Advice needed which nappy?

thread: Advice needed which nappy?

  1. Advice needed which nappy?


    Advice needed which nappy?

    I am going to start using MCN however would love some advice about which ones to get. I have narrowed it down to:

    Baby Beehinds
    Bumgenius V 3 (second hand & much cheaper than V 4)

    I'd love any info about which ones are best etc.

    Thanking you
  2. Advice needed which nappy?


    i don't like peapods and haven't used bumgenius. I do like BBH for my little one.

    buy one BBH and one bumgenius and see which fits best and you prefer. You don't have to have all the one brand.
  3. Advice needed which nappy?


    pea pods dont work here at all, my lil man is long and thin and i find them short and wide...
    i havent tried bumgenius but BBH arent my prefered either. i think it depends a lot on the shape of ur bub. different brands fit different babies differently.
    my stash is a mix of itti bitti, angeltears, bubblebubs with a few others thrown in. but some people find only one brand or almost all brands fit fine.
    if u just want cheapies i find pixie poppits are good but not very pretty (i personally prefer pretties :P)
  4. Advice needed which nappy?


    Thanks I'll have a look at those other brands.

    Whats the difference between pocket nappies (I'm assuming peapods & bumgenious) & Fitted cloth?
  5. Advice needed which nappy?


    Im in a similar position to you TUP! I wanna go cloth but am still sorta researching

    Here's what I've found so far!

    Pockets - they literally have a pocket to put in the absorbent materials, this simply makes for quicker dry times (and handy if they've just weed and you don't have another nappy! You can shove anything absorbent if you're in a bind!)

    Fitted - they are similar to an SIO, but you need a cover as they aren't waterproof, they are apparently best for newborns til they start solids as the poo can be more explosive ()
  6. Advice needed which nappy?


    I'm pretty sure with pockets they either have normal liners to use or you can also use prefolds, depends on the brand I spose?
  7. Advice needed which nappy?


    Do you know the difference b/w pockets & AIO?

    Whats a SIO?

    It's so confusing & such a huge cost if you get it wrong... I thought peapods were meant to be good but from what I've read tonight not a lot of people like them.. Hmm guess I'll keep researching.. It's so hard not being able to go into a shop and see them...
  8. Advice needed which nappy?


    No peapods!!!

    BBH are popular although I'm not personally a huge fan - You should really get one here and there of different types, because you'll find what you think are best or fit your bub best are not someones elses 'best' choice IYKWIM?

    You have choices between OSFM (one size fits most) and sizes (newborn, small, med, large etc) - Different brands have different things.

    For the newborn stage, I used prefolds and covers - because until you know whether bub is going to be chubby or lean etc, IMO it's not best to go out and spend a fortune on certain nappies that may be a bad fit for your bubs shape.

    The prefolds did us up to about 8-9 weeks (but I had a premmie bub at 2.8kgs)... you'll find most MCN's won't even start to fit a bub until they're between 4-5kgs.

    I have a mix of OSFM and sized in our stash - some of our faves are Itti Bitti, Bubblebubs, Sugar Shots!, Cherub's Kiss, Bonnibuns, Close Parent Pop In, Envious, Baby Bum Cheeks, Mia Moo Nappies and Charlie Rose Nappies.

    The pop in's were the best transition from the prefolds/covers to MCN's for us... and once DS was over 5kgs I started using the others.

    All of the ones I've mentioned above are ones I loved enough to go back and buy more than the initial 1... we have a few of each of them because they work for us...

    Please feel free to ask anything else
  9. Advice needed which nappy?


    I used prefolds & covers for newborn too. We still use the prefolds now in some of the pocket nappies, so that was value Most of my stash is Ittis and BBH. We use BBH multi fits at night with extra boosters which seems to work well.
    We were given some cheapie pockets called Babylands they came with microfiber inserts that went straight in the bin but we use them with prefolds in them and they work just fine. Some of the elastic is starting to go in them now, but they were very cheap and have lasted for over 12 months, so not too bad really.
  10. Advice needed which nappy?


    Oh as for the AIO/SIO ... AIO - all in one, the absorbent bits are all there sewn into the nappy.
    SIO snap in one, so the absorbent bits snap in, instead of being sewn in. Makes a bit quicker dry time.

    I prefer the AIOs though they seem to be a more comfy fit for DS.

    Pockets have a pocket that you slip the absorbent bits into. You can make them as absorbent as you need.

    I was going to look at getting some Peapods too when I started but they got a lot of bad reviews so I didn't bother.

    It's confusing to start but you will LOVE it when you get into the swing of it
  11. Advice needed which nappy?


    I have itti bitti tuttos and sio's... I also have Pop-In originals which are OSFM.
    They are awesome!!!! The great thing about the snap in ones and tuttos is that if its just a wee nappy you can just change the boosters and use the same shell. They also dry fast too.

    Pop-ins are awesome!!! Not a very well known brand but VERY good quality and yhe boosters are soooo soft!! Pm me if you want a link that you can get ittis, pop ins ans other brands cheaper!! (some half the price of aussie $!!) i just got 5 pop ins from yhere for half the price.

    Sent from my iPhone so sorry for the spelling and punctuation!!
  12. Advice needed which nappy?


    Just saw your ticker and your bub is already 2 months old so disregard the prefolds for newborns
  13. Advice needed which nappy?


    We converted to MCN's when my DS was around 6 months. I went straight for the OSFM, and started out buying 2 BBH second-hand to give them a try and I love them! My DS is quite a slim bubba, and I have had nothing but great experiences so far with BabyBeeHinds, Itti Bitti (both in the D'lish and Tutto) and I have one BumGenius V4 that I just LOVE
    A very good friend of mine has only ever used BumGenius V3 on her DS and has never had any issues with fit or leakage from newborn to now (12 months)!
  14. Advice needed which nappy?


    I love itti bitti and bbh ! I have 5 nappy chappies but they don't hold much. My 4week old wees right through them. Boost them a bit more and they're good. The bbh petite are great absorbency, but I think DD is going to have her mothers thighs and is onto the last snap already!

    I do want to try other brands so I'll get some suggestions too
  15. Advice needed which nappy?


    THank you everyone for taking the time to share your thoughts... It's such a HUGE market & often without being able to hold the nappies makes it harder..

    Just wondering where the best place to buy extra inserts are and bamboo or microfiber?

    Thanks again
  16. Advice needed which nappy?


    Does your baby have chubby thighs/tummy? Long/short?
    My DS was avg/short length with slim thighs (for a baby) and the bumgenious and green kids pockets worked well for him, as well as some homemade pocket nappies that also have quite wide crotches.
    DD fits the ittibitti d'lish quite well adn I've made her some narrower crotch nappies - she has chubby thighs. She's long for her age though, and also big around the waist so the mediums are already quite tight on her.

    Do you have a sewing machine? You could make your own inserts/booster pretty easily. There are sites taht sell all the materials you nned.
  17. Advice needed which nappy?


    if you are in melb, darlings downunder has a shop in kew where you can play with the nappies. pretty sure there are shops in most capital cities if you let us know where you live. the baby expos often have nappy stores too
  18. Advice needed which nappy?


    I'm in Toowoomba, Brisbane is almost 2 hrs away, 4 hr round trip...

    I have just bought a range of nappies based on other people's opinions of them and will see which ones I like & then stock up on them...