2012/2013 Income Estimate Confirmation

thread: 2012/2013 Income Estimate Confirmation

  1. 2012/2013 Income Estimate Confirmation


    2012/2013 Income Estimate Confirmation

    I phoned and updated our income at the beginning of the Month as I am resigning at the end of the financial year to focus on our Autistic son's development and therapies. I can see it is updated online for the 2012/13 financial year, but my question is, when can I expect to receive the letter from Centrelink confirming our updated income and FTB payments for the 2012/13 financial year. I can't remember in previous years if the letters came closer to the end of the financial year or straight after I had notified Centrelink of the new year's income. Thanks
  2. 2012/2013 Income Estimate Confirmation


    you won't get anything notifying you of the change of payment until the last week or so of the financial year
    FAO only send out letters with payment amounts if something changes - nothing will actually change for you until you receive your last payment for june - so in between that payment and the first in july the letter will be sent out.
  3. 2012/2013 Income Estimate Confirmation


    BG when is the latest date to do this ad if I don't does it just go to what FAO have inflated my current estimate as?
  4. 2012/2013 Income Estimate Confirmation


    I think it is mid June. If its not done FAO will do the auto uplift around that time
  5. 2012/2013 Income Estimate Confirmation


    Thanks hun
  6. 2012/2013 Income Estimate Confirmation


    Thanks BG. I had a feeling that was when it would come through.
  7. 2012/2013 Income Estimate Confirmation


    Do we have to call FAO to update or can we do it online?
  8. 2012/2013 Income Estimate Confirmation


    Online is fine. Preferred even!
  9. 2012/2013 Income Estimate Confirmation


    when i tried to do it online using the 1 time password they gave me the page stuffed up now it wont let me back on to do it
  10. 2012/2013 Income Estimate Confirmation


    try registering - you just have to ask some questions that relate to the info c'link has on file about you. got to c'link website and click on register instead of login.