Could have put this in a few places, but here is good as the main thing I am after is maybe some tips or experiences from others hopefully...
We have been living on a "high income" for most of the last 5 years. There have been periods where DH has been unemployed for LONG periods but we have always had some savings, we lived off my inheritance for a while and when DH wasn't working, we were able to get some CL assistance with PPP and PPL with DD2.
We had no debts - aside the mortgage, no credit cards, no personal loans since 2008. We had a fairly low cost of living in comparison to others I see, especially around the boards here for example.
Anyway, since DH and I separated, and I have moved back to Melbourne, I am really having a hard time adjusting to the MASSIVE drop in income I have. I am now on a single parenting pension and the difference is astronomical (dur). I am paying more rent a week than we paid on our mortgage (shared equity), my internet/phone/mobile is costing me 3 times as much, and I now have a MASSIVE ($1000k) mobile bill to pay off because of huge stuff arounds with both Telstra and Vodafone .
I have the girls 24/7 as ex is still in Perth, so although he is paying CS (which ALL goes on my rent each month) I am with them all the time - so my "entertainment" budget pays for my Foxtel (LOL, so sad!).
By far though the biggest increase has been the cost of food. We have been shopping 75% of our groceries from The Spud Shed for 6 years - and having come back I am finding it a really difficult thing to find fruit/veg etc anywhere near as cheaply as I am used to. (Treking back and forth from markets with the girls on PT is really a pain, and having to drive around to 3 or 4 or 5 different places to "shop around" is costing me a fortune in petrol, negating any savings at all.
I have a TINY freezer and a TINY fridge, so even if I had the capacity to buy bulk and cook up etc, I have nowhere to store it. Trying to save for an upright freezer now, but a few things ahead of it on the list taking priority.
That is a lot of *****ing! LOL I am not destitute, there are so so SO many people worse off than I, and I am lucky that my ex isn't being a tool about CS and has a good job and supports us so well. So this isn't a woe is me post, I suppose I am really wondering if anyone has any little tips they used to help get them into the low income groove?
How long did it take you to get accustomed to NOT buying a coffee when out, or not taking the kids for an icecream when you feel like it? I am having to budget a $40 trip to the play centre 4 weeks in advance to make sure I can afford it, and I am so not used to having to micromanage the budget like that.
I have been very blessed in my life, and DH and I worked hard to make sure we had the money to do the things we wanted and give the girls what we could. Getting used to this is much more difficult than I thought it would be.