Long Term TTC, Infertility & IVF - September '05 #3

thread: Long Term TTC, Infertility & IVF - September '05 #3

  1. Long Term TTC, Infertility & IVF - September '05 #3


    Long Term TTC, Infertility & IVF - September '05 #3

    Here we are in the SEPTEMBER - only a few months til Christmas left! Hoping for everyone to get BFPs this month and move on to the pg forums! [-o<

    If you would like to leave your details here for others to view easily and you don't have to repeat yourselves please leave us a msg

    Name -
    State -
    My Previous Cycle Length -
    Cycle Type -
    FF Link -
    Months of TTC -
    Medications -
    Important Dates -

    Current from 20/09/05

    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - AJ
    State - NZ
    My Previous Cycle Length - 81 - 41 - m/c - 61 - 56 - 25
    Cycle Type - Clomid timed BD
    FF Link - http://www2.fertilityfriend.com/home/AJ
    Months of TTC - 11 months
    Medications - Clomid, and metformin
    Important Dates - PCOS and ENDO
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Amanda
    State - ACT
    My Previous Cycle Length - 27, 26
    Cycle Type - AIH
    Months of TTC - 23 (incl. m/c) - 16 since
    Medications - Blackmores pre-natal multi; puregon; pregnyl
    Important Dates - 27 September hopeful BFP!
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Ann
    State - NSW
    My Previous Cycle Length - 38 - 28
    Cycle Type - Natural
    Months of TTC - 41
    Medications - Nil
    Important Dates -
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Anney
    State - VIC
    My Previous Cycle Length - 26 - 25
    Cycle Type - Natural
    Months of TTC - 27
    Medications - chinese herbs
    Important Dates -
    Reasons for Infertilty: aged 43
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Baby~amore`(Trish)
    State - NSW
    My Previous Cycle Length - 26 - 26 - 26 - 24 - 26 - 22
    Cycle Type -
    Months of TTC - 11 with #2, 12 years with#1
    Medications - Elevit, Calcium & Pregnyl for Luteal phase support
    Important Dates -
    Reasons for Infertilty: R salpingectomy 29/6/05, unknown subfertility
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Baby Bliss (Kelly)
    State - VIC
    My Previous Cycle Length - 34 - 45
    Cycle type - Synarel down reg - OI/AIH
    Months of TTC - 13 for son, 20 and counting for #2
    Medications - folate, 1500 metformin, 2 puffs synarel per day, 75iu Puregon
    Important Dates - 19/9 - IUI, 3/10 Preg beta test
    __________________________________________________ __________

    Name - Babydreams (Shazz)
    State - Qld
    My Previous Cycle Length - 38 - 32 - 34 - 31 - 34
    Cycle Type - Full Stim IVF Cycle
    Months of TTC - 19
    Medications - Folic Acid, progynova, provera, crinone, pessaries, pregynl(injections) cardiprin
    Important Dates - BFP
    Reason for Infertility - Dh Vasectomy, PCOS (for me)
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - BBTrail (Ali)
    State - Vic
    My Previous Cycle Length - 25 - 29
    Cycle Type - FET
    Months TTC - Too many
    Medication - clomid on cd 3 - 7, gonal f 300iu cd 4
    Important Dates - Scan - day 10
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Bee
    State - Vic
    My Previous Cycle Length – Non existent
    Cycle Type - Down Reg Cycle
    Months of TTC - 29
    Medications - Microgynon
    Important Dates - start synarel 29 Sept, first down reg scan 12 Oct (god, that is so far away...)
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Blue
    State - VIC
    My Previous Cycle Length - 37 - 21 - 38 - 30 -45
    Cycle type - month off then HRT FET
    Months of TTC - Many
    Medications -
    [b]Important Dates -
    Reason for Infertility - PCOS, DH abnormal morphology
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Cazzoom
    State - VIC
    My Previous Cycle Length - 31 - 54 - 31 - 32 - too long to count
    Cycle type - down reg
    FF Link - http://www2.fertilityfriend.com/home/1cc75
    Months of TTC - 106
    Medications - start pill saturday
    Important Dates - Pill Saturday, Doc appt 26th sept
    __________________________________________________ __________

    Name - Chele
    State - SA
    My Previous Cycle Length - 31, 24, 29, 26
    Cycle Type - Natural
    FF Link -
    Months of TTC - 6 #2, 18 #1
    Medications - Folate
    Important Dates - Natural FET booked on 15/9
    __________________________________________________ __________

    Name - Confusedegg (Chris)
    State -NSW
    My Previous Cycle Length - Full stim IVF
    Cycle Type - In between treatment
    FF Link -
    Months of TTC - 12 years
    Medications - clomid, puregon, pulmrit, pregnyl
    Important Dates - FET - Dec 05
    __________________________________________________ __________

    Name - Firemansgirl (Leisa)
    State - NSW
    My Previous Cycle Length - 27 - 28 - 34 - 30
    Cycle Type - IVF first round ever!!!
    Months of TTC - 21
    Medications - Folic Acid 500 mcg 1 elavit, Provera then Lucrin then Puregon 125
    Important Dates - 9th of september start Provera (day 19)
    Reason for Infertility - Mild PCOS
    __________________________________________________ __________

    Name - Gillian
    State - Qld
    My Previous Cycle Length - 26
    Cycle Type - IUI with clomid and injectables
    FF Link -
    Months of TTC - 36months
    Medications - Clomid, Pregnyl
    Important Dates - Pregnyl inject 26/8 IUI 27/8
    __________________________________________________ __________

    Name - Humphrey
    State - NSW
    My Previous Cycle Length - 27 - 29 - 28 - 28
    Cycle Type - Natural FET
    FF Link - http://www2.fertilityfriend.com/home/3e133
    Months of TTC - 36 for #1, 11 for #2
    Medications - none
    Important Dates - FET around 5th Sept
    Reason for Infertility - endo, DH has high count of abnormal sperm
    __________________________________________________ __________

    Name - KeenAs
    State - NSW
    My Previous Cycle Length - 29 - 30 - 30 - 30 - 28 - 29 - 30
    Cycle Type - HRT FET
    Months of TTC - 50
    Medications - Elevit, Ethinyl Estradiol & Progesterone Pessaries
    Important Dates - 24th September - BT
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Lynny
    State - WA
    My Previous Cycle Length - 37
    Cycle Type - Natural
    FF Link - http://www2.fertilityfriend.com/home/5d7c6
    Months of TTC - 3
    Medications - None at the moment
    Important Dates -
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Mel09 (Melissa)
    State - VIC
    My Previous Cycle Length - 34 - 34 mc - 46
    Cycle Type - Natural
    Months of TTC - 8
    Medications - Blackmores Preg & BF
    Important Dates -
    Reason for Infertility - PCOS
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Ness4
    State - QLD
    My Previous Cycle Length - 28
    Cycle Type - IVF
    Months of TTC - Since November 2003
    Medications - Puregon (600iu), cardiprin, elevit
    Important Dates - EPU 12th September
    Reason for Infertility - Pituitory, Thyroid & Adrenal glands do not work
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Special Child (Nola)
    State - Victoria
    My Previous Cycle Length - 32
    Cycle Type - Natural at the moment, looking at IVF
    Months of TTC - 33
    Medications - Folic acid
    Important Dates -
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Shezabelle
    State - QLD
    My Previous Cycle Length - 28 - 29 - 42 - 29 - 56 - 36 - 62 (m/c)
    Cycle Type - AIH with FSH
    Months of TTC - 16 (6 natural 4 clomid cycles over 7 months, 2 AI over 3 months)
    Medications - Folic Acid + Puregon 100iu
    Important Dates - 26th August scan
    Reason for Infertility - PCOS
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - sue42 (Sue)
    State - NSW
    My Previous Cycle Length - 49 (stim cycle)
    Cycle Type - Thinking at the moment...
    Months of TTC - 15 years!! GIFT x 2, FET x 2, ICSI x 1 - all BFN. No frosties
    Medications - too many + lots of herbal potions
    Important Dates - appt 8/9 to discuss options for (next cycle?) with Dr Quinn
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - *TAM* Tammie
    State - WA
    My Previous Cycle Length - 35 - 28 - 38
    Cycle Type - HRT FET
    Months of TTC - 2+ years
    Medications - Progesterone pessaries, Progynova, so far
    Important Dates - 22/9 BT
    __________________________________________________ ___________

    Name - Zap (Racheal)
    State - Vic
    My Previous Cycle Length - 28
    Cycle Type - Natural
    FF Link -
    Months of TTC - 15
    Medications - None
    Important Dates - 17th August - seeing doc for more options
    __________________________________________________ ___________


    September OPU/Transfers/AIH/FET

    Ann inkstick:
    Baby Bliss :bluestick:
    Humphrey inkstick:
    *Tam* :bluestick:

    October OPU/Transfers/AIH/FET


  2. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - September '05 #3


    Well I think i am about to O and would you believe DH is away until Saturday!!! I think I will have to drive to Bendgio just to do the deed tomorrow night!! I am in cd 9 and am getting ewcm (TMI I KNOW) but who else could i share this info with but all of you!!!

  3. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - September '05 #3


    Name - Cazzoom
    State - VIC
    My Previous Cycle Length - 31 - 54 - 31 - 32 - too long to count
    Cycle type - down reg
    FF Link - http://www2.fertilityfriend.com/home/1cc75
    Months of TTC - 106
    Medications - start pill saturday
    Important Dates - Pill Saturday, Doc appt 26th sept
  4. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - September '05 #3


    Evening check in, hope everyone is well

    Humphrey, Shez, step away from the sticks with your hands up!!!!

    Ali, hope you had your visitor today.

    Kelly, glad it's all go

    Racheal, it's amazing what we'll do for that 'right' time BD. Just hope you can enjoy it as well

    Take care
  5. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - September '05 #3


    Please update my important date: 22/9 BT

  6. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - September '05 #3


    Well I decided to POAS thursday while I was home with DH instead of today when I would be homw alone and as I suspected
    I will ring the dr today to see what to from here.
  7. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - September '05 #3


    So sorry Shezz.
    I must admit, I haven't been keeping very good track of where everyone is up to. Is it too soon for the dreaded stick to be right? They're often wrong remember.
    I am thinking of you.
    Sue :luck:
  8. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - September '05 #3


    I am so sorry Shez

    Update for me -

    Name - Baby Bliss (Kelly)
    State - VIC
    My Previous Cycle Length - 34 - 45
    Cycle type - Synarel down reg - OI/AIH
    Months of TTC - 13 for son, 20 and counting for #2
    Medications - folate, 1500 metformin, 2 puffs synarel per day, 150iu Puregon
    Important Dates - 19/9 - IUI, 3/10 Preg beta test
  9. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - September '05 #3


    Big hugs from me too Shez. It's not fair. Will you do another IUI next?
  10. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - September '05 #3


    dont give up shezz till the fat lady sings(promise I wont start singing)

    how is everyone else doing?

  11. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - September '05 #3


    Hi ladies

    Took a mental health day today.. after one of the male nurses i was working with said he could of killed me for feral mood last night!!!

    I told him i was on hormones for IVF treatment.. he seemed embarrassed and very appologetic and said 'why didn't you tell me'? Anyway off to sydney tomorrow for a wedding, which will be great .. hope you are all well ..

    love leis xxx
  12. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - September '05 #3


    Good morning ladies

    Leisa, I'm taking a day off today too. Dh will have to ring in for me in 15 minutes time. Feeling a bit too tired & got things to do & don't want to stress from not getting things done while I'm in TWW.
    Some people's reactions are funny aren't they.

    Shez when is your actual BT day, and what CD are you. I swear I don't trust the HPT after the last few months with them being wrong. chin up & wait for the test.

    Sue are you still doing your research or are you waiting til your cycle comes closer.

    Take care
  13. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - September '05 #3


    Hey girls
    *Tam* and Leisa, I'm having a MHD today too. Too much p*nis measuring going on in my section atm. Yesterday was the last straw. Had I gone in today, blood would have been spilled. Being the 'girl' it would have been mine. I am so fed up with cr*p.
    Hey, Leis, shame you can't take a detour via Green Pt!!! I turn 43 tomorrow, groan.
    *Tam*, I've finished my research, many thanks to all of you. I'm giving my body a rest this and next cycle. I'm still spotting and my ovaries were still sore up until last week. MY EPU was 11/8!. Obviously, my old bod is taking longer to recover from the stim cycle. Looks as though I'll start an ICSI Flare cycle around 19/10.
    Hi Sushee, I know you're lurking.
    Good luck to you all.
    Oh, I'll probably have a name change tomorrow - can't be sue42 any more. It will probably be something floral. Stay tuned....
    Sue :luck:
  14. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - September '05 #3



    when am I not lurking in here?



  15. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - September '05 #3


    Have a glass of vino for me tomorrow Sue. Hope you have a great day - at least you don't have to work! Lots of mental health days all round it sounds like. I work in retail and nothing like that exists for us :evil: . There should be cause alot of customers send me mental.

    Tam - you enjoy your day too honey. You'll need your energy for some TWW obsessing next week.

    Leis - the funny thing is my DH has said I'm really moody lately and nagging him alot. He's blaming it on the hormones - but haaaaaa I'm not on any that would cause this. It's just me being me
  16. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - September '05 #3


    Humphrey, sometimes that's the good thing about taking the hormones, You can be a big ***** & blame them.
    Yes I probably will start obsessing next week, I feel ok now but I know when it comes within a few days that'll be the hard part. And since I havn't got any Pregnyl support this cycle I will start looking for symptoms, but then again a few graduates never had symptoms either. So I think I'll just tear my hair out.

    Maybe my obsessing is starting now 8-[
    How are you going Humphrey

    Sue, something floral will be very appropriate, can't wait, and hope you do enjoy your birthday, have a drink for me too.
  17. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - September '05 #3


    Today is 14 dpo and i feel like af is coming so it is over. I have rung the dr as this was the last IUI before IVF, so I start the pill when af arrives. A little shell shocked I think.
  18. Long Term TTC, Infertility &amp; IVF - September '05 #3


    Shez - I'm sorry that IUI hasn't worked for you. I know the thought of IVF can be scary - both because it's so invasive and also cause what happens if it doesn't work?. But just think of all the girls who have recently left us for the pregnancy forums. Take it easy honey and we'll be here to help you through.

    Tam - I'm really crampy today! I know I'm obsessing too much already and am glad my weekend is full so I won't have time to think too much.

    Confession coming..... yes I weakened this morning. Of course it was a BFN but I was expecting nothing less at 12DPO. I just did it cause Sushee told me not to . Plus I have about a dozen of those crapparoonie EBay tests which are known to be useless (got them free with my O tests which worked great). So anyway they are just taking up space in my drawer and bugging me and I want to get rid of them. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!