Contraceptive of Choice?

thread: Contraceptive of Choice?

  1. Contraceptive of Choice?


    Contraceptive of Choice?

    Just been reading another thread and thinking...ohhh crap! DS doesn't feed at night much anymore (7-10 hours between feeds) so I'm guessing bf is NOT going to be my contraceptive I am reeeaallllyyy bad at taking the pill....guess its back to implanon...or maybe I can sell my DH on abstinence LOL

    It got me thinking...what contraceptive do you use? prefer?
  2. Contraceptive of Choice?


    I'm on the pill, worked for me up until DD was conceived - in fact pretty much as soon as i went off it I fell pg! but it worked for me while i was taking it, and I just set an alarm on my phone to go off at the same time every day so I don't forget to take it (as that would be quite likely with mummy brain! Lol)
  3. Contraceptive of Choice?



    Really just the pill here, too. it's easy, kwim? Sorry that's not much help. Where is that male pill? Damn scientists...

    ETA - One MCHN suggested a Mirena - I can't remember much but I think it's a small device inserted into the cervix? Someone else might know more....
  4. Contraceptive of Choice?


    I use the Mini-Pill now... but condoms worked for us for about 2 years.

    Actually, I prefer condoms. DH has a low sex drive so one pack lasts for aaaaaaages and if DS wakes up in the night and wants me then there's no... icky factor. I'll just leave it at that.
  5. Contraceptive of Choice?


    I second condoms! They are much tidier and easier to remember LOL

    I tried about 7 different types of birth control pills and they all made me sooooo ill (plus I'm terrible at remembering to take them). They only one that finally worked was the mini-pill.

    Depo-provera shots were terrible. I had 3 month period then it would come every 2 months and last 10 days. It also gave me really bad headaches.
  6. Contraceptive of Choice?


    We used condoms until DP had the snip.
  7. Contraceptive of Choice?


    Yep - condoms work well.

    I am sooooo bad at remembering to take the pill.

    Personally I wouldn't mind not using anything at all and having another bub, but DH doesnt want to so.....I leave it up to him.
  8. Contraceptive of Choice?


    I'm on the Nuva ring, half the dose of the pill, works locally so doesn't go through your system like the pill and much less side effects - oh and you don't have to remember it every day
    Kelly xx

    Creator of, doula, writer and mother of three amazing children
    Author of Want To Be A Doula? Everything You Need To Know
    In 2015 I went Around The World + Kids!
    Forever grateful to my incredible Mod Team
  9. Contraceptive of Choice?


    Condoms, as i forget to take the pill & hate the side affects. Condoms are just easier
  10. Contraceptive of Choice?


    Condoms. And NFP.

    Couldn't do anything hormonal because I've heard that it causes a delay in hCG levels coming down. Which would have been bad news for me.
  11. Contraceptive of Choice?


    Kelly - mmm is that similar to an IUD? I have been prescribed the mini pill but haven't filled the prescription because I am not sure it is the path I want to go down.

    At present we are relying on bfing... but then we have only DTD once since DD was born. DD is our other form of contraception!
  12. Contraceptive of Choice?


    Nope its like a silicone type ring and you put it in yourself, insert it up to your cervix and surprisingly it stays firmly in place. Ive never had it fall out and it works
    Kelly xx

    Creator of, doula, writer and mother of three amazing children
    Author of Want To Be A Doula? Everything You Need To Know
    In 2015 I went Around The World + Kids!
    Forever grateful to my incredible Mod Team
  13. Contraceptive of Choice?


    depo here and i love it
  14. Contraceptive of Choice?


    Just remember that you have less options open to you when BFing . (The Nuva ring isn't appropriate for breastfeeding mums, nor is the regular pill).

    Is it possible to hold off for a little while (ie. use condoms) and see what happens with your cycle and Blake's feeding? I don't like to be negative, but it's possible that he will start feeding more overnight again, sometimes at around 3-4 months. If that happens, and your cycle hasn't resumed, you may feel more confident in using BFing as your contraceptive . It's a very personal decision, I know. Have a look at some research about BFing as a contraceptive, it's actually alot more effective than people think, as long as you fully understand how it works.

    AFM, our DS was our contraception! I was way too tired to think about DTD very often at all. I guess we got lucky in his second year, although my period didn't resume until he was about 20 months.
  15. Contraceptive of Choice?


    Condoms for the time being until we sort something else out. I'm useless at taking the mini-pill at the same time every day, as I don't have a set routine so I forget it too easily. BFing means my other choices are restricted, but FWIW I'll never, EVER go back to Implanon as I put on 20kgs and I honestly believe it triggered severe (as in being hospitalised for multiple suicide attempts despite being on anti-depressants) depression.

    I'm hoping I can convince DH that getting the snip is the right thing to do, my doctor still insists on laughing at me every time I suggest getting my tubes tied :/
  16. Contraceptive of Choice?


    Bah sorry helps to read properly doesn't it
    Kelly xx

    Creator of, doula, writer and mother of three amazing children
    Author of Want To Be A Doula? Everything You Need To Know
    In 2015 I went Around The World + Kids!
    Forever grateful to my incredible Mod Team
  17. Contraceptive of Choice?


    I've always just used the pill with no issues. But now that our family is complete we want a more permanent, 'easier' option. I've got an appt to have a mirena put in but I'm still thinking about it.

    DH is willing to get the snip so we'll look at this option too. I just think if I can find a non-surgical option then that's better for everyone.
  18. Contraceptive of Choice?


    i was on depo and fell pregnant with DS, but from now on i think we will be sticking with condoms haha safest method for me i think