The Best Thing I Bought Before Leaving My Ex Was My Mooncup!

thread: The Best Thing I Bought Before Leaving My Ex Was My Mooncup!

  1. The Best Thing I Bought Before Leaving My Ex Was My Mooncup!


    The Best Thing I Bought Before Leaving My Ex Was My Mooncup!

    I haven't been around the forums much lately but as some of the older members might know I have recently left my DH after 20 years. Adjusting financially has been a great source of stress because I was a SAHM for 10 of those years. I had no savings or money of my own prior to separating. My ex gave me $300 and then I started to get NewStart. I'm also studying so money is very tight... I've had to skip meals. But at least I know that when my period rolls around I won't have to spend money on disposable sanitary items! The Mooncup I bought last year wasn't cheap... and for a while I didn't really use it... but now that I'm kinda forced to I'm really getting the swing of it AND I'm so grateful for the money it's saved me!!! I'm seriously so grateful for this little invention... talk about helping women be financially independent... so so true. I've lost a lot of security in the form of various insurance policies but at least I know that I have this little form of protection... and I think it will last for years just as they say. A highly recommended item to buy if you are anticipating a severe change in financial circumstance.
  2. The Best Thing I Bought Before Leaving My Ex Was My Mooncup!


    I've been seriously considering getting one.
  3. The Best Thing I Bought Before Leaving My Ex Was My Mooncup!


    I will admit it was a bit tricky to insert at first but now it's second-nature. Nothing like a bit of incentive
  4. The Best Thing I Bought Before Leaving My Ex Was My Mooncup!


    I've heard lots of good things about them - you've just inspired me to look into it further!! Thanks xx
  5. The Best Thing I Bought Before Leaving My Ex Was My Mooncup!


    Yep best thing ever! I got one when I was still working and was great on my long shifts when I barely had a chance for a toilet break let alone deal with a period. And the best thing I've used while playing sports!

    I remember you around but haven't seen you here in ages. Hope you ok apart from this.
  6. The Best Thing I Bought Before Leaving My Ex Was My Mooncup!


    Hi Eenee Have you had a username change? PM if you don't wish to share publicly. And yes... I was a very active member for years back from about 2005. Since then there's been a lot of upheaval in my life... and a year of full time study while living at uni. I still live at uni but only study part time now (am trying to find more work). My life is slowly starting to calm down as a LOT of dust is resettling!
  7. The Best Thing I Bought Before Leaving My Ex Was My Mooncup!


    Good to hear things are settling down for you.

    Yep had a username change I was em... But the dots were making BB confused and malfunction so I would get other peoples homepage and settings page instead of my own so had to change to resolve it.
  8. The Best Thing I Bought Before Leaving My Ex Was My Mooncup!


    Yo, cups are awesome.
    Sorry to hear about your breakup, though. That sucks Hope things are going ok
  9. The Best Thing I Bought Before Leaving My Ex Was My Mooncup!


    Yay for the cup
    Glad the dust is settling. I'm an oldie around here so of course remember you x
  10. The Best Thing I Bought Before Leaving My Ex Was My Mooncup!


    They are a great investment. And the environment loves you more ow too. And no more dragging your bag into the toilets at work/uni.
  11. The Best Thing I Bought Before Leaving My Ex Was My Mooncup!


    You should send this to the mooncup people too. How awesome that it's offering you this independence and supporting you in so many ways.

    I'm sorry to hear about your breakup and it's lovely to see you on here .
  12. The Best Thing I Bought Before Leaving My Ex Was My Mooncup!


    Lovely to see you back Bath xxx Sorry to hear of your break up - hope you are ok.

    I have a cup but I've never used it. I got it before xmas time, and I was waiting for my AF to arrive in a few weeks so I could try it, and bugger me, the damn thing didn't come LOL
  13. The Best Thing I Bought Before Leaving My Ex Was My Mooncup!


    I knew you'd love it!!
    The only sport it doesn't really seem to suit very well is horse riding, I've found. Especially when I'm working on sitting trot - I think the pelvis becomes a bit wide for the cup and I get leaks into my jods, but that's a teeny thing, and it's absolutely perfect for surfing!