Menstruation, Your Period and Ovulation After Baby

thread: Menstruation, Your Period and Ovulation After Baby

  1. Menstruation, Your Period and Ovulation After Baby


    Menstruation, Your Period and Ovulation After Baby

    Menstruation, Your Period and Ovulation After Baby

    Menstruation (or your period) and ovulation after baby happens at a unique time for your own body. From blood loss after birth to your period returning to normal, here’s what you might expect from your body post-birth.
    Kelly xx

    Creator of, doula, writer and mother of three amazing children
    Author of Want To Be A Doula? Everything You Need To Know
    In 2015 I went Around The World + Kids!
    Forever grateful to my incredible Mod Team
  2. Menstruation, Your Period and Ovulation After Baby


    Hi ladies just wanted some advice on an icky subject.... My baby is 6 weeks old now, i bleed after having a Cesarean for about 4 weeks and now im bleeding again??? its very bright red which is concerning me and when i googled the topic most ppl dont get their period for months after so i guess im just worried there might be something wrong as isn't it too early for my period (im not breastfeeding but did for the first 2 weeks). Any help would be very much appreciated x
  3. Menstruation, Your Period and Ovulation After Baby


    Hi hun, I bled for approx. 8-10 days after having my c/s, then I got my AF roughly 6 weeks after that. I also mostly b/f for around 2 weeks. Once I got my AF it went back to regular 28-29 day cycle (and then a year and a half later my AF is just all over the place ranging from 26 days to 31 days). Maybe it's your AF?? Did you have any complications after your c/s? If there is no pain with the bleeding, I'd leave it, but if it continues for more than your normal AF and/or you have some pain maybe you can call your hossy or doc. GL hun