sper heavy post 2nd baby

thread: sper heavy post 2nd baby

  1. sper heavy post 2nd baby


    sper heavy post 2nd baby

    hi ladies,
    my DD is 7.5 months old and bf. she has recently started doing BLW. anyway AF returned 4 weeks ago and was super heavy. it came again yesterday and wasn't too bad but overnight and today has become super heavy to the point I have been flooding and needing to change my pad every couple of hours.
    has anyone else experienced this? friends who have bf their babies have said they came back lighter but didn't get heavier until they stopped feeding. DS was formula fed so it was just slightly heavier then before I had him.
    TIA xx
  2. sper heavy post 2nd baby


    Re: sper heavy post 2nd baby

    After I had my two boys everything just went back to normal. After my DD it was heavy, odd cycle lengths, mid cycle bleeding. I spoke with my OBGYN and GP and went on the pill to regulate the flow and cycle. My DD was about 18 months old then. (2012) A few months ago I went off the pill because I was getting very bad and very frequent headaches and they were putting me out of action. I had a gut feeling it was the pill and I have now been headache free for about three months buuuuuuuuut the bleeding! A super tampon every hour for the first two days. Maxi pads as well if I am going out for more than an hour. Libra Goodnights at night and sometimes getting up once a night to change. No cramps though. Thank goodness.

    I am also starting to notice how drained and tired I am during AF. Do you get this?

    I am not sure what is worse. Headaches and multiple painkill ****tails or bleeding like an overflowing dam!
  3. sper heavy post 2nd baby


    Re: sper heavy post 2nd baby

    I had a horrific time after DD2 was born. She's two in a few weeks, and things have settled down a lot now and we're back to normal. But those early ones, especially while she was still having a night feed every night, were something else!
  4. sper heavy post 2nd baby


    Re: sper heavy post 2nd baby

    I has a couple of heavy ones after DD2 but mostly they were light and patchy. A bit later, I had medical treatment which affected my hormones, and my cycles were longer and the periods were horrors. The dr explained it can happen when you don't ovulate, the lining keeps building up and up, and then there's a lot to shed. I was at the extreme end for a bit, flooding through multiple pads/tampons in an hour, but the dr gave me some tablets which slow it right down. Ladies you might want to ask about them too, they are called cyklokapron, and they work in the clotting factor so that the lining comes away but you bleed less overall.

    If it doesn't settle down in the next cycle or so, definitely see your dr to check everything is ok.
  5. sper heavy post 2nd baby


    Re: sper heavy post 2nd baby

    thanks ladies.

    marydean - I didn't know if it was normal or not after 2nd baby. I do know my uterus was boggy and wouldn't contract very well after my c section so wasn't sure if that could be the reason also. I was going to give it until the new year and if it didn't settle definitely see my GP. I didn't want to go to them right now as it really is only my 2nd cycle and I am hoping it will settle down.

    I remembered it was heavy after I had DS but it was just for my 1st one and it settled on the second one. I am hoping next months will be much better. I am feeling tired also but that could be due to DD waking a couple of times overnight and taking a bit to settle then after 4 am not settling so well the last couple of days. I don't know if my milk is funny tasting at the moment due to AF and that's why she is unsettled or if its something else. hoping she settles soon too.