Who taught her to talk? LOL

thread: Who taught her to talk? LOL

  1. Who taught her to talk?  LOL


    Who taught her to talk? LOL

    My DD took a little while to talk, but has come out with heaps more words lately.

    DH was in bed, and I was up with the kids. After awhile, i did the sneaky 'go see if Daddy is awake' to DD so she could go wake him up. Well, she dobbed me in! She went in, woke him up and shook him saying "daddy, mummy" and pointing to the lounge. did Mummy send you in? "yep!, mummy daddy wake"

    Together with the hand signs, DH knew exactly what had happened.

    Thanks, DD. busted!!
  2. Who taught her to talk?  LOL


    Haha go Miss A serves you right for getting her to do your dirty work

    Sent from my iPhone, more than likely while I should be doing something else!
  3. Who taught her to talk?  LOL


    bwahahaha love when they dob you in! though we don't believe DD when she does this - if she wants something it's always "but daddy/mummy told me!" - even if the other is standing there and we know it didn't happen lol
  4. Who taught her to talk?  LOL


    Haha love how their minds work! Clearly she figured she'd get a better response from daddy if she said mummy wanted him! Lol
  5. Who taught her to talk?  LOL


    LOL! Go DD!

    We've just come out of being played against each other. If I said no, I'd get "I'm going to ask Daddy" LOL.
  6. Who taught her to talk?  LOL


    Haha that's too cute!