Low Blood Pressure third trimester

thread: Low Blood Pressure third trimester

  1. Low Blood Pressure third trimester


    Question Low Blood Pressure third trimester

    Hi i was just wondering if anyone else has experienced low blood pressure during their pregnancy i didnt realise it was a problem but apparantly i have had it my whole pregnancy...i was told normal bp is 120/80 (dont know if that is during pregnancy though) and my bp has ranged from 94/55 but has been averaging around 100/60 (i am 34weeks)
    I havnt had any problems i have felt fine until last week i woke up extremely dizzy and feeling sick so i had to lay down again lol i got up because i knew i was going to throw up i sat on the floor in the bathroom and before i got the chance to throw up i passed out and hit my head on the bath as i was coming around i was totally blacked out i couldnt see anything, i could hear everything and could feel myself convulsing/shaking kind of thing then i woke up and threw up!! I went and had a sleep and have had a sore head for a couple of days.
    My doctor said it was low bp and slightly high pulse rate plus i had ketones in my urine.

    Is this normal or common in pregnancy?
  2. Low Blood Pressure third trimester


    Hi Rylansmum
    Low BP is common in early pregnancy but a little unusual at 34 weeks. However your BP is not scary low just a little low. Some people naturally have a low BP. Take your time when standing or sitting up from lying down. This should help to prevent you from passing out and should help to reduce the dizziness.
    The Ketones in your urine are caused by either Vomiting, not eating enough or Lack of fluid
  3. Low Blood Pressure third trimester


    My BP averaged around 90-100/60 throughout my PG. Like Alan said in the first trimester its common & mine stayed low. I would have dizzy spells & fainting. I found that I needed to increase my fluid intake so I would drink 2 litres of water a day & more fluids if possible. I made sure that I took water everywhere & drank constantly. I felt like I was drowning sometimes, but it was important. On bad days I would sip poweraide as well and that helped tremendously.
  4. Low Blood Pressure third trimester


    I also have naturally low BP & it remained very low throughout all my pregnancies, often 92/56. I fainted only once, but came close to it several times! The one time I did, LOL I was out in public & my GP was right there.......
    The following helped: drinking plenty of water. Eating salty things if I felt like it--every few weeks I'd want crisps or pretzels--not a lot, but I wanted the salt. Having a bottle of juice with me to sip when I went out. Standing up slowly, especially if I had been sitting for a while. If I started to feel dizzy, I would lean forward, or sit down with my head between my legs (as much as possible, LOL).
  5. Low Blood Pressure third trimester


    Thanks for your replies..its alot more reassuring when im told its not that bad lol....i guess that also explains why i have been craving salty foods this pregnancy lol.
    Thanks again
  6. Low Blood Pressure third trimester


    So its safe to have more salty things as well as increasing fluid intake?

    My BP has been getting lower at all of my midwife appts, last week it was 95/65.
    I'm probably averaging 2 litres of water a day alrady, plus herbal (not green) teas as well, maybe 2-3 a day on top of the water.
  7. Low Blood Pressure third trimester


    I have it too. Most times im fine but others i get so dizzy and nausous. But i'm thankfully its only low and not high!
  8. Low Blood Pressure third trimester


    My bp has been constant at around 90/50 and my dr/midwife have never mentioned anything about it being a concern. I can't see any harm in having a few extra salty things - although I really have no idea, that's just my opinion! My motto is if you're body really feels like it...it probably needs it for a reason!
  9. Low Blood Pressure third trimester


    I have low BP too, and LOVE anything with salt. In fact, my midwife and GP both recommended it to me. So when hot salty chips aren't available I just make sure I add a little extra salt on top of my dinner, tastes good!
  10. Low Blood Pressure third trimester


    rylansmum- U poor thing. I totally know how u feel. I had extremely low blood pressure when I was pg with the twins. I was not allowed to drive. I even had a blackout in the plane on the way to hospital. For some reason I tend to lose hearing when Im on my way out. Monday just gone, I passed out in the car after picking the boys up from kinder, and when I came to, I spewed everywhere. It is the first time I have ever spewed after a blackout. I was also told that laying on your back can make ur blood pressure drop. Dont know if its right though. Hope u start feeling better.
  11. Low Blood Pressure third trimester


    I was feeling really dizzy today at lunch and got my BP taken at work (I work in a hospital) and it was 95/55. I'm 27w1d pregnant.
    I understand that low BP isn't too bad in pregnancy - and I just have to be careful not to keel over - but am just wondering how it affects the baby? Does anyone know?

    Sue x
  12. Low Blood Pressure third trimester


    A BP of 95/55 will have no effect on your baby