allow large clots through -as of course it doesn't dilated like in labour, but the clots still need to get out. I'd agree with that because I've passed large liver like bits today.
    It could be related to how long it's been since you've had a period, or it could be something else. I find certain foods - sugar in particular, can be a trigger for more pain. If I'm eating LCHF I tend to have better periods.
  3. Bedridden during period?


    Re: Bedridden during period?

    Accupunture is amazing for regulating periods, I've been pain free since having mirena out, I need a session soon though as I'm starting to get slight cramps
  4. Bedridden during period?


    Re: Bedridden during period?

    I had those periods every cycle pre-Liebs. Only occasionally now.

    Just keep ibuprofen next to the bed. They kick in quick on an empty stomach and enable you to start the day. Dose up regularly. Don't eat much, not that you want to, as that interferes with the drugs. Codeine is also great when you can get it. Tramadol less so as it does knock you for six and it's difficult to work/look after children on that.

    As my mum said for years, periods are a part of life. You have to just get on with it and stop moaning about it, your sister doesn't. Try and focus on something else so the pain goes away.

    I do use a mooncup now and that seems to make the cramps more tolerable. Did read an explanation of that once.

    Hope that you can try acupuncture or routes other than drugs though and they work for you. I wish I'd tried those when I was younger - did try reflexology a few times in my 20s and that worked really well. But then the person who did it moved away.
  5. Bedridden during period?


    Re: Bedridden during period?

    I also find tampons make the pain/dragging feeling worse
  6. Bedridden during period?


    Re: Bedridden during period?

    Just keep ibuprofen next to the bed. They kick in quick on an empty stomach and enable you to start the day. Dose up regularly. Don't eat much, not that you want to, as that interferes with the drugs. Codeine is also great when you can get it. Tramadol less so as it does knock you for six and it's difficult to work/look after children on that.

    As my mum said for years, periods are a part of life. You have to just get on with it and stop moaning about it, your sister doesn't. Try and focus on something else so the pain goes away.

    With all due respect to your mum, it's not possible for some of us to suck it up and get on with it. I couldn't even consider driving a car as I black out standing up - guess I should go to work and hope I don't kill someone in the process. Focussing on something else isn't even possible when I am in that much pain. You can't really understand the pain another person experiences - oh and taking brufen on an empty stomach is a guaranteed way to earn yourself a stomach ulcer.

    I was reading some articles on an endo support group site, and it's comments like these that make endo a silent disease for many. People just think you're being a whinging female and you just need to get on with life. If only it were that simple.
  7. Bedridden during period?


    Re: Bedridden during period?

    All my periods are like this. I feel like I am being stabbed and the knife is being twisted deep inside me. My hip bones also throb.

    The only medication that works for me is the sort that knocks me out and renders me useless. Ibuprofen doesn't help at all, unless I take it with another, stronger painkiller.

    You totally have my sympathy
  8. Bedridden during period?


    Re: Bedridden during period?

    It's very hard. This is me too! And sometimes I get this mid cycle too. I think you should go to the doctor.

    Yes it happens to a lot of us but most of us know why. If you don't know why you should always go get it checked out. Just on the off chance there is something not quite right. I'm in the process of having more investigative tests as it appears I have endo on my bowels and ovaries. Makes for a fun time!

    Also don't ever be ashamed of not being capable. It's totally ok. It's really difficult when you have little ones. But it's not something you should feel guilty for. If people give you grief it's because they are fortunate enough not to have experienced it.

    When I'm in severe pain I start to pass out. Have done since I was a teenager. So I become very very drowsy. And then pass out. That's not safe. So I need help when it's that bad.

    I hope it's a one off. But if not get it checked out. xx
  9. Bedridden during period?


    Re: Bedridden during period?

    As I said, I do know these periods. And I know what it's like to get no sympathy. I also suggested some things that helped me (mooncup and reflexology).

    But I also learnt how to get on with life, as there was no other option. Curling into a ball and crying was only for the weak, I was told. In retrospect, not necessarily a good thing. Explosives + high pain + meds is not a good combination. But when there's no other choice, it's what you do.
  10. Bedridden during period?


    Re: Bedridden during period?

    I have started getting pain like this, it lasts for 4 days. I can't have days off work at the drop of a hat so I've been working through it. It is terrible!
  11. Bedridden during period?


    Re: Bedridden during period?

    Sounds very similar to my endo pain, accompanied with a heavy period can make you feel pretty miserable!
    When it comes on strong, I'm doubled over in pain for many hours, and have to stay in bed for a day.
    Did you come off birth control after bubs? I found after birth my endo has gotten worse (it was great for 5 years after a lap) and put it down to being off the pill, which really helps to keep endo at bay (lessens your symptoms and the disease from spreading)
    Hope it gradually just gets better for you, it sounds pretty debilitating xxx
  12. Bedridden during period?


    Re: Bedridden during period?

    I used to. Having children and switching to a cup has helped.
    You should really have it checked out. It happens a lot but that doesn't mean it's 'normal'.
  13. Bedridden during period?


    Re: Bedridden during period?

    You should get it check out for sure.

    The only thing that has helped for me is the pill which is pretty much because I just skip my period all together and as Summery said its known to keep endo symptoms at bay. I hope you feel better soon. Any pain that causes you to double over should be investigated.
  14. Bedridden during period?


    Re: Bedridden during period?

    I think you also need to remember it's your first one in 19 months! My first one post mirena was horrendous, leaked through everything in just over an hour, but it settled quickly (thanks to accupunture) you can find places that have students training and the costs are much lower
  15. Bedridden during period?


    Re: Bedridden during period?

    Thanks guys! Okay, so I do use a cup, I love it! I had a lap booked to look for suspected endo a month after we conceived with DD1, so obviously that never happened. Then pregnant with DD2 at 9 months yeah, haven't really had the chance. I think I need to re-examine that possibility, and get that booked, because damn, this pain is something else! I mean, I almost didn't go into the hospital with a gallstone attack, convinced myself it wasn't all that bad, so I have a good tolerance for pain. I am also really hoping that it's just this full on because it's been so long since I had one. I've actually been thinking about seeking some alternate therapies since I had my gallbladder out, because my body feels so out of whack, but I wasn't sure where to go. So thanks for the suggestions ladies, I'll start with acupuncture
  16. Bedridden during period?


    Re: Bedridden during period?

    See, if it were endo, you wouldn't expect this sort of pain, because you'd have been in remission all this time.
  17. Bedridden during period?


    Re: Bedridden during period?

    Lots of cuddles pz!!!

    When i first got my period after 2 years it was very very very heavy also. I never got period that leaked through overnight pads within an hr prior.

    But it was not accompanied by extreme pain.

    Rectal pain yes and it was mega painful but it was more like severe pressure pain and only lasted a few mins.

    I hope you are not too hard on yourself.

    Lots of warmth will help, warm drinks, hot water bottles and lots of warm cuddles from your girls.

    As the ladies suggested please get it checked out for peace of mind oxox
  18. Bedridden during period?


    Re: Bedridden during period?

    Endo is a such funny thing. Pain can be excruciating one month, then nothing for six months. It can also come on suddenly, as many of us have endo and have no symptoms and then suddenly, whammo! We know about it!
    The pain and severity of pain is also not always indicative of how severe the disease is: eg. I had my worst pain when it was minor endo before my first lap, and now I have more moderate endo, I have no pain. So if this is what it is, you may only have a tiny speck of it! They say to leave it unless it interferes with everyday life, pain or infertility if you are TTC. It's a mysterious condition that they are still learning a lot about.
    I found that a good specialist helped me, as the advice I was getting from GP's and OB's was not always accurate and outdated, and unnecessarily worrying. The specialist really shed light on things.
    Are you in Melbourne? I can recommend someone if you need a name? He's the known guru and is leading a lot of the global research around endo. It's not such a scary thing when you talk to a good specialist who sees it all the time - when I had an emergency lap, the Gyno and specialist came out of surgery looking very worried, saying they could not operate and it was in a spot that if removed could affect my bladder and would surely affect my fertility. My specialist then took one look at the photos and said "that's easy peasy! We'd have that out in 20 minutes, I see it every day!" So don't worry too much if this is what it ends up being
    Hopefully you've just had a big yucky heavy period and next month will be back on track!
    Take care, and lots of TLC! Xxx