For $160 the kit comes with...

A copy of the best-seller Natural Fertility by Francesca Naish.

An easy-to-use NFM Contraception Workbook which includes:
full step-by-step instructions for learning the methods over the first few cycles and beyond twelve cycle charts for recording your observations guidelines for optimum reproductive health.

A Contraception CD which contains:
- Track 1- Francesca Naish introduces you to the NFM methods
- Track 2- Relaxation, visualisation and suggestions while you are learning these methods, and to help to synchronise your lunar and hormonal cycles. This will reduce your total number of fertile days and help to regulate your cycle.

A quality digital fertility thermometer, that reads your basal temperature to a hundredth of a degree.

An Order Card for your Personal Lunar Calculations and Moon Calendars for six full years, at no further cost to you.

A Time Machine (for adjusting your personal lunar calculations to different time zones when travelling).

I already have a Basal thermometer and I have done the online course on Fertility Friend. I have also researched the Billings Method which we plan to use in conjunction with a diaphram.

So would I be wasting my money by buying this product or has anyone found it really useful?