Here is a list that I have put together, of gentle and comforting things to try to aid restful sleep for your baby. Of course none of these things guarantee restful sleep or sleeping through the night, but they are lovely things to try that can quite often relax you as well as baby!
We have found some to be more effective with Jacob than others. As every baby is different, I'm sure that you will all find this to be the case with your babies too!
Here are some ideas:
~ quiet, soothing cuddles & kisses (perhaps in the baby's bedroom or place or sleep or other familiar place that you find relaxing for baby)
~ patting (on the bottom/hip/thigh area)
~ rocking (either holding baby or rocking cot/bassinette)
~ soothing music (e.g. Peace Baby or Music For Dreaming)
~ a warm, dark room
~ co-sleep with baby
~ breast/bottle feed in baby's room (or wherever they sleep, e.g. in bed with you)
~ a relaxing bath before bed
~ a wind-down or sleep 'routine' for bed (e.g. bath, book, breast/bottle/bed or any combination of things that works well for you and baby)
~ a sleeping bag/growbag to make baby feel snug and safe
~ wrap/unwrap baby with a bunny rug
~ a soothing sleep message (e.g. "goodnight, love you, see you in the morning")
~ a soothing toy/pillow/blanket (something that is baby's favourite or that they are particularly attached to)
~ baby massage
~ suitable aromatherapy for baby
BellyBelly recommends Pinky McKay's brilliant books, "Sleeping Like a Baby", "100 Ways to Calm the Crying" and "Parenting By Heart", all of which can be bought online at Seek Books (they have great prices for books and ship overseas too).
Some really informative articles also include the following:
The Crying Game
Babies and Sleep
15 Ways to Help Your Baby Sleep
Feel free to add your comforting tips!