Long Term TTC & Assisted Conception 2012 July

thread: Long Term TTC & Assisted Conception 2012 July

  1. Long Term TTC & Assisted Conception 2012 July


    Can I join the 'no ovulation' band wagon?

    I have consistently O'd on day 14 for my whole TTC journey..... Day 14 gave me a close to positive seratec and an inconclusive blood test.
    Haven't got my results from yesterday's blood test- so I suppose we'll see.......

  2. Long Term TTC & Assisted Conception 2012 July


    Long Term TTC & Assisted Conception 2012 July

    Larry they are great fertilization numbers, hoping for you that they all get to the next phase for freezing and transfer xo

    N2l I hope your body pulls its finger out and bucks up and is good to go for the test you need to do xo

    Juniper - hope you enjoyed your pavlova sounded like it was very much needed, hope your body starts behaving to xo

    Afm well I guess DH and I should start looking at dtd as I can O from cd 11 to 14 depending on what my body wants to do. Shall try our luck for a natural one this month.
    I have a very sore head after having my last 3 teeth on top row taken out and a full plate put in, my mouth is still very sore and it was done wed so I have spent most of the weekend doing nothing and my house looks like a bomb went off in it lol. Better go clean.

    Enjoy your Sunday beautiful ladies
  3. Long Term TTC & Assisted Conception 2012 July


    Sunday 22nd July 2012

    Waiting for EPU/O/IUI/FET or just something to happen!
    Me4ever – CD4
    Mrs Mac - CD5
    Kerbear - CD12
    Emma - CD17 FET
    Juniper - CD18 (just tracking O for now)
    N2L – CD21
    Super_lost_mumma_of_one – CD40?

    Waiting for Transfer
    Larry - CD16 ET: 25/7/12

    Hanging out in the TWW (Stalk them here....https://www.bellybelly.com.au/forums/threads/182783-LTTTC-Two-Week-Wait-2012-5 )
    myturn – CD22 3dp 1 x 2 day embryo BT: 2/8/12
    PlanetSasha – CD34 BT: 27/7/12
    Andie – CD36

    Got Their in July
    ReeRee 2/7/12
    Jane 2/7/12
    Rach82 13/7/12
  4. Long Term TTC & Assisted Conception 2012 July


    Surge detected yesterday!!!!!!!!
    T/fer on Friday!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Long Term TTC & Assisted Conception 2012 July


    woo hoo!!!! FX this is it Emma!
  6. Long Term TTC & Assisted Conception 2012 July


    Yay Emma!!

    I just did a seratec and the test line in almost the same color as the control line. Too late for a biopsy tomorrow but hopefully I can reschedule to next Monday. I will do another seratec in the morning (rather than the internet cheapies i have been using).

    Does anyone know if you can TTC the month you have a biopsy???
  7. Long Term TTC & Assisted Conception 2012 July


    N2l I did a stim with my pipelle biopsy. Still a biopsy even if your is for nk cells. The trauma will help with implantation as the blood rushes to fix the area. Good luck.

    Emma - yay for your surge and transfer next week.

    Hi to everyone else.

    Afm- d&c tomorrow. I am anxious to start ttc Asap but know that they will make me miss a cycle. God knows how long it will take for a full cycld.
  8. Long Term TTC & Assisted Conception 2012 July


    Long Term TTC & Assisted Conception 2012 July

    n2l - i was told no ttc in biopsy cycle. bugger, huh?

    emma - goodluck for friday.

    afm - af has gone missing again, cd 36 today. was hoping to book my biopsy this week, but just have to wait it out. hope everyone has had a great weekend. xx
  9. Long Term TTC & Assisted Conception 2012 July


    Long Term TTC & Assisted Conception 2012 July

    vic - take care tomorrow, i'll be thinking of you. xx
  10. Long Term TTC & Assisted Conception 2012 July


    Thanks Vic and Andie. It's a stupid question anyway. As if I would ever get pregnant naturally

    Vic, I will be thinking of you tomorrow. I know there's nothing I can say to really make it any easier for you. I just hope it goes as smoothly as it can Give yourself plenty of time to recover - emotionally, I mean. Indulge in whatever you feel like indulging in (that includes screaming the worst swear words you can think of at the top of your lungs).

    Know that we are all here for you and that we are mourning the loss of your little one. Fly free little angel xxx
  11. Long Term TTC & Assisted Conception 2012 July


    Vic, I will be thinking of you tomorrow. I know there's nothing I can say to really make it any easier for you. I just hope it goes as smoothly as it can Give yourself plenty of time to recover - emotionally, I mean. Indulge in whatever you feel like indulging in (that includes screaming the worst swear words you can think of at the top of your lungs).

    Know that we are all here for you and that we are mourning the loss of your little one. Fly free little angel xxx

    N2L said it all perfectly....

    I want to run over there and give you an even bigger hug and cry with you..... I cannot say how sorry I am for you xxx
  12. Long Term TTC & Assisted Conception 2012 July


    n2l - there's no harm in asking

    typical of the body to do things weirdly for you though, isn't it....

    sorry AF has gone AWOL andie xxx
  13. Long Term TTC & Assisted Conception 2012 July


    Long Term TTC & Assisted Conception 2012 July

    Emma yay for finally ovulating and getting to do transfer on Friday.

    Vic I will be thinking of you tomorrow and hope everything goes well and you recover quickly but let yourself take whatever time you need to be able to move forward. We are all here for you xo
  14. Long Term TTC & Assisted Conception 2012 July


    Emma, yay! GL with your transfer!

    N2L, I had heard that a biopsy can help with implantation too, so I think it's worth asking about. GL with your Dr tomorrow.

    Vic, there's really no words that will make tomorrow better. Be kind to yourself and give yourself time to heal. As for TTC, why not ask your Dr. If they say to wait, ask why. If they're not direct, really push them (assuming you don't want to wait). A lot of the time they want you to wait just so you have a LMP for any subsequent pg. I decided their convenience wasn't a good enough reason for us to wait, so we started TTC in the d&c cycle. However, sometimes there is a more pressing medical reason for waiting, so it is always worth asking and especially asking "why".

    Afm, my temp went up today, so I might have O'd. Waiting for those 3 days of high temps to confirm though. How ridiculous that I didn't want to O early and N2L didn't want to O late and our bodies both did exactly the opposite! Stupid ovaries.
    Ugh, I've just finished catching up on 8 hours of work that was meant to be done last week and now have the worst headache...
  15. Long Term TTC & Assisted Conception 2012 July


    Hi ladies!

    Just got back from a weekend away in Sydney.

    Vic so sorry to read about your loss! I can't even imagine how you feel, all the best for tomorrow. Sending as many hugs as you need!

    Emma good luck with your transfer later this week!

    I hope af arrives soon for those of you waiting....& "O" happens soon enough for those who are waiting for it!

    Hi anyone I have missed I hope your weekend has been good!
  16. Long Term TTC & Assisted Conception 2012 July


    ***sneaking in***

    Thinking of you today Vic. Lots of hugs babe.

    ***sneaking out again***
  17. Long Term TTC & Assisted Conception 2012 July


    Thinking of you this morning Vic, many hugs hunni and I'm sending you strength and lots of love

    myturn, hope you're feeling a bit better x

    Emma, GL for your FET on Friday

    Hi to everyone else , sending many sticky vibes and baby dust your way
  18. Long Term TTC & Assisted Conception 2012 July


    Thinking of you today Vic xxx