Purple Nipples

thread: Purple Nipples

  1. Purple Nipples


    Purple Nipples


    So I get barely anything out when I do express 10-20mls per hour between express/feeds - but have been trying to express a couple of times a day after feeds and especially after the top-up bottle DD gets at night so there is still plenty of stimulation happening in the hopes of not needing it.

    Anyhow, my nipples have been going really purple on the ends and sometimes little white areas too and are a bit sensitive to clothes etc when I'm not wearing a bra. What's with? It only happens from the pump, I stopped pumping yesterday because of it as wasn't sure if I should be worried about it. Does this happen to anyone else?
  2. Purple Nipples


    Is it a manual or electric pump? Could it be the settings are too high & a bit rough on your nipples?

    Mine have been sensitive, but not like you are describing.
  3. Purple Nipples


    sas - what is your circulation like to hands & feet generally? The only reason I ask is that nipples turning white, blue or purple can indicate a condition called nipple vasospasm - I get it too. I also have really poor circulation to my extremities and have been diagnosed with Raynauds disease. Its not serious, it just means I get really cold hands & feet.

    I have fair skin and pumps seem to be really harsh for me and my nipples are prone to damage, so I have to take it nice & gentle. Maybe like Fleur suggests, adjust the settings and see if that makes a difference. Like attaching a baby, using a pump shouldn't be painful or cause discomfort in any way. If you know a qualified LC maybe see if they know something about vasospasm?
  4. Purple Nipples


    Hi, there,
    There are a few techniques involved in pumping successfully. Tell me, how often is your little one feeding per day? Is she back over her birthweight? What is the reason a top up bottle was recommended? What sort of pump are you using?
  5. Purple Nipples


    It's a Cherub electric pump - It is a little uncomfortable I hate the stretch feel, but I can't get any milk out with the lower suck and am not in a position to hire or purchase one of the fancier medela pumps especially as I'm not that great at expressing in the first place seems like a waste.

    Infinity - That's very interesting to think about thank you as I do have terrible circulation, my hands feet and whole lower legs are often ice cold to touch (much to my husbands chagrin when I try and warm them on his toasty warm feet at night ;-))

    Barfb - you've been helping me in the problems section, Yes she's over birth weight, top up bottle was introduced before motillium kicked in but now she is really hungry and well mad if I try and hold out on giving it to her so I figured I would try and express to increase supply a bit more and try and use some of that, then all of that in the top up bottle (so getting down from 100 -40/ 50ml per day top up) and then dropping it altogether and seeing if she maintains her acceptable weight gains along the way. Also I'll be returning to work in a bit over two months for 2 days a week and will need to express (not to avoid engorgement as that won't happen) but just to get out what I can and keep stimulation up while I'm away from her so was hoping if I expressed now my boobs would get better at it by then, even if it's just one session a day KWIM.
  6. Purple Nipples


    Sas, you need the good equiptment -really. That's what the maternity payments (sorry - I can't even remember what it is called now) are for. I know the price for a good pump seems expensive, but it is really insignificant when you weigh up the satisfaction and health benefits of breastfeeding, against the ongoing cost of formula. I know sometimes after you have a baby it seems like you are bleeding money, but getting breastfeeding right is a priority.
    In nearly every case, mothers can provide all the milk their baby needs. And nearly every mother can express milk with the right equiptment and a bit of knowledge. Express when you feel full - your milk will let down easier when you are full. Many mothers find that they pump better when the baby feeds on one side and then they express the other (let the baby "finish" the side you pump)
    I have to suggest the pump you have is not the best. Get in contact with your local ABA group and hire a pump - you will see much better results.

    How many feeds does your baby have in 24 hours? Most babies are irritable in the evenings and will want/need a cluster of feeds to satisfy them. It's not your milk, not you, it's them!
    Let us know how you go